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Origin in 3 different

Natalia Arboleda 9

 are an indigenous people of chibcha speech and descendants of the culture

Tairona .They are located in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in
the departments of Magdalena and Cesar.
 They consider the mountains where they live as the heart of the world and the
well-being of the world depends on this place.
 For the Arhuacos, numbers influenced the creation of the universe and
conservation and represented the origin of beings. There are sacred numbers,
such as: one, two, four and nine. Four is a fundamental number in your
traditional practices, it represents the four elements of nature. The number nine
represents balance with the universe. System lacks zero, because from its
worldview for members of the Arhuaca culture there isn't void or nothing.
 Hinduism can be interpreted as a way of life, which is widely practiced in South
Asia. It is considered one of the oldest religions in the world and many who
practice it, as well as scholars, affirm its reference as Sanatana Dharma, "the
eternal tradition", or the "eternal way“, His belief is based on Karma and
reincarnation, taking it as a fundamental law for the good development of his
 Hinduism arose in India some 3,500 years ago, when the Aryans fell on
present-day Pakistan and India, invading, spreading, and settling them. These
brought some beliefs from Iran and Babylon, which apparently mixed with
existence in India.
 Jainism is a type of ancient religion in which there is a belief that there is no
divinity that is omnipotent, for them there is no entity that has created or
developed the universe, since for them and their thought the law is the that
provides rewards for all the actions that are carried out, and this is enough for
them, with these ideologies they manage to give an explanation to the origin of


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