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Introduction to Media and

Information Literacy
First Semester, Quarter 1
Week 1 – Week 2

Subject Teacher: Ms. Lory Mae C. Alcosaba

• Refers to people or groups of people imparting or exchanging
messages through speaking, writing, gestures or even using symbolic
forms by utilizing a variety of channels for sending and receiving.
• The exchange of information and the expression of feeling that can
result in understanding.
• The process by which messages or information is sent from one place
or person to another.

Verbal Non-verbal

Signs, color,
Oral Written gestures, body
language, or any
facial expressions.
1. Face to face
conversation 1. Printed or hand
written message
2. Speech
2. Email
3. Telephonic
Conversation 3. Letter
4. Video 4. Report
5. Radio 5. Memo
6. TV 6. etc
7. Voice over

Feedback Message

Receiver Encoding

Decoding Channel

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