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LI&R Valuations

Tutorial 5: M15 Appraisal Values

SEMESTER 2, 2020

© 2020 The Institute of Actuaries of Australia 1

LI&R Valuations
Tutorial 5: M15 Appraisal Values



© 2020 The Institute of Actuaries of Australia 2

LI&R Valuations
Tutorial 5: M15 Appraisal Values

Exercise 1
a) Describe the components of embedded value, and how its calculation may vary for different types of life insurance.
A proprietary life insurance company has written conventional with profits business within its With Profits Fund, and has
written unit-linked and conventional without profits business within its Non Profit Fund. All profits from the Non Profit
Fund are attributed to the shareholder.
Following each annual supervisory valuation, bonuses are declared on the with profits business and the cost of those
bonuses is added to the supervisory reserves. An annual transfer then takes place from the With Profits Fund to the Non
Profit Fund that is equal to 10% of the supervisory cost of the bonuses declared.
A summary of the annual valuation results is shown below. The assets are shown before any transfers between the Funds
have taken place.

© 2020 The Institute of Actuaries of Australia 3

LI&R Valuations
Tutorial 5: M15 Appraisal Values

Exercise 1
The present value of future shareholder profits for the With Profits Fund allows for an assumed level of bonus that will
gradually distribute the surplus assets in that fund over the lifetime of the policies, but does not include the shareholder
transfer due at the valuation date.
The regulatory solvency capital requirement is calculated as 4% of all conventional and non-unit reserves plus 1% of unit
The market in which the company operates uses two standard metrics when considering life insurance companies:
• the solvency ratio, which is calculated as the supervisory surplus (i.e. net assets) divided by the solvency capital
requirement and is presented as a percentage; and
• the embedded value.
b) Calculate the two standard metrics as at the valuation date, showing your workings.

© 2020 The Institute of Actuaries of Australia 4

LI&R Valuations
Tutorial 5: M15 Appraisal Values

Exercise 2
A life insurance company has only ever sold term assurance business. It has just finished
analysing its mortality experience for the past year. The conclusion of the study is that mortality
has worsened, requiring a change to the company’s mortality assumptions.

The company uses two sets of mortality assumptions in its embedded value calculation. One set is
used to project experience and is realistic; the other is used to calculate future reserves and is

Explain the impact on the company’s embedded value if:

(a) the realistic mortality assumptions were increased in isolation
(b) the reserving mortality assumptions were increased in isolation
(c) both sets of mortality assumptions were increased at the same time

© 2020 The Institute of Actuaries of Australia 5

LI&R Valuations
Tutorial 5: M15 Appraisal Values

Exercise 3 and 4

Tutorial 10 2B Oct 2017 AV Exam Questions.docx

Tutorial 10 C2B_Sem2_2016_Q2 AV.docx
Tutorial 10 C2B_Sem2_2016_Q2_spreadsheet.xlsx

© 2020 The Institute of Actuaries of Australia 6

LI&R Valuations
Tutorial 5: M15 Appraisal Values

Australian Exam Questions

Many of the Australian questions are just above solvable with the material in the valuation subject
but be careful to ignore Australian specifics. The questions are often a level higher than a
principles-based subject as some answers clearly need industry experience. However, they provide
good exam practice and will help develop your speed in calculation questions, learning to state the
obvious, and to use the information in a question.

Paper Question Comments

Oct 2017 Q2 [31 marks] AV – amended version covered in Tutorial 10
Oct 2016 Q2 [34 marks] AV - good spreadsheet practice
Apr 2012 Q2 [21 marks] AV – analysis if change over a year plus understanding the impact of a
change target capital

Oct 2011 Q3 [22 marks] AV - help with sorting out formulas for AV
Apr 2010 Q4 [19 marks] AV - description of basics
Oct 2009 Q3 [17 marks] AV - explaining results of an analysis of change
Apr 2008 Q5 [19 marks] AV - more explanation of EV.

© 2020 The Institute of Actuaries of Australia 7

LI&R Valuations
Tutorial 5: M15 Appraisal Values

About the Actuaries Institute Institute of Actuaries of Australia

The Actuaries Institute is the sole professional body for actuaries in Australia. ABN 69 000 423 656
The Institute provides expert comment on public policy issues where there is Level 2, 50 Carrington Street,
uncertainty of future financial outcomes. Actuaries have a reputation for a high Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
level of technical financial skills and integrity. They apply their risk t +61 (0) 2 9239 6100
management expertise to allocate capital efficiently, identify and mitigate f +61 (0) 2 9239 6170
emerging risks and to help maintain system integrity across multiple segments
of the financial and other sectors. This expertise enables the profession to
comment on a wide range of issues including life insurance, health insurance,
general insurance, climate change, retirement income policy, enterprise risk
and prudential regulation, finance and investment and health financing.
Published June 2020
© Institute of Actuaries of Australia 2020
All rights reserved

© 2020 The Institute of Actuaries of Australia 8

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