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Circulatory System of

Circulatory system
•Open type/lacunar type
•No blood vessels.
•Blood flow within body cavity.
Circulatory system
• A single, slender, tubular and pulsating
• Situated mid-dorsally in abdomen
• Suspended in a shallow pericardial sinus
• It is divided linear row of chambers
• Ostia- Slit like lateral opening
• Alary muscles- helps attached with the body
• Aorta- Frontal portion of heart within head and thorax.
• Colourless
• Hemoglobin absent
• Play no role in respiration
• Haemocyte is similar to phagocytic cell
Respiratory System of
Respiratory System of Grasshopper
•Spiracles- 10 pairs
•Tracheae- Air tube
•Air Sacs
•Total 10 pairs
•2 pair thoracic
•8 pair abdominal
•Valve- Regulate air
•Filtration apparatus-
Filter dust
•Spiracle open into atrium.
•Atrium well connected to
the trachea.
Respiratory system
• Net like structure
•Each Trachea consist- 3 layers.
a. Basement membrane: External epidermis
b. Middle- Epithelium
c. Intima- Inner
- Ctinidia-ring
•Dorsal longitudinal Tracheal Trunk
•Ventral longitudinal Tracheal Trunk
•Lateral longitudinal Tracheal Trunk
•Transverse Tracheal Trunk
Respiratory system of Grasshopper
Tracheole cell
•Polygonal cell
•End of Trachea
•Contain cytoplasm and cellular
•Produce Tracheole
Respiratory system
Respiration Mechanism
Respiration Mechanism
Respiratory system
Respiratory System
Respiratory system
Excretory system of Grasshopper
1. Fat body,
2. Nephrocytes,
3. Cuticle
4. Uricose gland -excretory in functions.
5. Malpighian tubule- main excretory
Malpighian tubule-
Malpighian Tubule
Location: Junction of midgut and
-Free end closed.
-Tubule float in Haemolymph of
-Wall made by single layer cell
-Externally covered by basement
- Microvilli having in internal layer within
brush border.
Malpighian tubule

Malpighian tubule
Reproductive system of grasshopper
• Male Reproductive system:
1. A pair of Testes
- Oval
- Lie side by side in the 3rd, 4th, 5th abdominal segments
2. Vasa efferentia
3. Vas deferens
4. Ejaculatory duct
5. Accessory gland
6. Seminal vesicle
7. Aedeagus/ penis
Female Reproductive system
•1. A pair ovaries:
- side by side in the middle of the abdomen
- Over the alimentary canal
- Consists 6 to 8 tapering, oblique ovarioles
2. One pair oviduct
3. Vagina
4. Female genital opening
5. Spermatheca
6. Colleterial gland
Life Cycle of Grasshopper
1. Copulation
2. Fertilization
3. Oviposition
4. Development
•Spermatheca- Sperm
•Male and Female pronuclei fused.
- Dig a short
tunnel in ground.
-20 eggs a
-200 eggs in
10 cluster.
-Both parents
dies somedays
after mating and
egg laying
Development of Grasshopper
•Continue for 3 weeks.
•At winter development stop.
•Resting period diapause.
•Spring- Egg hatch out into nymph
1.Lack wings
2.Incomplete genitalia-
3.Feed upon leaf and grows rapidly
4.Wings are developed
5.After 5 to 6 moults young become
Life Cycle of Grasshopper
Metamorphosis of Grasshopper
•Moulting/ Ecdysis
•5- 6 times Moulting
•Cast of exoskeleton as known as Exuvae
•Instar- In between two successive
•Egg hatch into First instar.
•Hormones- Protothoracicotropic ,
juvenile and Ecdysone
Life Cycle
Systematic position:
P- Arthropoda
C- Insecta
O- Orthoptera
F- Acrididae
G- Poekilocerous
Sp- Poeckilocerous pictus
Compound Eye
Compound Eye
Parts of Ommatidium
• Cornea
• Corneagen cell
• Crystalline cone cell
• Crystalline cone
• Irish pigment sheath
• Retinular cell
• Pigment sheath
• Rhabdom
• Basement membrane
• Optic nerve fibre
• Transparent cuticle
• Outside the
• It exhibits a large
numbers of hexagons
• Function: Light enters
Corneagen cell
• Beneath the cornea
• Two flat cell
• Modified epidermal cell
• Function:
• Secretion of these cell
• cornea is formed
Crystalline cone cell
• Four cells under the
Corneagen cell
• Under end is broad
• Inner end is long and
• tapering
• Also called Vitrellae
• Function:
• Secretion of crystalline
• cone cell formed
• crystaline cone.
Crystalline cone
• Surrounding the crystalline cone
• Transparent
• Cone shaped and refractile
• Function:
• It act as refractile organ
• Cornea, Corneagen cell, Crystalline cone cell and crystalline cone all together
form focusing part.
• Transparent elongated refractile structure
• Beneath the crystalline cone
• Formed by the secretion of Retinular cell
• It exist as Retinular central axis.
• Function: Light is received by the Rhabdom
Retinular cells
• Seven elongated cells
• Surrounding the Rhabdom
• Function
• Rhabdom is secreted by the Retinular cell
• Rhabdom and Retinular cell together form receptor region
Irish pigment sheath
• Pigment sheath sheath surrounding cone cells is called Irish pigment sheath
• Function
• Chromatophore take up different position according to the variation in the
intensity of the light
Retinal sheath
• Retinal sheath surrounding Retinular cells is called Irish retinal sheath.
• Function: Cover the Ommatidium completely.

• Mosaic / Apposition Image- Bright light

• Super position image- Dim light
-In bright light- Pigment cell spread – completely isolated adjacent
•No light can pass through one unit to another unit.
•Only longitudinal light ray forms image in the ommatidium.
•Each ommatidium forms a different but adjacent image and all the Ommatidia
produce apposition image.
Super position Image
•During dim light.
•Retinular sheath and Irish pigmented sheath
is confined around the cornea and
basement membrane.
•Ommatidia are not isolated.
•Light can pass through one Ommatidium to
another ommatidium.

Super position Image

•Retinular cell and Rhabdom be excited for

light coming their own as well as through
neighbouring lenses.
•Each ommatidium forms a complete image
of the entire field of vision .
• All the images together form a continuous
though partly overlapping.
Mosaic/ Apposition Image
• During bright light -Pigment cell spread – completely
isolated adjacent Ommatidium
• No light can pass through one unit to another unit.
• Only those rays of light can form an image which are
parallel to the longitudinal axis of an ommatidium .
• Pass directly through the center of the lens.
• Each ommatidium forms a different but adjacent image.
• All the Ommatidia of a compound


Grasshopper has
•Jointed appendages
•A segmented body
•An exoskeleton
Grasshopper Facts:

- Country: Worldwide
- Habitat: Leafy vegetation
- Locust common name.
- Harmful Insect.
Study the external parts of the grasshopper
Different Parts

• Head
• Thorax
• Abdomen
• Eyes,
• antennae,
• legs and
• wings

• The grasshopper has a

hard exoskeleton. That
means its skeleton is
located on the outside
of its body.
This skeleton is made of
The head
A Frontal View of the head
The compound eye
The grasshopper has two
compound eyes that are made
up of 2000 of individual
Observe the antennae

The grasshopper's head

has two antennae that
are able to feel and
smell what is nearby.
The mouth

• The mouthparts are a

set of movable jaws that
let the grasshopper
chomp its way through
grass blades.
The mouth parts
• Labrum - the broad upper lip
• Hypopharynx - the tongue
• Mandibles - two heavy blackish
jaws with teeth along the inner
margin. The mandibles move up
and down.
• Maxillae - two smaller jaws that
move side to side
• Labium - the lower lip
• Palp - maxillary and labial palps
are sensory appendages
The thorax
The legs
• Using huge hind legs, the
grasshopper makes
gigantic leaps into the air.
• Long legs are an
advantage for jumping,
because they increase the
distance over which the
jumper can push off the
The leg, continued
• The two rear legs are
specialized and
strengthened for
jumping, while the
front two pairs are
used only for walking
on the ground
The Wings

The two pairs of

grasshopper wings differ
in shape, structure, and
function. The hind pair
are responsible for
The abdomen

• The hind region of the

grasshopper’s body, the
abdomen, consists of 11
The Abdomen

The abdomen is built up of a series of upper plates

known as 'tergites' and lower plates known as
'sternites‘. It is held together by a tough yet
stretchable membrane
sex of grasshopper


Mouth parts of Grasshopper
Mouth Parts of Grasshopper (Labrum)
1. Labrum:
•- Flat
•- Semicircular movable
•- Articulated lower margin
of the clypeus.
-It forms the anterior wall of
preoral cavity
•Act as upper lip
•It serves to hold the food.
•Toung like
•Beneath the labrum
•Hanging the preoral cavity
•It consist narrow basal part and globular
distal part.
•It bears opening of the salivary duct.
• Either side of the preoral cavity.
• Large , heavy, triangular jaw.
• It is hard, horny and with toothed inner margin.
• It serves to masticate
the food.
• Lies on either side of preoral cavity.
• Immediately behind the mandible.
• It consist
• cardo,
• stipes, galea,
• Lacinia and
• 5 segmented
• Maxillary palp.
• It used to manipulating
• Food as it enters mouth.
• It consist three parts-
• 1. Submentum-base
• 2. Mantum-central bears
• 3 jointed
Labial palp
• 3. Ligula-distal
• It is forms the posterior
wall of the preoral cavity.
- It serves to hold the food.
Digestive System
It consists –
•1. Alimentary canal
•2. Digestive glands
Digestive system of Grasshopper
Digestive System(Cont)

•1. Alimentary canal:

•a. Fore gut
•b. Mid gut
•c. Hind gut
Fore Gut

•It includes-
•Preoral cavity
Fore Gut
Preoral cavity:
-round, terminal portion
-Surrounded with mouth
-Open at the pharynx
-Contain narrow and short
-Enter into crop through
Fore Gut( Cont.)
• Crop:
- Sac part
• Gizzard:
-thick walled,
- covered with cuticle
- triangular
Mid Gut

•Next to gizzard Mid gut starts

•It includes-
•Gastric caeca
Digestive System(Cont)
Mid Gut
• Stomach:
- Thin walled
- From frontal portion gastric caeca arise
Gastric caeca:
- Conical, elongated
Hind Gut

- It includes-
•Malpighian tubule
Digestive System(Cont)
Hind gut
• Malpighian tubule:
- Many tubular projections
- Junction in the midgut and hindgut
- Yellow in colour
- Hindgut differentiate into-
a.Anterior ileum
b. a slender middle colon
c.a posterior enlarge rectum
Hind gut
-Hindgut differentiate into-
a.Anterior ileum
b. a slender middle colon
c.a posterior enlarge rectum
d.Rectum open into outside
through anus.
Digestive gland

• 1. Salivary gland
• 2. Lining epithelium of mid gut
• 3 Hepatic caeca
Food, feeding and digestion
•Food: Leafy vegetable
- Food is held by- Fore legs, labrum , labium.
- Food is masticated by mandibles
- Food lubricated by saliva
Food and Feeding of grasshopper
Food digestion
- Crop: Reservoir
- Gizzard: grinder
- Hepatic caeca, Midgut: Amylase, tryptase, maltase, invertase, lipase
Circulatory System
• - Open type
• No vein
• Blood circulation within body cavity- haemocoel
• A single, slender, tubular and pulsating
• Situated mid-dorsally in abdomen
• Suspended in a shallow pericardial sinus
• It is divided linear row of chambers
• Ostia- Slit like lateral opening
• Alary muscles
Reproductive organs

Reproductive organs

Internal Organs
• Using a hand lens, identify as many of the internal organs as possible
• These are the parts of the
digestive system :
• Mouth
• Esophagus
• Crop
• Stomach
• Intestine
• Chewed food is stored in the
crop, digested in the
stomach, and absorbed in
the intestine.
Observe the digestive system
A little closer
The crop, gizzard and digestive caecae

• The digestive caecae

produce enzymes which
aid in digestion
Respiratory System

• You will probably NOT be able to see the small holes. on the side of
their bodies without your hand lens. These holes are called spiracles,
each hole leads to a large tube called a trachea. The large tubes
divide into small tubes that branch out to all the cells of the body.
This system of tubes carries oxygen to the cells and takes away the
carbon dioxide.
Respiratory System

• Do you see anything in

your grasshopper that
resembles a lung?
Respiratory System

• The grasshopper does not have a lung. How then

does it breathe?
• Air enters the spiracles and as the abdomen
expands and contracts, fresh air moves in and used
air moves out.
• The air enters the cells directly and is not
transferred to the blood- that’s why their blood is
yellow, not red- it contains no hemoglobin!
Circulatory System

The grasshopper’s circulatory

system is open- that means
that it does have a “heart”,
but the heart is more of a
muscular tube that collects
the blood and forces it to
the front of the body. The
blood freely flows
throughout the grasshopper
The Nervous System

• The grasshopper's brain

is located between its
eyes, above the
Cool fact…

• The grasshopper does not use its brain to walk or jump! It does that
without a brain.
• The brain is used to control the mouth and to send sensory
information to the rest of the body.
Excretory System

• There are a number of tubules between the large intestine and the
stomach. The outer end enters into the body cavity and takes in the
wastes. The wastes are carried into the large intestine and out
through the anus.

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