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● A.M : Ante Meridiem

● P.M : Post Meridiem
● Long hand : Jarum panjang
● Short hand : Jarum Pendek
● Second Hand : Jarum Detik
● Alarm clock : Jam beker
● Watch : Jam Tangan
● Hour : Jam
● Minute : menit
● Second : Detik
● O’ clock : Untuk jarum panjang yang tepat di angka 12
● Past : Lebih
● To : Kurang
● A Quarter : seperempat (15 menit)
● A half : Setengah (30 menit)

● 7:00 ● It's seven o'clock. ● It's seven p.m. / a.m.

● 12:00 ● It's twelve o'clock. ● It's noon / midnight.
● 3:10 ● It's three ten. ● It's ten (minutes) after three.
● 7:14 ● It's seven fourteen. ● It's fourteen after seven.
● 9:15
● It's nine fifteen. ● It's (a) quarter after nine.

● It's one twenty-one ● It's twenty-one minutes past one.
● It's eleven oh five. ● It's five after eleven.
● 11:05
● It's two oh nine. ● It's nine minutes past two.
● 2:09
● It's six thirty. ● It's half past six.
● 6:30 ● It's four fifty. ● It's ten minutes to five.
● 4:50 ● ● It's quarter to eleven.
It's ten forty-five.
● 10:45 ● It's eight thirty-five ● It's twenty-five minutes to nine.
● 8:35

Day Month
● January = Januari Date
- Writing and saying the date in American
● Monday = Senin ● February = Februari
● Tuesday = Selasa ● March = Maret
● April = April - Aturan: Month – Day – Year
● Wednesday = Rabu
● Thursday = Kamis ● May = Mei
● June = Juni You Write:
● Friday = Jumat January 1st, 2019

● July = Juli
Saturday = Sabtu You Say:
● August = Agustus
● Sunday = Minggu January the first, two thousand and ninteen /
● September = September
● October = Oktober twenty and nineteen
● November = November
● December = Desember *USING AMERICAN ACCENT
● Sample sentences and the correct prepositions:
I was born in (Use inwith the year.)
I was born in (Use inwith the month.)
I was born on12th May, 2000. (Use on in the complete date.)
● Abbreviations BC, AD, BCE, CE
Kadang-kadang BC atau AD ditambahkan setelah tahun.
1060BC(ten sixty Before Christ)
1060AD(ten sixty Anno Domini) – This is Latin for in the year of the Lord
● The abbrevations BCE or CE are becoming more and more common today.
1060 BCE(ten sixty Before the Common/Current/Christian Era)
1060 CE(ten sixty Common/Current/Christian Era)
1060 BC = 1060 BCE
Dalam membaca tahun biasanya kita memisahkan tahun dalam puluhan.
1985is split up in 19 and 85. (You say: nineteen eighty-five). Dari 2000 sampai 2009
tahunnya tidak dipisahkan.
● 2000 = two thousand
● 2001 = two thousand (and) one
Dalam pengucapan dan penulisan tahun kata and sering ditinggalkan. Kemudian dari
2010 dalam tahun dipisahkan kembali.
2010 is split up in 20 and 10. (You say: twenty ten).

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