A. Preposition: in Di Dalam Contoh: - Daerah/Kota/Negara - Tahun - Suasana (In The Morning) - Tempat Wisata

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 In = Di Dalam
contoh : - Daerah/Kota/Negara
- Tahun
- Suasana (In The Morning)
- Tempat Wisata

 On = Di Atas (Menempel)
exampel : - Hari 29 Januari 2019
- Bulan On January 29th 2019
- Tanggal
- Nama Jalan ( Tanpa Nomor)
 At = Last
exampel : - Last Night
- Nama Jalan (Dengan
- Waktu
- Posisi

I was born in solo
I was born on March 20th 2019
I was born at 10.15 pm
B. Sentense

 Simpel Past Tense

kejadian / peristiwa yang sudah terjadi / lampau

Rumus : (+) S + to be + v2
(-) S + did not + v1
(?) did + S + v1 + ?
 Simpel Present Tense

- Today
- Now
- At Now

Rumus : (+) S + to be + v1
(-) S + do/does + not + v1
(?) do/does + S + v1 + ?
 Simpel Present Perfect

Kejadian yang sudah terjadi & masih

berlangsung sampai saat ini

Rumus : (+) S + have/has + v3

(-) S + have/has + not + v3
(?) have/has + S + v3 + ?
 Time To Us

Just Since
Already Ever
Once Never
Twice Lat elly
For Recentlly

Rumus : S + have/has + v3
C. Congratulation (ucapan selamat)

 Congratulation
-i`m very proud of you !
-that`s wonderful !
-good for you !
-best of luck !
-well done
 Responding
-it`s very good of you to say so
-thank you, I can`t forgot your help to
-how nice of you to say so
-thank you very much for saying so
-i`m glad you think so
oh, actually it`s nothing special
D. Announcement teks

Is to inform something related to an event, job,

new admission, new enuiranment, and so on to
public officially.

Generic structure :
1. Title (judul)
bagian terpenting dalam pengumuman
karena bagian ini dapat mewakili informasi
yang terkandung dalam teks
2. Explanation
penjelasan bagian selanjutnya yang berisikan
penjelasan lebih lanjut mengenai pengumuman

Language structure :
simple present tense and simple future tense
present : S + v1 to be + v2 to be + v1 S + will +
future : S + will (was/were) (is,am,are)
Parts of the Announcement text
*title/type of the event
*date and time of the event
*place of the event
*contact person/address

Kinds of Announcement
*berita duka
*berita pernikahan
*pengumuman pemenang
*pengumuman orang hilang
E. Descriptive text

menjelaskan, mendeskripsikan, menjelaskan suatu


kualitas, karakter, bentuk
F. Expression of intertion


Be going to will

Direncanakan spontan
Rumus Rumus
(+) s+be going to+v1 (+)s+will+v1
(-)s+be not going to+v1 (-)s+will not+v1
(?)be+s+going to+v1 (?)will+s+v1

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