Noe 4 Ed 07

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fundamentals of

Human Resource Management 4th edition

by R.A. Noe, J.R. Hollenbeck, B. Gerhart, and P.M. Wright

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Training Employees

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º at Do I Need to Know?

1. Discuss ow to link training programs to

organizational needs.
2. Explain ow to assess t e need for training.
3. Explain ow to assess employees͛ readiness
for training.
4. Describe ow to plan an effective training
5. Compare widely used training met ods.

º at Do I Need to Know? (continued)

6. Summarize ow to implement a successful

training program.
7. Evaluate t e success of a training program.
8. Describe training met ods for employee
orientation and diversity management.



an organization͛s planned efforts to
elp employees acquire job-related
knowledge, skills, abilities, and be aviors, wit
t e goal of applying t ese on t e job.
§ Training can benefit t e organization w en it
is linked to organizational needs and w en it
motivates employees.

Training Linked to Organizational Needs

§ T e nature of t e modern business

environment makes training important.
§ Rapid c ange requires t at employees
continually learn new skills.
§ Growing reliance on teamwork creates a
demand for t e ability to solve problems in
teams, an ability t at often requires formal

ëour Experience

§ aave you participated in a company

sponsored training program?
§ If yes, was t e training effective?
§ aow do you know

Instructional Design

§ n effective training § u

program is designed to process of
teac skills and systematically
be aviors t at will elp developing training to
t e organization meet specified needs.
ac ieve its goals.
§ aR professionals
approac training
t roug   

 .

§ £fizer employees go t roug a representative training
p ase w ic teac es t em about different £fizer
products and ow to market t em.
§ ºorkers typically need to be trained in several
processes to work in flexible manufacturing.

åigure 7.1:
Stages of

Learning Management System

§ 2

2  a
computer application t at automates t e
administration, development, and delivery of
training programs.
§ LMS is being used by organizations to carry
out t e instructional design process more
efficiently and effectively.

Learning Management System (continued)

§ T e system can be linked to t e organization͛s

performance management system to plan for
and manage:
training needs
training outcomes
associated rewards

Needs ssessment
 t e process of evaluating
t e organization, individual employees, and
employees͛ tasks to determine w at kinds of
training, if any, are necessary.
§ Needs assessment answers t ree questions:







Needs ssessment: Ú  

§ Ú 

  a process for
determining t e appropriateness of training
by evaluating t e c aracteristics of t e
§ T e organization analysis looks at training
needs in t e lig t of:
t e organization͛s strategy,
resources available for training, and
management͛s support for training activities.
Needs ssessment: £  


  a process of determining
individuals͛ needs and readiness for training.
§ It involves answering t ree questions:
1. Do performance deficiencies result from a lack
of knowledge, skill, or ability?
2. º o needs training?
3. re t ese employees ready for training?

Needs ssessment: T  

  t e process of identifying and
analyzing tasks to be trained for.
§ To carry out t e task analysis, t e conditions
in w ic tasks are performed are looked at.
T e equipment and environment of t e job
Time constraints
Safety considerations
£erformance standards

Table 7.1: Sample Items from a Task
nalysis Questionnaire

Test ëour Knowledge

§ n examination of t e causes of performance

deficiencies in a group or individual is called:
. Organizational analysis
B. Task analysis
C. £erson analysis
D. Needs analysis

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Test ëour Knowledge

§ Training most effectively addresses:

. Motivation problems
B. Skill and ability deficiencies
C. Lack of performance feedback
D. Lack of resources to do job

Readiness for Training


a combination of
employee c aracteristics and positive work
environment t at permit training.
§ T e necessary 
bility to learn t e subject matter
åavorable attitudes toward t e training
Motivation to learn
§        encourages
learning and avoids interfering wit training.

Table 7.2: º at Managers S ould Do to
Support Training

Test ëour Knowledge

§ º ic of t e following comments from a

manager would support training?


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£lanning t e Training £rogram

§ £lanning begins wit establis ing   for

t e training program.
§ Based on t ose objectives, t e planner decides:
º o will provide t e training
º at topics t e training will cover
º at training met ods to use
aow to evaluate t e training

C aracteristics of Effective
T Ú 
§ T ey include a statement of:
º at t e employee is expected to do
T e quality or level of acceptable performance
T e conditions under w ic t e employee is to
apply w at e or s e learned
§ T ey include measurable performance
§ T ey identify t e resources needed to carry
out t e desired performance or outcome.

In-aouse or Contracted Out?

ëour Experience

§ º at types of training ave you taken?

. Classroom/£resentation
B. aands-on
C. Team training
D. Combination

Table 7.3: Categories of Training Met ods

Training Met ods





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