Domain Name System Security: Rabia Noreen L1S10MSCS0002

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Domain Name System


Rabia Noreen
What is DNS?
Domain Name System
Domain Name System(Service or Server), an
Internet service that translates domain names into
IP addresses. Because domain names are
alphabetic, they're easier to remember. The
Internet however, is really based on IP addresses.
Need Of Domain Name System
 Humans can’t think like computers. They just
can’t remember dozens of IP addresses. They
need easy-to-remember names to locate their mail
server or their favorite web pages. For example,
instead of typing an IP-number like140.90.99.144
on your browser you type in

 Another reason is that if you have to change IP

address for whatever reason, the name can
remain the same as long as DNS gets updated.
How DNS Works
DNS Server

DNS server is a special type of computer

on the Internet used to support the
Domain Name System.
DNS works on application layer.
DNS Name Space

DNS is a hierarchical system. DNS

organizes all registered names in a tree
DNS work in hierarchy
Root domain
This is the top of the tree, DNS domain name, it is
stated by a trailing period (.) to designate that the
name is located at the root or highest level of the
domain hierarchy. In this instance, the DNS
domain name is considered to be complete and
points to an exact location in the tree of names.
Top-Level Domain

A name used to indicate a country/region or

the type of organization using a name.

““.com”, which indicates a name registered
to a business for commercial use on the
Second-Level Domain
Variable-length names registered to an individual
or organization for use on the Internet.

““ ”, which is the second-level
domain name registered to Microsoft by the
Internet DNS domain name registrar.
Sub Domain
Additional names that an organization can create
that are derived from the registered second-level
domain name.

“”, which is a sub domain
assigned by Microsoft.
Host Or Resource Name
Names that represent a leaf in the DNS tree of
names and identify a specific resource. Typically,
the leftmost label of a DNS domain name identifies
a specific computer on the network.
““”, where the first
label (“host-a”) is the DNS host name for a
specific computer on the network.
DNS Query Types
Why Domain Name System
 DNS data is too readily changed, removed
or replaced between the “server” and the
 This can happen in multiple places in the
DNS architecture.
DNS Attacks
 DNS cache poisoning
 DNS spoofing
 DNS ID hacking
DNS Cache Poisoning
It is a security or data integrity compromise
in the Domain Name System (DNS). The
compromise occurs when data is introduced
into a DNS name server's cache database
that did not originate from authoritative
DNS sources.
DNS Cache Poisoning
DNS Spoofing

DNS Servers keep a database of domain

names and corresponding IP addresses.
DNS Spoofing attacks are made by
changing a domain name entry of a
legitimate server in the DNS server to point
to some IP other than it, and then hijacking
the identity of the server.
DNS Spoofing
DNS ID Hacking
DNS uses ID number to identify queries and
answer, so the hacker needs to find the ID
the client is waiting for.
For that, he will use DNS ID hacking. With
DNS spoofing, the hacker will try to
impersonate the DNS reply so that the
requesting client is misdirected, but
without touching the DNS cache of the
impersonated DNS.
DNS ID Hacking
Attacks Objectives

 Denial of Service
 Masquerading
 Client Flooding

DNSSEC provides cryptographic

proof that the data received in
response to a query is correct.
 Key Distribution
 Data Origin Authentication
 DNS Transaction and Request
How Do We Secure DNS?
 DNSSEC is based on public key
(asymmetrical) cryptography
 Private key is used to sign DNS data
 Public key is published via DNS so that
validators can retrieve it
 The public key is then used to validate
the signatures, and there-by, the DNS
Extensive use of public key cryptography to
 Authentication of origin
 Data Integrity
 Denial of services

No attempt to provide confidentiality

Thank You
If you have any query than you
can ask.

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