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Chapter 6

In Sunny Spain (1882-1885)

The Reasons why Rizal studied abroad
Rizal finished his 4th year of the medical course in the
University of Santo Tomas.
He then decided to complete his studies in Spain
because of his disliking on the old method of teaching
and racism of the professors towards the Filipino
The type of government Spain was running which
included liberty, freedom of speech, freedom of press
and freedom of assembly.
“The Secret Mission”
Rizal’s Secret Mission
Is to observe keenly the life and culture, languages and
customs, industries and commerce, and governments
and laws of the European nations in order to prepare
himself of liberating the Filipinos.

Paciano wanted Rizal to study in Barcelona and not in
Madrid as he thinks it would be more beneficial for his
younger brother.
Secret departure for Spain
The travels of Rizal was kept secret so to avoid
detection from the Spanish authorities and friars.
Even the parents of Rizal did not know of this
especially his mother.
Only a few of his friends knew of his journey
Before he went on to his secret departure he wrote a
farewell to his parents and to his girlfriend Leonor
May 3, 1882, borded the Spanish streamer, Salvador,
to Singapore.
There was 16 passengers in total including Rizal which composed of all ages with
Spaniards, British and Indian Negroes that boarded the

The captain of ship was Donato Lencha who was from Austaris, Spain befriended
our hero.

May 8, 1882 Rizal saw a beautiful island of which reminded him of “Talim Islan
with Susong Dalaga”

May 9 the Salvadora docked at Singapore and Rizal then checked in at the Hotel
de la Paz and spent two days sightseeing the City.

He saw many beautiful sights such as the Botanical Garden, Buddhist Temples,
the busy shopping district and statue of Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles (Founder of
From Singapore to Colombo
Rizal transferred to a ship called Djemnah, a french
streamer which left Singapore on May 11.
May 17, the Djemnah reach Point Galle, A seacost town
in southern Cylon of which he wrote in his travel diary
“ The General Apperance of Point Galle is picturesque,
but lonely and quiet and at the same time sad.
The following day he then arrived to Colombo, the
capital of Ceylon of which he wrote in his travel diary
“Colombo is more beautiful, smart and elegant than
Singapore, Point Galle and Manila.
First Trip through Suez Canal
The Streamer crossed the Indian Ocean to the cape of
Guardafui, Africa when Rizal saw the barren coast he
described it as an “inhospitaable land but famous”
The Streamer stopped over in Aden and Rizal found it
even hotter than Manila.
The Streamer continued to the city of Suez, the Red
Sea terminal of the Suez Canal.
It took the Streamer 5 days to travel the Suez Canal
and Rizal was thrilled because the canal was built by
Ferdinand de Lesseps
Naples and Marseilles
June 11, Rizal reached Naples an Italian City.
June 12, Rizal visited the famous Chateau d’lf, where
Dantes, hero of the Count of Monte Cristo was
June 16 1882 Rizal Arrived at Barcelona.
Rizal’s first impression of Barcelona was it was ugly, with dirty
little inns and inhospitable residents because he happened to
stay at his arrival at a dingy inn but later on he changed his bad
impressions and came to like the city.

He found it to be a really great city with an atmosphere of

freedom and liberalism and its people were open-hearted,
hospitable and courageous and he enjoyed promenading along
Las Ramblas, the most famous street in Barcelona.

The Filipinos in Barcelona welcomed Rizal of which he was his

former classmates in Ateneo.
Amor Patrio (Love of Country)
Nationalistic essay.
His first written Article in Spain of which he sent to
Basilio Teodoro Moran, publisher of Diarong Tagalog.
Appeared in Diarong Tagalong August 20 1882 and It
was published in two texts; Tagalog and Spanish of
which Marcelo H. dal Pilar translated the spanish text.
Because of the Brilliance of this essay, Rizal was
requested to create another entitled “Los Viajes”
Manila moves to Madrid
Rizal received sad news about the Cholera that was
ravaging Manila. Many people have died and more
were dying daily and constant prayers to God were
made to hopefully stop this dreadful epidemic of
which health authorities were reluctant to help
according to Paciano’s letter.
Chengoy sent a letter to Rizal stating the Leonor
Rivera was getting thinner because of the absence of a
loved one.
Rizal left Barcelona and went to Madrid.
Life in Madrid
November 3, 1882 Rizal enrolled in the University
Central de Madrid (Central University of Madrid) in 2
courses. Medicine and Philosophy and letters.
He also studied painting and sculpture in the Academy
of Fine Arts of San Fernando.
Took lessons in French, German and English from
private instructors and practiced fencing and shooting
the Halls of Arms of Sanz y Carbonell.
He visited the art gallaries and museums and read books
on all subjects including military engineering in order to
broaden his cultural background.
Life in Madrid
Rizal led a spartan life in Madrid.
He frugally and budgeted his money only on clothes,
lodging, books.
He spent his leiusre times reading and writing at his
boarding house, attending the reunions of Filipino
students at the house of Paterno Brothers and
practiced fencing and shooting at the gymanisium.
And sometimes having coffee at the Antigua Café de
Don Pablo Ortigay Y Rey
City Mayor of Manila during the administration of
liberal governor general Carlos Ma. de la Torre (1869-
His daughter’s name is Conseulo and his son’s name is
Was later promoted vice-president of the Council of
the Philippines in the Ministry of Colonies (Ultramar)
Romance with Conseulo Ortiga y Perez
Rizal composed a love poem dedicated to her titled “A
La Senorita C. O. y P. (To Miss C. O. y P.)
However before the romance could blossom, Rizal
blacked out for 2 reasons:
(1) He was still engaged to Leonor Rivera
(2) His friend in the Propaganda Movement, Eduardo
de Lete, Was madly inlove with Conseulo and he did
not with to break their friendship over a pretty girl.
They Ask Me For Verses
1882- Rizal joined the “Circulo Hispano-Filipino”
(Hispano-Philippine Circle)
He wrote a peom entitled “Me Piden Versos” (They
Ask Me For Verses) during the New Year’s eve
reception of the Madrid Filipinos held in December 31,
Rizal as Lover of Books
Books were Rizal’s favorite past time and with the
money he saved he got to buy books from a second
hand book store owned by Senor Roses.
Rizal had private collection of books but he was
deeply affected by Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s
Cabin and Eugen Sue’s The Wandering Jew
because theses 2 books around his sympathy for
the oppressed and unfortunate people.
Rizal’s First Visit to Paris (1883)
On summer vacation in Madrid, Rizal went to Paris
and he was checked in the Hotel de Paris on 37 Rue de
Maubange and then later moved to a cheaper hotel on
124 Rue de Rennes in the Latin Quarter.
Like all tourist Rizal was amazed of the sights in Paris
but unlike common tourist, Rizal improved his mind
by observing its culture and spent many hours in
Museums and hosptials.
Rizal as a Mason
Rizal joined the Masonic lodge called “Acacia” in
March 1883.
His reason for becoming a Mason was to secure
Freemansory’s aid in his fight against the friars in the
In the later he transferred to Lodge Solidaridad
(Madrid), where he became a Master Mason
November 15, 1890.
November 13 1892 awarded the diploma as Master
Mason by le Grande Orient de France in Paris
Rizal wrote a lecture entitled “Science, Virtue and
Labor” which he delivered in 1889 at Lodge
Solidaridad Madrid.
Financial Worries
Rizal’s Salute to Luna and
Rizal Involved in Student
Studies Complete in

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