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Kelompok 6

Anisa Yulia Nabilah

Muhammad Bagus Abiyyu
Shelin Yeremia A.B
Devising test Task
What is devising test task?
Exmaple of factor that considered in advising test item
How student will perceive them (face validity)
The extent to which aunthentic language and contexts are present
Potential difficulty caused by cultural schemata
The length of the listening stimuli
How well story line comes acroos
How things like the cloze testing format will work
In revising your draft, you will·want to ask yourself some important questions:
1. Are the directions to each section absolutely clear?
2. Is there an example item for each section?
3. Does each item measure a specified objective?
4. Is each item stated in clear, simple language?
5. Does each multiple-choice item have appropriate distractors; that is, are the wrong items clearly wrong and
yet sufficiently "alluring" that-they~a-ten't ridiculously easy? (See below for a primer on creating effective
6. Is the difficulty of each item appropriate for your students?
7. Is the language of each item sufficiently authentic?
8. Do the sum of the items and the test as a whole adequately reflect the
learning objectives?
Designing Multiple-Choice Test The two prinCiples that stand out in support of
Item multiple-choice formats
The weaknesses of multiple- Practicality
choice items: reliability.
• The technique tests only
recognition knowledge.
• Guessig may have a considerabIe
effect on test scores.
• The technique severely restricts
what can be tested.
• It is very difficult to write
successful items.
• Washback,may be harmful.
• Cheating may be facilitated.
01 Design each item to
measure a specific 02
State both stem and
options as simply and
objective directly as possible
  Multiple-choice cloze item,
Multiple-choice item, revised flawed
My eyesight has really been
Where did George go after
deteriorating lately. I wonder if
the party last night?
I need glasses. I think I’d better
Yes, he did.
go to the _____________ to
Because he was tired. have my eyes checked.
To Elaine’s place for another Pediatrician
party. Dermatologist
Around eleven o’clock. Optometrist
Multiple-choice item, flawed Multiple-choice item, flawed
Excuse me, do you know We went to visit the temples,
_________? _________fascinating.
Where is the post office Which were beautiful
Where the post office is Which were especially
Where post office is Which were holy
3. Make certain that the intended answer is clearly
the only correct one.
4. Use item indices to accept, discard, or revise items.

The appropriate selection and arrangement of suitable multiple-choice items

on a test can best be accomplished by measuring items against three indices: item
facility (or item difficulty), item discrimination (sometimes called item differentiation),
and distractor analasiss.
Scoring, Grading, and Giving Feedback

Scoring plan reflects the relative weight that place on each

section and items in each section.
With scoring we can see the performance result of the

• The listening and reading items are each worth 2 points.

• The oral interview will yield four scores ranging from 5 to 1 points, reflecting
fluency, prosodic features, accuracy of the target grammatical objectives, and
discourse appropriateness. To weight these scores appropriately, you will double
each individual score and then add them together for a possible total Score of 40
points. (Chapters 4 and 7 will deal more extensively*with scoring and assessing
oral production performance.)
• The writing sample has two scores: one for grammar/mechanics (including the
correct use of so and because) and one for overall effectiveness of the message,
each ranging from 5 to 1 points. Again, to achieve the correct weight for writing,
you will double each score and add them, so the possible total is 20 points.
(Chapters 4 and 9 will deal in depth with scoring and assessing writing
Then by scoring we will have valuable information about
how easy or difficult the exam is, about whether the time
limit makes sense, about your students' affective reactions
to it, and about general performance about students.

Grading is assigning student’s performance by giving a letter like A, B,

and so on. How teacher establish the letter are depends on:
1. The country, culture, and context of English classroom
2. Institutional expectation
3. Explicit and implicit definitions of grades that you have set forth
4. The relationship you have established with the class
5. Student expectation
Giving Feedback
It is an additional consideration of scoring and grading in which you will
offer feedback that you want to become beneficial washback. You might
choose to return the test with one of any possibilities below:
d. A post interview conference go over the
1. A letter grade results
2. A total score 6. On the essay
3. Four subscores a. scores for each element being rated
4. For the listening and reading sections b. A checklist of areas needing work
a. an indication of correct/incorrect c. Marginal and end-of-essay comment,
responses suggestions
b. marginal comments d. A post test conference to go over work
5. For the oral interview 7. On all or selected parts of the test, peer
a. scores for each element being rated checking of result
b. A checklist of area needing work 8. A whole-class discussion of results of the test
c. Oral feedback after interview 9. Individual conferences with each student to
review the whole test.

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