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September 11 , 2001


Bizu Tudor Costin

Clasa a X a E
September 11th, 2001 –
• September 11th, 2001: 19 extremist al-Qaeda
terrorists hijacked four passenger airplanes
September 11th, 2001 –
• Two planes were flown into the World Trade
Center in New York City
• One hit the Pentagon in Washington D.C.
• Another crashed in a field in Pennsylvania
September 11th, 2001

• At 8:46 am,
American Airlines
Flight 11 struck the
North Tower of the
World Trade Center
• At first, many people
believed it was an
September 11 , 2001

• The New York Police

Department and New
York Fire Department
responded immediately
• The Port Authority
Police began to
evacuate the North
September 11 , 2001 th

• Four minutes after the

plane struck the North
Tower, President Bush was
• While reading to an
elementary school class in
Florida, he was informed of
the second plane hitting the
President Bush being notified of the second World Trade Center
plane hitting the World Trade Center
• At 9:02 am, the South
Tower started to be
September 11th, 2001
• 9:03 am, United Airlines
Flight 175 crashes into
the South Tower
• At this point, people
realize that these were
not accidents
September 11 , 2001

• 9:31 am, President

Bush calls the events
in New York City an
apparent terrorist
September 11 , 2001

• 9:37 am, American

Airlines Flight 77
crashes into the
Pentagon (the
headquarters of the
United States
Department of
September 11 , 2001 th

• 9:42 am, for the first time in history, all flights

over or heading to the United States are

A radar view of U.S. airspace on September 11th, 2001,

before all flights were grounded
September 11 , 2001th

• 9:52 am, the South

Tower of the World
Trade Center collapses
• Although the North
Tower was struck first,
the South Tower was
the first to collapse
because of where it
was struck
September 11 , 2001 th

• 10:07 am, after phoning

family on the ground,
passengers aboard the
hijacked United Flight 93
learn of the other planes
being hijacked and
The aircraft used for Flight 93, three days intentionally crashed
prior to the September 11th attacks
• The passengers decide
to attempt to retake the
September 11 , 2001 th

• Hijackers deliberately
crashed Flight 93 into a field
in Pennsylvania when the
passengers attempted to
regain control of the plane
• The plane was headed
towards Washington D.C.,
with the target believed to
be either the Capitol
Building or the White House
September 11th, 2001

• At 10:28 am, 102

minutes after first
being struck, the
North Tower of the
World Trade Center
September 11 , 2001th

• 8:30 pm, President

Bush addresses the
nation saying America
will “stand together to
win the war against
• George W. Bush 9/11 speech
September 11th, 2001

• 2977 victims died

on September 11th
– This does not
include victims who
later died from
exposure to dust
from the site
National September 11th Memorial and Museum in
New York City
September 11 , 2001 th

• 227 victims were

on the four
hijacked planes
– 194 passengers
– 33 airline crew

National September 11th Memorial and Museum in

New York City
September 11 , 2001 th

• 2,606 victims were in the

towers or on the ground in
New York City
• Included:
– 343 New York City Fire
Department firefighters
– 23 New York City Police
Department officers
– 37 Port Authority Police
Department officers
September 11 , 2001

• 125 military and

civilian victims died
at the Pentagon
September 11 , 2001

• 35 victims were killed

when United Flight 93
crashed into a field
near Shanksville,
• No one on the ground
was injured
Who Was Responsible for 9/11?
• The hijackers were
extremist Islamic terrorists
funded by al-Qaeda
• Al-Qaeda: a militant
Islamic organization
founded by Osama bin
Who Was Responsible for 9/11?
• Osama bin Laden was already
on the FBI’s most wanted list
for his involvement in the
1998 bombings of U.S.
embassies in Kenya and
• Initially bin Laden denied
involvement in the attack
• In a videotaped message in
2004, bin Laden admitted his
Who Was Responsible for 9/11?
• Motives for the attack
– U.S. support of Israel
– The presence of U.S.
troops in Saudi Arabia
– U.S. support of
governments in Egypt,
Saudi Arabia, and Jordan
– U.S. involvement in the
Persian Gulf War
Who Was Responsible for 9/11?
• Another organization, the
Taliban, a political group
from Afghanistan, had
been protecting Osama
Bin Laden before the
• President Bush had stated
the United States “will
make no distinction
between the terrorists and
those who harbor them”
September 11 , 2001

• In response to the attacks, the United States

launched Operation Enduring Freedom, an
effort to destroy Osama bin Laden’s terrorist
network in Afghanistan
• Osama bin Laden would remain in hiding after
the attacks
September 11 , 2001 th

• On May 2nd, 2011,

U.S. Navy SEALs
raided a compound in
• Osama bin Laden was
found there and killed
President Obama and Vice President Biden
awaiting updates on the raid
September 11 , 2001

• While it was a sad and

tragic day in American
history, Americans can be
proud of the many acts
of heroism committed by
citizens on 9/11
• The following are just a
few of the many
September 11 , 2001 th

• Welles Crowther:
– Worked in the South Tower as an
equities trader
– Was also a former volunteer
– When the plane struck, he
helped people out of the building
and saved at least 18 lives
– Exited and entered the South
Tower at least three times
– Was killed with firefighters when
the South Tower collapsed
September 11 , 2001

• Ronald Bucca:
– Was a firefighter for 23 years
and had spent 29 years in the
– Bucca and a fellow firefighter,
Orio Palmer, made it to the
impact zone on the 78th floor of
the South Tower
– Is the only fire marshal in the
history of the New York Fire
Department to be killed in the
line of duty
September 11 , 2001 th

• Todd Beamer:
– Passenger aboard United Flight 93
– Upon learning of the other planes
being hijacked and crashed,
Beamer and fellow passengers
decided to take action and
attempted to retake the plane
– His last recorded words were, "Are
you ready? Okay. Let's roll."
• Everyone on Flight 93 was killed,
but their actions undoubtedly
saved lives on the ground
September 11th, 2001

• One World Trade Center,

also called the “Freedom
Tower” now stands at the
World Trade Center site
• At 1,776 feet, it is the tallest
building in the United States
• Its height has symbolic
meaning as 1776 is the year
of the Declaration of

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