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Big Five (Costa & McCrae)

 Five basic dimensions that are very broad

 6 facets within each dimension (which are more

1. Extraversion
2. Agreeableness
3. Conscientiousness
4. Neuroticism
5. Openness to Experience
Factor I: Extraversion
 Talkative, Assertive, Active, Energetic,
Outgoing, Outspoken, Dominant, Forceful,
Enthusiastic, Show-off, Sociable, Spunky,
Adventurous, Noisy, Bossy
 versus Quiet, Reserved, Shy, Silent,
Withdrawn, Retiring
 Enjoy being with others
 High energy
 Tendency to experience positive emotions

 Low scorers:
– Quiet, less engaged in social world
– NOT shyness or depression
Extraversion Facets
1. Friendliness
• like others and easily reach out to other people…distant and reserved
2. Gregariousness
• Enjoy being around others, like crowds…need more privacy and time to
self, dislike crowds
3. Assertievness
• Like to speak out, take charge, leaders…let others control group direction
4. Activity Level
• Much action, energetic, quick…slower paced, less activity
5. Excitement-Seeking
• Easily bored, seek thrills…unlikely to take risks, adverse to thrill-seeking
6. Cheerfulness
• High on positive emotions such as happiness, optimism, enthusiasm, and
joy…low scores don’t’ experience as much joy (but NOT depressed)
Factor II: Agreeableness
 Sympathetic, Kind, Appreciative,
Affectionate, Soft-hearted, Warm,
Generous, Trusting, Helpful, Forgiving,
Pleasant, Good-natured, Friendly,
Cooperative, Gentle, Unselfish, Praising,
 versus Fault-finding, Cold, Unfriendly,
Quarrelsome, Hard-hearted, Unkind, Cruel,
 Social harmony, ability to get along with

 Low: mistrustful of others, difficulty

getting along with others
Agreeableness Facets
1. Trust
2. Morality
3. Altruism
4. Cooperation
5. Modesty
6. Sympathy
Factor III: Conscientiousness
 Organized, Thorough, Planful, Efficient,
Responsible, Reliable, Dependable,
Conscientious, Precise, Practical,
Deliberate, Painstaking
 versus Careless, Disorderly, Frivolous,
Irresponsible, Slipshod, Undependable,
 Deliberate in actions, controlled, planful

 Low: impulsive
Conscientiousness Facets
1. Self-efficacy
2. Orderliness
3. Dutifulness
4. Achievement Striving
5. Self-discipline
6. Cautiousness
Factor IV: Neuroticism
 Tense, Anxious, Nervous, Moody,
Worrying, Touchy, Fearful, High-strung,
Self-pitying, Temperamental, Unstable,
Self-punishing, Despondent, Emotional
 versus [Emotional stability, Emotional
control, Ego strength]
 Tendency to experience negative
(unpleasant) feelings

 Emotionally reactive, intense

 On other end: calm, emotionally stable,

free from persistent negative feelings
Neuroticism Facets
1. Anxiety – sense of danger or threat
• Tense, jittery, nervous …calm, fearless
2. Anger
3. Depression – feel sad, dejected, low
• Lack energey, feel dejected….free from depressive feelings
4. Self-consciousness – sensitive to what others think of them
• feel uncomfortable around others, easily embarrassed….don’t feel
discomfort in social situations, don’t fear being judged by others
5. Immoderation – strong cravings and urges that are hard to resist
6. Vulnerability – susceptibility to stress
• Feel panic, helpless under pressure….feel poised, confident under
Factor V: Openness to
 Wide interests, Imaginative, Intelligent,
Original, Insightful, Curious, Sophisticated,
Artistic, Clever, Inventive, Sharp-witted,
Ingenious, Wise
 versus Commonplace, Narrow interests,
Simple, Shallow, Unintelligent
Openness To Experience
 Most disagreement about what this factor is and
what to call it.

 Imaginative, intellectually curious, sensitive to

aesthetics and feelings …. Down to earth,

 Not a measure of intelligence

Openness Facets
1. Imagination
• Fantasy…fact
2. Artistic Interests
• Love beauty, aesthetics…not interested in arts
3. Emotionality
• Awareness of and expression of feelings…less aware and expressive
4. Adventurousness
• Like new activities, experience different things…prefer familiar things
5. Intellect
• Like to play with ideas…prefer concrete things over ideas
6. Liberalism
• Challenge authority and convention…prefer conventional approaches

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