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Topic: Taking up the sowing

of available seeds and check
the type of germination

Subject: commercial vegetable

Germination type in Mung beans
Epigeal germination: In this type of germinat
ion, the hypocotyl elongates rapidly and arch
es upwards pulling the cotyledons which move
above the soil.
Epigeal type of germination occurs in Mung beans

1-2 days
Germination occurs
In seeds
Sprouting start
3-4 days

Cotyledons start
emerging above the
Epicotyl portion
above the soil
5-7 days
Fully developed seedling
With true leaves
Germination in Cucumis callosus
Epigeal type of germination occurs in Cucumis

1-5 days
Germination occurs
6-8 days
True Leaves start emerging
7-8 days
Developed small plant
With true leaves
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