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Call Center

Etiquette Module

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Call Center Training

Industry term referring to a company phone center that handles such services
as help desk, customer support, lead generation, emergency response,
telephone answering service, inbound response and outbound telemarketing is
a call center. It is a part of an organization that handles inbound/outbound
communications with customers. A call center is a central place where
customer and other telephone calls are handled by an organization, usually
with some amount of computer automation. Typically, a call center has the
ability to handle a considerable volume of calls at the same time, to screen calls
and forward those to someone qualified to handle them, and to log calls. It is a
functional area within an organization or an outsourced separate facility that
exists solely to answer inbound or place outbound telephone calls; usually a
sophisticated voice operations center that provides a full range of high-volume,
inbound or outbound call-handling services.
Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)
Outbound Inbound
Inbound v.s Outbound

An outbound call center is one in An inbound call center is one that

which call center agents make calls to exclusively or predominately handles
customers on behalf of a business or inbound calls (calls initiated by the
client. customer)
The outbound call centers do The inbound call centers do Customer
telemarketing, debt collection, sales, Support, Online Help, Bookings, Placing
fund raising and other work that Orders, Resolving issues/queries etc
requires proactive contact with
Skills Necessary for a call center agent

•Learning Skills
•Communication Skills
•Customer Handling Skills
•Team work and Individual capabilities
•Telephone Etiquettes and the ability to respond professionally
to clients on the telephone
•The candidate's ability to use proper grammar
•Vocabulary skills relevant to a call center position
•Attention to detail and ability to follow specific instructions
•Basic math, logic, analytical and telephone problem solving
•Ability to follow specific instructions
•Telephone problem solving skills

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Phone Etiquettes
•Avoid using Slangs.
•Make use of phrases such as "May I help you", "You are welcome", and
"Thank you", etc.
•Put the receiver down gently. Never slam the phone.
• Always speak clearly so that the other person can understand what
you are saying.
• When picking up the phone, it is good practice to identify your
Company and yourself to the caller.
• When transferring calls, make sure that you are well versed with the
procedure for call transfers. It is good practice to use the name of the
person you are transferring the call to.
• Always adopt a pleasant tone of voice and be attentive.
• When placing a call on hold, inform the caller of the same.
• Don't interrupt the caller when speaking.
• When initiating a call, spend a few moments to mentally prepare
yourself so that you know wheat need to be said / discussed.
Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)
Phone Etiquettes

•Call center phone etiquette is much different than normal

phone etiquette for individuals. The main reason for this
difference is the fact that call center employees are expected
to remain professional in every situation, regardless of
the callers demeanor.   

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Listen to the caller

•Taking the time to hear and understand what your customers are saying
is a critical component to call center telephone etiquette.
When callers know you are listening to what they are saying, they
feel important and respected, and the call has a
higher chance for overall success.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Be aware of the tone of your
•Be enthusiastic and upbeat. Callers can hear a frown in your voice
just as easily as they can hear a smile. They'll react in a more positive manner
to your voice if it sounds happy and inviting.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Drop everything else you're doing and give your
undivided attention to the caller

•That means no checking your email, having a side conversation

or reading your favorite magazine when you're supposed to be taking calls.
Callers can immediately detect by your tone and speech if they are not
your first priority. To provide superior customer service, callers must be the
only thing you're focused on when you're working.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Speak clearly and annunciate
your words
•Speaking through a telephone headset microphone can muffle and
distort your voice. Nothing is more annoying to customers than speaking
with call center agents and not being able to understand them.
Take extra care in speaking slowly to ensure your customers hear every word.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Be aware of the position of your
headset's mouthpiece.
•Again, headset microphones can muffle and distort your voice, but this is one
hundred times worse when it's paired with a mouthpiece that is either too close
or too far away from the agent's mouth. When the microphone is too
close to your mouth, not only will your voice be uncomfortably loud to the caller
on the other end of the line, but it will also be garbled and incomprehensible.
If your microphone is too far away from your mouth, t
he caller won't be able to hear you. Check your mouthpiece
often while you're working to ensure it's positioned
properly based on the instructions in your headset manual
(the recommended placement for the microphone on most headset
models is two fingers' width from your mouth).

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Ask permission before putting your
customer on hold
•Not only is it very confusing for customers to be speaking with you one second
and the next second they hear music or silence, but it is also extremely rude.
It's the equivalent of hanging up on a caller. What happens when someone
hangs up on you? It makes you angry.
The same thing happens when you put customers on hold without
asking permission first.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Check back with your customer
•This is particularly important if the company you're working for doesn't provide
music on hold. If customers are on hold for longer than a few minutes without music,
they begin to wonder if they were disconnected.
If they're on hold for more than a few minutes with music, they begin to get
impatient and wonder what you're doing.
Did you go on a break? Did you fall asleep? Where are you?
Check back in to let them know you're still working on the issue
and will be back with them shortly.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Ask permission before transferring callers to
another agent or department.
•Put yourself in the customer's shoes. One second they're talking to you and the
next second they hear another voice.
What happened to you? They're left to start from the beginning again with a
different agent, which is incredibly frustrating for callers.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Be well trained and knowledgeable
• Take your training seriously and keep handy documents and cheat sheets
nearby to help you get through your more difficult calls. Review your
training materials periodically to refresh your memory and ensure you're
not only following company policies but also able to handle any call that
comes your way.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Don't interrupt callers when they're
• One of the worst things you can do when taking calls is to interrupt or talk
over customers. It's imperative that you communicate effectively with
customers in order to provide the best service. The first step to good
communication is listening to customers and understanding their requests
or problems. Give them all the time they need to fully explain their
situations or vent their frustrations. Listening makes customers feel
important and feel like you care about them.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Don't sound bored or indifferent to callers'
requests or questions.
• Sometimes working as a call center agent can get monotonous, but you
should never let customers know you feel that way. Each call should be
treated like it's your first call of the day. You should constantly convey a
sense of enthusiasm and caring toward your callers. By allowing yourself
to sound bored during conversations with customers, you're immediately
setting those calls up for failure.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Don't bring your emotions from a
previous call into your current call

• Again, approach each call as if it were your first call of the day. No callers
should have the quality of their service adversely affected because of a
negative call you just completed. As the phone rings after a difficult call,
take a deep breath and tell yourself that just because your last call went
poorly doesn't mean this one will, too. Then get ready to provide the best
service you can.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Don't let callers' negative or
angry tones affect you.

• As a call center agent, you are at a disadvantage because you cannot see
your customers. You don't know what is happening around them. They
could be stuck in traffic or trying to tend to their children while speaking
with you. In fact, you could be the second or third agent they've spoken to
after being transferred several times. Bottom-line, you don't know what
baggage and distractions they're bringing into the call. Your job is to
ignore those factors and treat customers with respect and care regardless
of their potentially terse tone.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Don't let callers' negative or
angry tones affect you.

• However, during normal calls when customers speak to you with tones
you don't like, take the opportunity to bring in your A game and bump up
your level of customer service to the peak of your ability. Working with
customers with the goal of providing such good service they'll have to
smile is often the best way to approach negative customers. Sometimes
you'll even succeed, and they're demeanor will change before they hang
up the phone. Then you can pat yourself on the back knowing you
performed your job well, and get ready for the next call.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Don't speak too quickly

• When you're speaking through a telephone headset, your voice can be

muffled and difficult to understand. Additionally, you aren't always aware
of callers' education levels or familiarity with the English language (or the
language you're using when taking calls). It is imperative that you are
conscious of the rate of your speech and prepared to adjust according to
your callers' cues. Are they asking you to repeat yourself? That's a good
sign you need to slow down.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Don't eat, drink or chew gum
while you're speaking with customers.

• It's bad enough that telephone headsets muffle your voice, but speaking
to callers while you're eating, drinking or chewing gum makes your words
unintelligible. Not only is it difficult for customers to understand you, but
the sound of chewing and drinking is amplified when you're talking on the
phone. While you may think you're chewing quietly, to your customers it
may sound very different.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Don't breathe loudly into the
mouthpiece of your headset.

• Pay attention to your breathing pattern when you're speaking with

customers. Your breathing is amplified in the mouthpiece of your headset,
and you don't want to sound like a prank caller to your customer.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Don't make up information

• Recognize when a question or problem is beyond your ability to handle

and find the appropriate person to accept a transfer from you. Providing
misinformation can have detrimental effects to customers. Don't let your
ego get in the way of providing great customer service every time you pick
up the phone.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Don't forget your manners

• Remember to say please and thank you. These words go a long way to
showing the customer you respect them and value their business.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Angry Customers
• Handling Angry Callers Effectively is Critical to
Success as a Call Center Agent.
• As a telephone customer service agent, you are
often the first contact a customer has with a
company. When you're working with customers
directly, you'll eventually have to help customers
who are irate. During these conversations, it's
important to focus on your job and solving the
problem at hand. You're being paid to assist
customers - the good and the bad. Take a deep
breath and follow these tips to successfully
handle angry callers.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Don't Personalize
• Regardless of the negative attitudes or unpleasant tones of angry callers,
it is essential that you, the customer service representative, do not get
emotional, too. The first key to successfully handling these calls is to
remember not to personalize anything these callers say to you. The
easiest way to do this is to remember not to react to anything angry
callers say. Instead, take a moment to hear what they're saying and offer a
response that will help calm them rather than incite them. Using phrases
like, "I hear what you're saying," or "I understand," can help calm angry

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Listen and Be Patient

• Don't interrupt angry callers Be patient and let them finish speaking.
Sometimes they just need to vent their frustrations then they can relax a
bit and work with you as you try to resolve their problem. Sometimes they
aren't interested in getting help at all. Instead, they may simply want to
voice their anger and complaint. If the customer knows you're listening
and want to help them, there is a strong likelihood they'll calm down.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)


• A critical component to successfully handling angry callers is to apologize

to them. Even if you know the customer is wrong, take a moment to
apologize for the inconvenience the confusion caused. Many angry callers
simply want acknowledgement from the company that a mistake was
made. For other callers, an apology is the first step to overcoming their
anger and opening a dialogue about resolving the problem

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)


• A critical component to successfully handling angry callers is to apologize

to them. Even if you know the customer is wrong, take a moment to
apologize for the inconvenience the confusion caused. Many angry callers
simply want acknowledgement from the company that a mistake was
made. For other callers, an apology is the first step to overcoming their
anger and opening a dialogue about resolving the problem.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Offer Solutions

• As the customer service representative, it is your responsibility to resolve

customers' problems. Once you've identified the problem, you need to
take responsibility for finding a solution that not only follows company
policies but also satisfies the customer. If you aren't able to resolve the
customer's problem immediately, offer reassurance that the problem is
being worked on and will be resolved for the customer. Provide details
about the next steps you or the company will take to resolve the problem
and ensure the customer leaves with realistic expectations at the end of
the call.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Bring Closure

• Your goal is to bring closure to every call whether that means a completed
sale, a change of address or resolution to a problem from an angry caller.
• By working with this goal in mind each time you answer the phone, you'll
be setting yourself up for success, and you'll be offering customers first-
rate service.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Customer Service Module

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Customer Service

•Any or all interactions which the customer has with

your organization while conducting business

•It is the ability to provide a service or product in the

way it has been promised

•It is also about treating customers with respect,

individuality, and personal attention

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

• Improve comfort and confidence of the customer over the counter
• Use customer-service strategies that get results
• Enhance the public’s image of the Company by providing superior
customer service over the counter
• Understand the importance of Customer & Customer Service
• Identify Internal & External customers
• Understand Moment of Truth & Service-Profit Chain
• Understand & create Customer Delight
• Practice complaint handling skills
• Tips to practice & demonstrate good customer service

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)


At the end of this training, you will be able to

define and describe:
• A Customer’s Basic Needs
• 5 Dimensions of Customer Service
• How to Manage a “ Customer”
• Projecting a Positive Image
• Techniques for handling difficult situations

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Customer service is one of the most important
fields in today's world. Companies and organizations
of all kinds have to make sure that the people they
serve are well taken care of today
because consumers
have high expectations due to global
commercial culture's insistence on customer care

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Who are Customers?

•The most important person in any business.

• Is not dependent on us. We are dependent on them.
•Is not an interruption of our work, but the purpose of
•Is part of our business – not an outsider.
•Does us a favor when they come in. We aren’t doing
them a favor by serving them.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Who are Customers?

•A customer is not just money in the cash register.

They are human beings with feelings and deserve
to be treated with respect.
•Is a person who comes to us with their needs and
wants. It is our job to fill them.
•Deserves the most courteous attention we can
give them. They are the lifeblood of every

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Customer Service - GUEST

•G – Greet the customer

•U – Understand customer needs

•E – Explain features and benefits

•S – Suggest additional items

•T – Thank the customer

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Facts about Customers

•A typical dissatisfied customer will tell 8-10

people about their problem.
•7 out of 10 complaining customers will do
business with you again if you resolve the
complaint in their favor.
•If you resolve a complaint on the spot, 95%
will do business again.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Facts about Customers

•The Customer is the business’ biggest asset

•The Customer pays all our salaries wages and
•The customer will go where he/she receives
the best attention
•There is no profit, no growth, no jobs without
the customer

Hence, You must be your customers’ best


Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Moment of Truth

When a moment of Truth for a customer has

been a negative experience, it becomes a
Moment of Misery.

On the other hand, when the interaction has

been extremely positive, it becomes a Moment of
Magic for the customer

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

What qualities are important to our


Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Customer Delight

The Bridge to Our Customers

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Customer Delight

•Exceeding customers’ expectation is delighting

•The customer reacts with a “wow” in return for
the product/service
•Every interaction with the customer has an
opportunity to create delight
•The challenge is to consistently maintain the
delight factor

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Verbal Communication: Listening
Pay Make No
Attention Assumptions

Monitor Effective Active Encourage

Non-Verbal Listening Customer to Talk

& Repeat

*Remember “Life is what happens while you're

making other plans.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Customer Care Skills

You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.

When someone contacts your company for the first time –
whether via telephone, Internet, or in person –
remember just how important that first impression can be.
Making that stranger feel wanted and appreciated can turn
him or her into a lifetime advocate for your service
or product offerings, whether he buys or not.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

10 Essential Customer Service Skills

The Ability to Listen Closely to Customers

•This is the number one skill because, in essence, this is what the job itself
is all about. All other customer service skills pale in comparison
to this particular one because if a customer service rep is not listening
to the customer they are never going to be able to provide good service.

•Not only do you need to be able to hear what they are telling you in terms
of sheer data, you need to be able to try to understand what they mean
by what they are saying. This is one of those customer service skills that is most
often polished over an entire career,
but it begins with a willingness to listen and listen closely.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

10 Essential Customer Service Skills

Clear Verbal Communication

•Aside from being able to listen, you also need to be able to communicate verbally
with the customer. While written communication is another of the
customer service skills you'll want to master, it is verbal communication
that is most often used in today's call centers.

•The purpose of this kind of communication is to not just repeat a spiel or

information to the customer, but to make sure that they understood what you said.
You will need proper speaking skills, good grammar and the ability to choose
the right mode of speaking for the person on the other
end of the line.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

10 Essential Customer Service Skills

Ability to Empathize

•This is an ability that will most likely be honed over time and it is one of
the customer service skills that can actually erode for some who have
been in this industry for a while. You need to be able to listen and
actually involve yourself in what the customer is telling you about their
• If you are only following policy and not listening, you may miss
important special considerations that need to be taken into account in
order for customer service to be kept at a high quality level. Empathy is
sensing and understanding the emotions of others and of all the
customer service skills, some will argue that this is most important.
Those who are good at empathy can often win the trust of even the most
dissatisfied customers because those customers will feel they have
someone on their side at last.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

10 Essential Customer Service Skills

Data Entry and Basic Computer Skills

•Most of your other skills are about dealing with people,

but some customer service skills are about things you need to do for the company.
In nearly all cases, you will be working with some sort of computer program
that needs you to record data about your call.

•It is important that you can type quickly so that customers do not have
to wait and that you understand the basics of using a computer
and software so that you can properly perform your job.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

10 Essential Customer Service Skills

Understanding Human Psychology

•While everyone is certainly different, there are commonalities among us as

human beings. For those who take the time to study at least some
basic psychology, the job of helping people over the phone is much easier to do.

•This can often help you defuse tense situations and anticipate
what a customer wants before he or she verbalizes it.
This is one skill that can impress customers and your superiors alike.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

10 Essential Customer Service Skills

Basic Acting Skills

•The fact is, sometimes in order to maintain professionalism you are going to have
to put on a mask of friendliness and concern.
This does not mean you are attempting to deceive anyone for a nefarious
purpose, but it is important to know how to do.
Even if a customer is irritating you, it is not appropriate to act irritated .

•Basic acting can help you present certain information in a more cheerful
and upbeat tone, make sure your body language and facial expressions convey
what you mean to say and generally help you get into the mindset you must be in so
that you can do your job well.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

10 Essential Customer Service Skills

Ability to Memorize Protocol and Guidelines

•Most customer service positions are within companies that have official ways of
handling calls. You will need to be able to not just look over the rules, but actually
internalize them.

•You need to understand the guidelines and then use them the way they are intended.
Those who follow the rules best usually end up working at a company the longest.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

10 Essential Customer Service Skills

Time Management Skills

•No one appreciates those that waste time.

This is a skill you need for nearly any job, but in customer service those who
waste time keep customers waiting. That's not very good service.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

10 Essential Customer Service Skills

Management of Personal Emotions

•While you can certainly act the opposite of how you feel, it is important to
deal with your own emotions.

•If you can learn to manage your emotions in healthy, productive ways, the stress
of customer service positions will be water off a duck's back to you.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

10 Essential Customer Service Skills

Situation Evaluation and Analysis

•Many times, in customer service work, you will encounter a problem that is not
covered in the company's guidelines. When this happens, you are going to need to
evaluate the situation and decide whether or not you need a supervisor present.
One of the most important customer service skills to have is being able to decide
whether or not a person is being honest or trying to deceive you.
To do this, you have to be able to analyze data and, preferably, do this quickly.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Questions to Ask Yourself
• Do my current skills help reduce my stress when
dealing with difficult calls?
• Do I enjoy being at work when I make a valuable
contribution to the company?
• Does the company save money when I provide
accurate and responsive customer service over the
• Do I feel personally satisfied when I’m doing a great

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Be There

• Be present while you’re doing what you’re

• Listen for content AND emotion
– doesn’t take any more time
• Don’t let tasks get in the way of your real
work of serving the customer
• Antidote to being tired is being fully present
(not necessarily doing less)

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Make Their Day

• Make the world a better place to one person at a

• Something unexpected
• Don’t exclude the difficult co-workers or
• Make it a challenge to do everyday!

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Why Should You Improve?
• Every customer is an opportunity to enhance
customer relations, your image, and the image of the

• Remember: The typical person tells 20 people about

a negative experience and tells only 5 people about a
positive experience.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

The Basic Needs of Customers
• To be recognized and remembered
• To feel valued
• To feel appreciated
• To feel respected
• To feel understood
• To feel comfortable about a want or need
View every one (both internal and external) as a

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Satisfying customers over the telephone is
often more challenging than serving face-to-
In case you need to handle a customer’s call

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

5 Dimensions of Customers Service

1. Professionalism
2. Speedy Responses
3. Accurate Information
4. Genuine Concern
5. Reliable Follow-through

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

5 Dimensions

1. Professionalism - use thank you and please, control

background noise, don’t use office-specific jargon
or acronyms
2. Speedy Responses - predict follow-up time, don’t
pad conversation with idle chatter, don’t take more
than 24 hours to return a call, time is money

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

5 Dimensions

3. Accurate Information - use easy-to understand

examples, don’t blame others, don’t use outdated
4. Genuine Concern - use empathy, don’t judge
caller’s feelings, don’t let one negative call “bleed”
into another
5. Reliable Follow-up - responsibility to carry out
promised action

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Positive Attitude

The Engine that drives

excellent service

The key ingredient in providing the

5 Dimensions of Customer Service.

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Advantages of a Positive Attitude

1. Creates goodwill with customer

2. Reduces the potential for irritating the caller
3. Lessens stress for you
4. Helps you enjoy your job more
5. Creates a more productive work environment

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Projecting a Positive Attitude
• Keep organized work space
• Make conscious effort to be positive
• Link being positive with consequences
• Choose role model who is positive
• Focus on the caller’s needs instead of your own
• Feelings are a choice

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

How to manage a customer

• Answer Promptly
• Greet the Caller and Identify Yourself
• Offer to Help
• Listen Carefully
• Use Caller’s name

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)


“Thank you for calling Cost Plus Sofas, this is Allan,

how may I help you today?”

“Yes, Mary, I will check on the status of your order.

Would you like to hold, or would you prefer I call you
back in a few minutes with an answer?”

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Applying Positive Attitude to
Create Positive Impressions

• Word choices seem simple, but small changes make

a dramatic difference
• Positive phrasing creates an environment where
caller can respond with an open mind

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Managing the Call

• Avoid blind transfers

– Ask the caller whether he or she can hold
– Tell caller to whom they’re being transferred
– Briefly introduce the caller to the coworker
• Closing the Call
– Close Call Formally
– Repeat action you agreed to take
– Say “Good-bye” instead of “Bye-bye”

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Voice Mail
• Keep it short
• Give your availability
• Repeat name and phone number at the end
• Close with “Thank-you”

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Angry Customers

• Recognizing the Signs of an Angry Customers:

– High-pitch speech
– Long pauses
– Sighs
– Demands
– Short-terse answers
– Volume gets louder

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

7 Steps for Resolving the Angry
Customer’s Problem
1. Deal with feelings first. Listen and respond with
2. Ask questions to get specifics about the complaint
3. Summarize caller’s problem to get agreement
4. Offer a choice of alternatives to fix the problem
5. Let the customer decide which alternative to use
6. Follow through on what you agree to do
7. When possible, do something extra

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Angry Customer

A slight mistake has made this customer


How to handle?
•Let the customer finish talking. Don’t interrupt.
Use the pressure cooker method
•Be firm and polite else they may not be happy

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Demanding Customer

The customer who wants more than you

can offer. They are not easily satisfied.

How to Handle?
•Be firm yet polite
•Be professional
•Avoid being too docile but not rude

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Passive Customer

The Customer who listens to you. Is quite

meek and extra polite. Will sound apologetic
when complain.

How to handle?
•Listen carefully what they have to say
•Sound professional and don’t brush them aside
•Gain their confidence

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Abusive Customers

• A customer who goes beyond expressing
anger about a problem and begins attacking
the person handling the him/her
• Often includes swearing and personal attacks

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Handling Abusive Customers
Abusive Customers:
• Stay Calm
• You’re not the target
• Give customer warning
– “I beg your pardon?”
– “I don’t appreciate the language you are using.”
– “If you aren’t able to talk with me without
swearing, I will have to end this call.”
• If it goes beyond your control , inform your boss
Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)
More Difficult Situations

• Customer uses another language-don’t increase

volume, try simple phrases
• Customer is mentally challenged-gear level of
language, focus on critical information, summarize
for agreement
• Customer asks for manager- try to address the
problem yourself, ask if they can hold, inform

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

Questions Please?

Adeel javed (OnecallSolutions)

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