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Prevention and Intervention in Schools

Defining Bullying

Bullying is when a student or group of students

engages in written or verbal expression, or
physical conduct that:
– Will have the effect of physically harming a student,
damaging a student’s property, or placing a student
in reasonable fear of harm.

– Is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive

enough that it creates an intimidating, threatening,
or abusive educational environment for the student.
Bullying is:

 Aggressive
 Intentional
 Involves an imbalance of power
Bullying may be:

 Repeated over time

 Acted out in many different forms.
Bullying is NOT:

 A normal childhood activity

 A rite of passage
 The target’s fault
 Unpreventable
Bullying can happen in 5 ways:

 Verbal: Ignoring, isolation, put downs, name calling, teasing,

gossip, threats.
 Physical: Blocking, pushing, kicking, fighting, physical restraint.
 Gender: Innuendos, touching, slapping, pictures, jokes, assault.
 Property: hiding belongings, theft, extortion (blackmail),
vandalism, destruction.
 Cyber: Direct or indirect attacks using cell phones, computers,
email, social networking sites or other electronic means to accomplish
any of the above types of bullying.
For the target, bullying is a “loss”

 LOSS of safety
 LOSS of self-esteem
 LOSS of belongings
 LOSS of control over their own life.
Effects of Bullying on the Target:

 Physical Effects  Emotional Effects

– Stomach aches – Alienation
– Weight loss/gain – Loneliness
– Headaches – Low self-esteem
– Drop in grades – Insecurity
– Drug or alcohol use – FEAR
– Sexual acting out – Depression
– Suicidal – Withdrawal
thoughts/statements – Aggression
– Homicidal – Anger
thoughts/statements – Thoughts/acts of revenge
Warning Signs that a Child is being

 Frequently the target of teasing, intimidation, domination at school

 Has a derogatory nickname
 Regularly has bruises or injuries that can’t be explained
 Has belongings taken or damaged
 Few or no close friends at school
 Frequently socially isolated
 Chosen last for teams or other activities
 Less assertive or lacks the skills to respond to teasing
 Appears weak or easily dominated
 Tries to stay close to a teacher or other adult during
passing periods, lunch or other free periods.
Factors that contribute to bullying

 Family Factors: conflict in the home, lack of

attention, lack of supervision, modeling of aggressive
 Individual Factors: active and impulsive
personality, craves attention, insecure.
 School Factors: overall climate of the school
is uncaring or indifferent, perception of students is
that teachers know about bullying and don’t care,
disrespectful interactions are ignored or tolerated.
3 Types of Bullies:
 The Confident Bully:
– Physically strong, aggressive, high self-esteem, popular, but
 More likely to use violence, theft and destruction of property.

 The Anxious Bully:

– Academically weak, less popular, low self-esteem, insecure and
with a need to control, may be immature and envious.
 More likely to use teasing, name-calling and social isolation.

 The Bully / Victim

– Bullies in some situations and victimized by bullies in other
situations, poor social skills, generally unpopular, may taunt and
provoke bullies.
Case In Malang City

 For example just like the case of bullying which

some time ago was viral on social media. This case
is in the city of Malang where the students of Malang
16 State Junior High School experienced bullying by
their friends.
Case In Malang City

 Bullying is done to make the victim must experience an

amputation on his middle finger. The police have also
conducted further investigations regarding the bullying

 Malang City Police Chief stated that before the victim

had also been appointed in rollicking and slammed in
paving during recess. The act of bullying that occurred
some time ago was enough to attract a lot of attention
from the people of Indonesia. In addition to these
cases, there are still many other cases of bullying.
Case In Riau City

 Students at a high school (SMA) in Pekanbaru, Riau

with the initial FA have a broken nose. According to
the FA, he was bullied by his friends at school. The
victim's uncle, Muchtar said, was not only bullied, the
FA was also threatened and blackmailed. "He (the
victim) had been there for about five months of
school. While he was there, his allowance was stolen
and threatened so that he would not complain to his
parents, "Muchtar said.
Case In Wirosari

 A state elementary school student in Wirosari

Sub-District, Grobogan District whose initials
the hospital suffered severe depression after
being suspected of being a victim of abuse
by his friends. Ironically, the hospital was
bullied for two years or since he was in the
fourth grade of elementary school.
Case In Wirosari

 When sitting in class IV, the hospital played

soccer in the classroom. The ball that the
hospital kicked hit the wall clock until it fell to the
floor. "The wall clock broke and we couldn't
change it because the school said it cost Rp.
300,000. Since then my child has always been
bullied, even been held in class by classmates.
Case In Wirosari

 His hair was pulled, spat on, sprinkled with

water, and other violence. We confirmed to
school, but the response was not good, even
my husband was kicked out, "said Masrikah.
However, when confirmed, the school denied
the existence of bullying.

 Many related schools provide policies by way of

resolving the issue of bullying as a family. This has
received a lot of criticism from some people because
according to him it is not feasible to be resolved in a
family way.

 In the Act has set about acts of bullying in the educational

environment in Article 54 of Law 35/2014 which reads as
 (1) that children within and within the education unit are
obliged to get protection from acts of physical, psychological,
sexual and other crimes committed by educators, education
personnel, fellow students, and / other parties,
 (2) Protection as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be carried
out by educators, educational staff, government officials
and / the community.
What should parents NOT do?

 Confront the bully or the bully’s parents. This

probably won’t help and might make things worse.
 Tell your child to “get in there and fight.” Bullies are
usually stronger and more powerful than their
victims. Your child could get hurt.
 Blame your child. Bullying is NEVER the victim’s
 Promise to keep the bullying secret. This gives the
bully permission to keep bullying.
85% of students are NEITHER
bullies nor victims.

These are the SILENT

MAJORITY and they
can build positive peer
pressure against
Why is someone targeted?
 Size: being a different size -- smaller or bigger – for your age.
 Differences: having a characteristic that makes you stand out like being
African-American at a mostly white school, a girl in a shop class that's crowded
with boys, or having a disability that makes you walk or talk differently.
 Reaction: getting anxious or upset very easily.
 Social factors: not having many friends, being alone a lot; or not having
a lot of confidence and not standing up for yourself.
– Some kids get bullied as a result of a single thing that happened, like an
embarrassing moment that took place in front of other people.
 Opportunity: being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
 Reputation: Usually, once someone is singled out by a bully, other people
will know that person is a target and start bullying her or him, too.
What can parents do?

 Talk to your child about bullying.

 Be aware of bullying warning signs.
 Contact the teacher, counselor or administrator
as soon as possible.
 Help your child develop and practice bully
resistance skills.
 Make a plan with your child about how the
bullying situation will be handled.

If he or she is being bullied:

– Keep Calm: bullies love it when you react with tears or anger. Don’t
give them the reaction they are looking for.

– Report it: Bullies will harass you as long as they think they will get
away with it. By reporting it and continuing to report it, you send them a
message that you are not going to take it.

– Use the buddy system: Most bullies look for easy targets. If
you are alone, you are much less likely to have someone stand up for

If he or she is being bullied:

– Make a joke: This approach throws the bully off guard and
lets them know that they are not going to get the reaction they are
looking for…. However, don’t make the joke at the bully’s expense
—that would just make YOU the bully.

– Be assertive: Look the bully in the eye, and stand up for

yourself in a positive way.

– Walk away: Remove yourself from the situation as quickly as

possible. Get help from a teacher or other adult.

If he or she sees someone bullying others:

– Choose to get involved.
– Tell the bully to stop.
– Tell them that bullying is not okay in our school.
– Distract the bully.
– Get help.
– Support the victim.
– Ask the victim to join your group.
– Offer a positive or encouraging comment.
– Do not Laugh, participate, or stand around watching it
– Report it.

If he or she is bullying others:

– Ask yourself when, why and how you bully others.
– Learn to treat everyone with respect.
– Pay more attention to other’s feelings.
– Think about the potential consequences of your actions.
– Apologize to your former victim(s).
– Talk to someone about the problem.
– Take positive steps to help yourself. Some adults who were
bullies as children often end up with all sorts of problems -
failed relationships, few friends, frequent job changes, even
prison records.
– Save yourself future grief by stopping bullying now. 
What procedures are in place to
respond to bullying?

 Every incident of potential bullying is investigated by

the teacher or an administrator within 10 days.
 If the incident is determined to meet the criteria of
bullying, the staff person will have the student fill out
an incident report form to document the incident.
 An intervention will then be implemented.
 The type of intervention will depend on the results of
the investigation.
Bullying Documentation to be filled out
by the student:

 Name
 Grade
 Date of Incident
 Who was involved in the incident
 When and where did it happen?
 What happened? (Be specific)
 To whom did you report the incident?
Bullying Documentation to be filled out
by a teacher/counselor/administrator

 Findings Summary
 Results of Findings by Campus Personnel
This incident meets the definition of bullying as defined by FFI (LOCAL)
Yes ___ No ___
(If yes, please mark below the appropriate type of bullying displayed.)
 FFI (LOCAL) Definition of Bullying:
Bullying occurs when a student or group of students engages in written or verbal
expression or physical conduct that:
_____Physically harmed a student/s
_____Damaged a student/s’ property
_____Placed a student/s in reasonable fear of harm to themselves or their
_____Sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that the action or threat creates
an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for a student/s.
 Action taken for incident/s
Potential Bullying

Interventions will be applied based on the severity and

circumstances of the incident.
Potential interventions include:
 Student conference with a teacher, counselor, social worker,
administrator, etc.
 Supportive follow up counseling as needed
 Notification of parent of bullying behavior
 Notification of teachers to actively monitor students involved
 Referral to AP for disciplinary action
 Other interventions to be considered on a case by case basis.
What is happening
 We have implemented clear policies and procedures to address bullying
 We trained all staff on bullying.
 We trained all students on bullying issues and have follow up activities planned
throughout the year.
 We created an anonymous reporting form that students could access through
their school’s website.
 We investigate every incident of potential bullying, through the counseling
office, and offer supportive services for both the bully and the target.
 Each school has created a centralized log of all bullying incidents and the

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