Globalization and Culture: Intercultural Communication Lesson 2

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Lesson 2
Globalization and culture

Micaela Țaulean,PhD.,

 Ramification - a branch or offshoot/ a structure of branching

 Outlook - mental view or attitude
 Misunderstanding - a failure to understand/ a quarrel or
 Agreement - the state of being of the same opinion, harmony
Learning Objectives:

 · To know the significance of intercultural

communication in today’s world of
 · To understand the basic gateways to
effective intercultural communication.
What images/ associations spring to your mind when
you hear the word “globalization”?
A Food & Agricultural Organization Worldwide Survey ‘asked’ the
following question:

 “Would you please give your ‘most’ honest opinion

about the solution to food shortage in the rest of the
 In ‘Africa’ people did not know what
‘FOOD’ meant.
 In ‘Western Europe’ they did not know what
‘SHORTAGE’ meant.
 In ‘Eastern Europe’ they did not know what ‘OPINION’
 In the ‘West Asia’ they did not know what ‘SOLUTION’ meant.
 In ‘South America’ they did not know what ‘PLEASE’ meant.
 In ‘Asia’ they did not know what ‘HONEST’
 And in the ‘USA’ they did not know what ‘THE REST
OF THE WORLD’ meant.

 The survey was a huge failure.

What is globalization?

 No precise definition
 Increased flow of trade,
people, culture etc.
among countries
 Includes market for goods
How new is globalization?

 Buzzword
 1960s, 1990s
 Marco Polo – Venice, Istanbul – 13 cent.
Americans – Europeans.
 Migration
 Investment – increased 10 times
Effects of Globalization

 Globalization has both positive and negative effects.

 On an individual level, globalization affects both the standard of
life and the quality of life.
 On a business level, globalization affects an organization's
product life cycle and an organization's balance sheet.
Globalization also affects how governments throughout the
world create policies affecting areas such as monetary
regulation and trade.
Examples of Globalization

 Globalization in Economics
 The European Union is an economic and political union of
28 countries that are located primarily in Europe.
 Some automobiles use parts from other countries, as in a
car being assembled in the United States with the parts
coming from Japan, Germany, or Korea.
Globalization in the Blending of

 Greek culture spread across Africa, Europe and Asia

through Alexander the Great. This is the reason there
are cities named for Alexander in Africa, Egypt and
 The Silk Road was a trade route between China and the
Mediterranean Sea area and it allowed the exchange of
not only goods, but culture and knowledge.
Globalization in Technology

 Global news networks, like CNN, contribute to the spread of

 Cells phones connect people all over the world like never
before. Around 60 percent of all people in the world use cell
 Military cooperation between countries adds to globalization,
such as the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty or anti-terrorism
Other Globalization Examples 
 The Olympics began in ancient Greece and continue today.
 The FIFA World Cup has more viewers than any other
sporting event from around the world.
 Travel and tourism allows globalization of many things, like
the exchange of money, cultures and knowledge.
Watch the following video and say what the principles and problems
of cultural globalization are.

 https://

 After watching 3 min movie write 3 statements.

Home-task for Lab 2:
1) To learn 1 definition of “Globalization”

2) Advantages of globalization –
Prove that globalization is Good
3) Disadvantages of globalization –
Prove that globalization is Evil
4) What is the future of “globalization”?

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