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Lect.No.8, Lect.No.9, and Lect. No. 10

“Heat , Heat Transfer
and Latent Heat”

Dr. Fadhil A. Umran

Department of Radiology Tech.
Al-Nisour University College

Heat is defined in physics as the transfer of thermal energy
across a well-defined boundary around a thermodynamic system.
It has been observed experimentally, that the decrease in
mechanical energy (kinetic plus potential) of an isolated system
was equal to the increase in internal energy of the system.
Therefore, internal energy U is treated as a form of energy that
can be transformed into mechanical energy and vice versa.
The internal energy includes kinetic and potential energy
associated with the random translational, rotational, and
vibrational motion of the particles that make up the system, and
any potential energy bonding the particles together.
The symbol Q is used to represent the amount of energy
transferred by heat between a system and its environment.
Heat Transfer
Heat transfer is the process of transfer of heat from
high temperature reservoir to low temperature
reservoir. In terms of the thermodynamic system,
heat transfer is the movement of heat across the
boundary of the system due to temperature
difference between the system and the surroundings.
The heat transfer can also take place within the
system due to temperature difference at various
points inside the system.
There are three modes of heat transfer between the
two bodies:
1.Conduction: The transfer of heat between two solid
bodies is called as conduction. It depends on the
difference in temperature of the hot and cold body.
Example of conduction heat transfer is two bodies at
different temperature kept in contact with each other.
Another example is heating one end of the metal like
copper; due to conduction heat transfer the other end of
the metal also gets heated.
2. Convection: The transfer of heat between the solid
surface and the liquid is called as convection heat
transfer. Let us considering a vessel of water being
heated, in this case heating of water due to transfer of
heat from the vessel is convection heat transfer.
3.Radiation: When two bodies are at different
temperatures and separated by distance, the heat transfer
between them is called as radiation heat transfer. In case
of the conduction and convection heat transfer there is a
media to transfer the heat, but in case of the radiation
heat transfer there is no media. The radiation heat
transfer occurs due to the electromagnetic waves that
exist in the atmosphere.
One of the most important examples of radiation heat
transfer is the heat of the sun coming on the earth
Fig. The three modes of heat transfer
The historical definition of the calorie is the
amount of energy necessary to raise the
temperature of one gram of a specific
substance(water)by one degree. That amount is
4.186 J.
Raising the temperature of one kilogram of water
by 1°C requires 4 186 J of energy. The amount of
energy required to raise the temperature of one
kilogram of an arbitrary substance by 1°C varies
with the substance.
From the definition of specific heat, we can express the
energy Q needed to raise the temperature of a system of
mass m by ∆T as
The energy required to raise  the temperature of 0.500 kg
of water by 3.00°C, for example, is Q = (0.500 kg) (4 186
J/kg . °C)(3.00°C) = 6.28 J.
when the temperature increases, ∆ T and Q are positive,
corresponding to energy flowing into the system. When
the temperature decreases, T and Q are negative, and
energy flows out of the system.
Latent heat (also known as latent energy, or as
Heat of Transformation) is energy released or
absorbed, by a body or a thermodynamic system,
during a constant-temperature process — usually a
first-order phase transition.
Latent heat can be understood as energy in hidden
form which is supplied or extracted to change the
state of a substance without changing its
temperature. Examples are latent heat of fusion
and latent heat of vaporization involved in phase
changes, i.e. a substance condensing or vaporizing
at a specified temperature and pressure
When a body is heated at constant temperature by
thermal radiation in a microwave field for
example, it may expand by an amount described
by its latent heat with respect to volume or latent
heat of expansion, or increase its pressure by an
amount described by its latent heat with respect to
Two common forms of latent heat are latent heat
of fusion (melting) and latent heat of vaporization
(boiling). These names describe the direction of
energy flow when changing from one phase to the
next: from solid to liquid, and liquid to gas.
Specific latent heat
A specific latent heat (L) expresses the amount of
energy in the form of heat (Q) required to
completely effect a phase change of a unit of mass
(m), usually 1kg, of a substance as an intensive

The latent heat for a given mass of a substance is

calculated by
Q is the amount of energy released or absorbed
during the change of phase of the substance in kJ
m is the mass of the substance
  (in kg or in lb),
and, L is the specific latent heat for a particular
substance (KJ or in BTU ), either Lf for fusion, or
Lv for vaporization.
The following table shows the specific latent
heats and change of phase temperatures (at
standard pressure) of some common fluids and
Table shows the specific latent heats of some common fluids and gases
Specific latent heat for condensation of water in
The specific latent heat of condensation of water in
the temperature range from −25 °C to 40 °C is
approximated by the following empirical cubic

where the temperature T is taken to be the numerical

value in °C.
For sublimation and deposition from and into ice, the
specific latent heat is almost constant in the
temperature range from −40 °C to 0 °C and can be
approximated by the following function
Example: Calculate the amount   of heat added to 1 gram
gold to change phase from solid to liquid. The heat of
fusion for gold is 64.5 x J/kg.
(m) = 1 gram = 1 x
Q = m LF
Q = (1 x 1 kg)(64.5 x J/kg)
Q = 64.5 Joule
Example: Determine the amount of heat absorbed by 1
kg water to change phase from liquid to vapor (steam).
Heat of vaporization for water = 2256 x J/kg
Q = m LV
Q = (1 kg)(2256 x J/kg)
Q = 2256 x Joule
Problem. A steel strut near a  ship’s furnace with a mass
of 1.57 kg. During operation of the furnace, the strut
absorbs a net thermal energy of 2.50 J,where the spesific
heat of substance) is 448J/Kg. (a) Find the change in
temperature of the strut
One technique for measuring the specific heat of a solid
or liquid is to raise the temperature of the substance to
some value, place it into a vessel containing cold water of
known mass and temperature, and measure the
temperature of the combination after equilibrium is
The principle of conservation of energy for this isolated
system requires that the net result of all energy transfers is
zero. If one part of the system loses energy, another part
has to gain the energy because the system is isolated and
the energy has nowhere else to go. When a warm object is
placed in the cooler water of a calorimeter, the warm
object becomes cooler while the water becomes warmer.
This principle can be written 

Qcold is positive because energy is flowing into cooler

objects, and Qhot is negative because energy is leaving
the hot object.
Problem A 125-g block of an unknown substance with a
temperature of 90.0°C is placed in a Styrofoam cup
containing 0.326 kg of water at 20.0°C. The system
reaches an equilibrium temperature of 22.4°C. What is
the specific heat, , of the unknown substance if the heat
capacity of the cup is neglected?
Let T be the final temperature, and let Tw and Tx be the
initial temperatures of the water and block, respectively.

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