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Design Technology


Automation: synthesis
Verification: hardware/software co-simulation
Reuse: intellectual property cores
Design process models

System Design Goals


What does “Design” means?

 Task of defining system functionality and converting that functionality into
physical implementation.
Convert functionality to physical implementation while
 Satisfying constrained metrics
 Optimizing other design metrics

Designing embedded systems is hard because of

 Complex functionality
 Millions of possible environment scenarios. Ex: Elevator Controller.
 So many Competing, tightly constrained metrics.
 Productivity gap
 As low as 10 lines of code or 100 transistors produced per day

Many possible combinations of buttons being pressed.

Improving productivity

Design technologies developed to improve productivity, we focus on

technologies advancing hardware / software view:
 Automation: Synthesis
 Computer program to replace manual design.
 Which made Hardware design look like Software design.
 Reuse
 Process of using predesigned components.
 Core in the Hardware domain.
 Verification
 Task of ensuring correctness/completeness of each design step.
 Hardware/Software co-simulation. Specification

Verification Reuse
Automation: synthesis

 The parallel evolution of compilation and synthesis

 Synthesis levels
 Logic synthesis
 Two-level logic minimization
 Multi-level logic minimization
 FSM synthesis
 Technology mapping
 Register-transfer synthesis
 Behavioral synthesis
 System synthesis and hardware/software co-design
The parallel evolution of compilation and synthesis

 In the early design was mostly

hardware, software was fairly The co-design ladder
Sequential program code (e.g., C, VHDL)
 Software complexity increased
with advent of general-purpose Behavioral synthesis
processor. Compilers
 Different techniques for software Register transfers

design and hardware design: Assembly instructions

RT synthesis
(1980s, 1990s)
 Caused division of the two fields
Logic equations / FSM's
 Hardware/software design fields Assemblers, linkers
(1950s, 1960s) Logic synthesis
rejoining (1970s, 1980s)

 Both can start from behavioral Machine instructions Logic gates

description in sequential program
model Microprocessor plus
program bits
 Software design evolution
 Machine instructions
The co-design ladder
 Collection machine instructions called
Program (0’s, 1’s).
Sequential program code (e.g., C, VHDL)
 Assemblers
 Convert assembly programs into machine
instructions, due to hard dealing with Behavioral synthesis
huge number of 0’s, 1’s. (1990s)
 Compilers (1960s,1970s)
 translate sequential programs into Register transfers
 Hardware design evolution RT synthesis
Assembly instructions (1980s, 1990s)
 Interconnected logic gates
 Logic synthesis
Logic equations / FSM's
 converts logic equations or FSMs into
gates Assemblers, linkers
(1950s, 1960s) Logic synthesis
 Register-transfer (RT) synthesis (1970s, 1980s)
 converts FSMDs into FSMs, logic
equations, predesigned RT components
(registers, adders, etc.) Machine instructions Logic gates
 Behavioral synthesis
 converts sequential programs into Microprocessor plus Implementation VLSI, ASIC, or PLD
FSMDs program bits implementation

Hardware design involves many more dimensions, while compilers must generate assembly instructions to implement itself.
Hardware Designer concerned about size, power, performance and other metrics.
Synthesis Levels
Gajski’s Y-chart
 Each axis represents type of Carry-ripple adder Addition

description Structural Behavior

 Behavioral Processors, memories Sequential programs

 Defines outputs as function of inputs
 Structural Registers, FUs, MUXs Register transfers
 Implements behavior by connecting
components with known behavior Gates, flip-flops Logic equations/FSM
 Physical
 Gives size/locations of components and Transistors Transfer functions
wires on chip/board
 Synthesis converts behavior at given
Cell Layout
level to structure at same level or lower
 E.g., Modules
 FSM → gates, flip-flops (same level)
 FSM → transistors (lower level)
 FSM X registers, FUs (higher level) Boards
 FSM X processors, memories (higher
level) Physical
Logic Synthesis
 Converting logic-level behavior to structural implementation
By converting Logic equations and/or FSM to connected gates.

 Combinational logic synthesis

 Two-level minimization
 Multilevel minimization

 FSM synthesis
 State minimization
 State encoding
Two-level minimization

 Represent logic function as sum of products (or product of sums)

 AND gate for each product

 OR gate for each sum

Sum of products
 This minimization gives best possible performance
F = abc'd' + a'b'cd + a'bcd + ab'cd
when at most we have 2 gates delay
Direct implementation
 Goal: minimize size
 Minimum cover b
 Minimum cover that is prime c F

4 4-input AND gates and

1 4-input OR gate
→ 40 transistors
Minimum Cover

 Minimum # of AND gates (sum of products)

 Literal: variable or its complement
 a or a’, b or b’, etc.
 Minterm: product of literals
 Each literal appears exactly once
 abc’d’, ab’cd, a’bcd, etc.
 Implicant: product of literals
 Each literal appears no more than once
 abc’d’, a’cd, etc.
 Covers 1 or more minterms
 a’cd covers a’bcd and a’b’cd
 Cover: set of implicants that covers all minterms of function
 Minimum cover: cover with minimum # of implicants

Minimum cover: K-map approach

K-map: sum of products K-map: minimum cover
cd cd
 Karnaugh map (K-map) ab 00 01 11 10 ab 00 01 11 10

0 0 1 0 00
0 0 1 0
 1 represents minterm 01
0 0 1 0 01
0 0 1 0
 Circle represents implicant
1 0 0 0 11
1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 10
0 0 1 0
 Minimum cover Minimum cover
 Covering all 1’s with min # of circles F=abc'd' + a'cd + ab'cd

 Example: direct vs. min cover Minimum cover implementation

 Less gates a
 4 vs. 5 b 2 4-input AND gate
c F 1 3-input AND gates
 Less transistors 1 4 input OR gate
→ 28 transistors
 28 vs. 40 d
Minimum cover that is prime

 Minimum # of inputs to AND gates

 Prime implicant K-map: minimum cover that is prime
 Implicant not covered by any other implicant ab 00 01 11 10

 Max-sized circle in K-map

0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0
 Minimum cover that is prime 11
1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
 Covering with min # of prime implicants
Minimum cover that is prime
 Min # of max-sized circles
F=abc'd' + a'cd + b'cd
 Example: prime cover vs. min cover
 Same # of gates
a 1 4-input AND gate
 4 vs. 4
b 2 3-input AND
 Less transistors c F gates
1 4 input OR gate
 26 vs. 28 → 26 transistors
Minimum cover: heuristics

 K-maps give optimal solution every time

 Functions with > 6 inputs too complicated
 Use computer-based tabular method
 Finds all prime implicants
 Finds min cover that is prime
 Also optimal solution every time
 Problem: 2n minterms for n inputs
 32 inputs = 4 billion minterms
 Exponential complexity
 Heuristic
 Solution technique where optimal solution not guaranteed
 Hopefully comes close
Heuristics: iterative improvement

 Start with initial solution

 i.e., original logic equation
 Repeatedly make modifications toward better solution
 Common modifications
 Expand
 Replace each nonprime implicant with a prime implicant covering it
 Delete all implicants covered by new prime implicant
 Reduce
 Opposite of expand
 Reshape
 Expands one implicant while reducing another
 Maintains total # of implicants
 Irredundant
 Selects min # of implicants that cover from existing implicants
 Synthesis tools differ in modifications used and the order they are used
Multilevel logic minimization

 Trade performance for size

 Increase delay for lower # of gates
 Gray area represents all possible solutions
 Circle with X represents ideal solution
 Generally not possible .
 2-level gives best performance e lm
-l ev
 max delay = 2 gates ul

 Solve for smallest size
 Multilevel gives pareto-optimal solution
2-level minim.
 Minimum delay for a given size
 Minimum size for a given delay

 Minimized 2-level logic function:

 F = adef + bdef + cdef + gh 2-level minimized
 Requires 5 gates with 18 total gate inputs
 4 ANDS and 1 OR b
 After algebraic manipulation: e F
 F = (a + b + c)def + gh f
 Requires only 4 gates with 11 total gate inputs g
 2 ANDS and 2 ORs h
 Less inputs per gate
multilevel minimized
 Assume gate inputs = 2 transistors a
 Reduced by 14 transistors b
 36 (18 * 2) down to 22 (11 * 2)
 Sacrifices performance for size e
 Inputs a, b, and c now have 3-gate delay g F

 Iterative improvement heuristic commonly h

FSM synthesis

 Converting FSM to gates

 State minimization
 Reduce # of states
 Identify and merge equivalent states Smaller states registers and fewer gates
 Outputs, next states same for all possible inputs.
 Tabular method gives exact solution.
• Table of all possible state pairs.
• If n states, n2 table entries.
• heuristics used with large # of states.
 State encoding
 Unique bit sequence for each state.
 If n states, log2(n) bits to represent n unique encodings.
 n! possible encodings.
 Thus, heuristics common.
Technology mapping

 Library of gates available for implementation

 Simple
 only 2-input AND,OR gates
 Complex
 various-input AND,OR,NAND,NOR,etc. gates
 Efficiently implemented meta-gates (i.e., AND-OR-INVERT,MUX)
 Final structure consists of specified library’s components only
 If technology mapping integrated with logic synthesis
 More efficient circuit
 More complex problem
Register-transfer synthesis

 Converts FSMD to custom single-purpose processor

 Datapath
 Register units to store variables
 Complex data types
 Functional units
 Arithmetic operations
 Connection units
 Buses, MUXs
 FSM controller
 Controls datapath
 Key sub problems:
 Allocation
 Instantiate storage, functional, connection units
 Binding
 Mapping FSMD operations to specific units
Behavioral synthesis

 High-level synthesis
 Converts single sequential program to single-purpose processor
 FSDM Does not require the program to schedule states
 Behavioral synthesis tool use advance techniques to carry out task
scheduling allocation.
 Key sub problems
 Allocation Implementing a sequential program needs
 Binding
 Scheduling
 Assign sequential program’s operations to states
 Optimizations important
 Compiler
 Constant propagation, dead-code elimination, loop unrolling
 Advanced techniques for allocation, binding, scheduling
System synthesis
Collection of processors 23

 At embedded systems its getting much complex

 Multiple processes may provide better performance/power
 May be better described using concurrent sequential programs
 System synthesis means: Convert 1 or more processes into 1 or more
 Tasks
 Transformation
 Can merge 2 exclusive processes into 1 process
 Can break 1 large process into separate processes
 Allocation
 Essentially design of system architecture
 Select processors to implement processes
 Also select memories and busses

 Tasks (cont.)
 Partitioning
 Mapping 1 or more processes to 1 or more processors
 Variables among memories
 Communications among buses
 Scheduling
 Determining when each of the multiple processes on a single processor will have
chance to execute on the processor.
 Memory accesses, bus communications must be schedule.

 Tasks performed in variety of orders

 Iteration among tasks common

 Synthesis driven by constraints

 E.g.,
 Meet performance requirements at minimum cost
 Allocate as much behavior as possible to general-purpose processor
• Low-cost/flexible implementation
 Minimum # of SPPs used to meet performance
 System synthesis for GPP only (software)
 Common for decades
 Multiprocessing
 Parallel processing
 Real-time scheduling
 Hardware/software codesign
 Simultaneous consideration of GPPs/SPPs during synthesis
 Made possible by maturation of behavioral synthesis in 1990’s


 It is the task of ensuring that a design is correct and

o Correctness
Means that the design implements its specification correctly.
o Completeness
Means that the designs specification described appropriate output responses to all
relevant input sequences.
 There are two main verification approaches
 Formal verification
 Simulation
Formal Verification
 It is an approach of analyzing a design to prove or disprove certain properties.
 This is done by verifying the correctness of a particular design & verifying the
completeness of a behavioral description.
 Correctness verification
By verifying that a particular structural description correctly implements a behavioral description, by proving the
equivalence of the two descriptions.
Prove ALU structural implementation equivalent to behavioral description.
1. Derive Boolean equations for outputs.
2. Create truth table for equations.
3. Compare to truth table from original behavior table.
 completeness verification
Verifying completeness of a behavioral verification is proving of that a certain situations will never occur.
Formally prove elevator door can never open while elevator is moving
1. Derive conditions for door being open.
2. Show conditions conflict with conditions for elevator moving.
 Drawbacks:
 Formal Verification is very hard
 limited to small designs or verifying only certain key properties
 It is an approach in which we create a model of the design that can be executed on computer
 We entered the input values to the module and check that the output values of the module
match the expected values.
 Correctness verification
Example :
Prove ALU structural implementation equivalent to behavioral description.
1. Providing all possible input combinations to the module
2. Checking the ALU outputs for correct results
 completeness verification
Example :
Formally prove Elevator door closed when moving
1. Provide all possible input sequences
2. Check door always closed when elevator moving
 Simulation of all possible inputs is impossible, like simulating of all possible inputs for 32-bits
ALU ,which requires 232*232 possible input combinations which take a very long time to
 Designer can only simulate a tiny subset of possible inputs, which includes typical values ,and
boundary inputs.
 Simulation increases confidence of correctness/completeness of the design but Does not prove
Simulation advantages & disadvantages
 Simulation has several advantages over the physical implementation with respect to test &
debugging the system.
o Controllability
The ability to control the execution of the system, like the control of time and the data inputs of the system.
o Observability
the ability to examine system values, that the user can stop the simulation and observe internal system values.
o Debugging
the user can stop the simulation at any time ,either small ,and change the input values or the internal values or the
environment values, then restarting again.
o Setting up time
Simulation takes a less setting up time than physical implementation, and gives the ability to test the system and check
the output before setting up the system in hardware.
 Simulation has disadvantages
o Set up simulation take much time for a complex external environment.
o The models of the environment likely is incomplete ,so environment behavioral may be not modeled correctly.
o Simulation speed is slower than physical implementation speed.
 The most significant disadvantage is simulation speed
e.g.. physical implementation of microprocessor may executes 100 million instruction per second, a simulation of gate
level model may execute only 10 instruction per second…big gap!!!
 Simulation is slow for many reasons:
 Sequentializing parallel design
Supposing that we are analyzing 1000000 logic gates in a design ,all this gates operate in parallel ,so we have inputs ,
outputs for each gate, every gate is simulated per a time.
 Several programs added between simulated system and real hardware
The simulation has to understand the system ,takes the input , calculates ,then generates the output ,all of this take a
time, additionally the simulation is running under OS which may make a delay.
 Overcome of slow simulation speed
o Reducing the amount of real time simulation
Instead of using hours of simulation we might use a milliseconds of simulation
o Using faster simulator
There are two ways to make simulator faster
 Building & Using special hardware for simulation, known as Emulators.
 Using simulator which is less precise and accurate, by reducing controllability and observability.
 Don’t need gate-level analysis for all
 E.g., cruise control
 Don’t care what happens at every
input/output of each logic gate
 Simulating RT components ~10x faster
1 IC 1 hour
 Cycle-based simulation ~100x faster
 Accurate at clock boundaries only 10 FPGA 1 day
 No information on signal changes
100 4 days
between boundaries hardware emulation
 Faster simulator often combined with 1000 throughput model 1.4 months
reduction in real time
 If willing to simulate for 10 hours 10000 instruction-set simulation 1.2 years
 Use instruction-set simulator
100,000 cycle-accurate simulation 12 years
 Real execution time simulated
1,000,000 register-transfer-level HDL simulation >1 lifetime
 10 hours * 1 / 10,000
 = 0.001 hour 10,000,000 gate-level HDL simulation 1
 = 3.6 seconds
Hardware/software co-simulation
 It is a simulator that is designed to hide the details of integration of an ISS and HDL
 There are many simulation approaches varying in speed ,precision ,and accuracy.
 You may find a very detailed simulation like gate-level mode ,and very abstract simulation
like instruction level model.
 Simulation tools evolved separately for hardware/software ,so every one has separate design
 Software Global Purpose Processor(GPP)
 Typically with instruction-set simulator (ISS)
 Hardware Special Purpose Processor(SPP)
 Typically with models in HDL environment
 The integration of GPP & SPP onto a single IC increased the need of simulating these two
processors together, by merging the Software/Hardware simulation tools.
 There are two approaches to merge Software & Hardware simulation together
o The Simple way is to create an HDL module for the GPP which will run the software of the system,
and then integrating the HDL model of the SPP, it has two disadvantages:
 Much slower than ISS
 Less observable/controllable than ISS
o Creating communication between GPP (ISS) & SPP(HDL) ,that every one run alone at its simulation
and transferred data between them by shared communication when needed, this is known as
Hardware/Software Co-Simulation.
 Modern Hardware/Software co-simulations additionally to integrating two simulators,
they minimize the communication between two simulator.
 E.g. the memory between GPP & SPP every processor has to access the memory
 Where should memory go?
 In ISS
 HDL simulator must stall for memory access
 In HDL?
 ISS must stall when fetching each instruction
 The solution is to model a independent memory for every processor in ISS simulator and
HDL simulator with updating the shared data for both.
 Huge speedups (100x or more) reported with this technique.
 It is general physical device onto which a system can be mapped relatively quickly, and
can be placed in the system real environment.
 It is created to solve the problems of simulation ,expensive environment setup,
incomplete environment models, and slow simulation speed.
 An emulator consists of microprocessor IC and monitoring &controlling circuits.
 It may contain tens or hundreds of FPGAs ,and Usually supports debugging tasks
 Emulation has several advantages over simulation:
 Mapped relatively quickly
 Hours, days
 Can be placed in real environment
 No environment setup time
 No incomplete environment
 Typically faster than simulation
 Hardware implementation
 Emulation has also disadvantages:
o Still not as fast as real implementations
E.g., emulated cruise-control may not respond fast enough to keep control of car
o Mapping still time consuming
E.g., mapping complex SOC to 10 FPGAs ,just partitioning into 10 parts could take weeks
o Can be very expensive
o Top-of-the-line FPGA-based emulator: $100,000 to $1mill
o Leads to resource bottleneck, which a company may afford one emulator, then caused a groups to wait.
Reuse: intellectual property cores

 Designers always has Commercial Of-The-Shelf components COTS, which is

predesigned package ICs, and it is reduced the time of design and debug.

 System-On-Chip SOC is implementing all components of a system on single

chip, this is achieved by increasing ICs capacities.

 Changing the way COTS components are sold ,it is being sold as intellectual
property (IP) rather than actual IC.

 They are sold as behavioral, structural, or physical descriptions rather than

actual ICs.

 Designers can integrate these descriptions with other to form one large SOC.
 Processor-level components known as cores ,and it is referred to GPP or SPP IP
 Soft core
Gajski’s Y-chart
 Synthesizable behavioral
description Structural Behavioral
 Typically written in HDL Processors, memories Sequential programs
(VHDL/Verilog) Registers, FUs, MUXs Register transfers

 Firm core Gates, flip-flops Logic equations/FSM

 Structural description Transistors Transfer functions

 Typically provided in HDL Cell Layout

 Hard core Modules

 Physical description Boards

 Provided in variety of Physical

physical layout file formats

Hard/Soft core advantages & disadvantages

 Hard cores
 Ease of use
 Developer already designed and tested hard core
 Can use right away
 Can expect to work correctly

 Predictability
 Size, power, performance predicted accurately
 It is specific for exact IC process ,and not easily mapped (retargeted) to different process
 E.g., core available for vendor X’s 0.25 micrometer CMOS process
 Can’t use with vendor X’s 0.18 micrometer process
 Can’t use with vendor Y

 Soft cores
 Can be synthesized to nearly any technology
 Can optimize for particular use
 E.g., delete unused portion of core which gives Lower power ,and smaller designs
 Requires more design effort
 May not work in technology not tested for
 Not as optimized as hard core for the same processor ,since hard cores have been given more
Firm core advantages & disadvantages

 Compromise between hard and soft cores

 Some retargetability
 Limited optimization
 Better predictability/ease of use
New challenges to processor providers
 Cores have dramatically changed business model of vendors of GPP & SPP.
 These changes made for Pricing model & IP protection
 Pricing models
 In the past
 Vendors sold product as IC to the designers
 Designers must buy any additional copies, because of impossible copying of ICs

• Could not (economically) copy from original

 Today
 Vendors can sell as IP instead of ICs itself
 Designers incorporate IPs into SOC
 Designers can make as many copies as needed, and vendors gain money
 Vendor can use different pricing models
 Royalty-based model

• Similar to old IC model

• Designer pays for each additional model created
 Fixed price model

• One price for IP and designers can make as many copies as needed
 Many other models used

 IP protection
The next slide
IP protection
 IP protection has become a key concern of core providers
 In the past
 Illegally copying of IC is very difficult
 Reverse engineering required tremendous, deliberate effort
 “Accidental” copying is not possible
 Today
 Cores sold in electronic format
 Deliberate/accidental unauthorized copying are easier
 Vendors consider Safeguards greatly when selling their products
 Contracts are created between vendors and designers to ensure no copying and distributing
for the IP
 Encryption techniques is used by vendors to limit the actual exposure to IP
 E.g. watermarking
 determines if particular instance of processor was copied
 whether copy authorized
New challenges to processor users
 There are a new challenges posed for a designers to use GPP & SPP

 Licensing arrangements
 Purchasing a cores is not as easy as purchasing ICs
 More contracts enforcing pricing model and IP protection and possibly requiring legal assistance .
 Extra design effort
 Especially for soft cores
 Must still be synthesized and tested

 Minor differences in synthesis tools can cause problems

 Verification requirements more difficult

 Extensive testing for synthesized soft cores and soft/firm cores mapped to particular technology
 Ensure correct synthesis

 Timing and power vary between implementations

 There is no direct access to a core once it has been integrated into a chip
 Cores buried within IC
 Cannot simply replace bad core like replacing bad IC in the past
Design process model
 It describes order that design steps are
processed, and each step has many sub Waterfall design
steps. model
1. Behavior description step Behavioral
2. Behavior to structure conversion step
3. Mapping structure to physical
implementation step Structural

 Waterfall model Physical

 Proceed to next step only after current
step completed
Spiral design model
 Spiral model
 Proceed through 3 steps in order but Structural Behavioral
with less detail
 Repeat 3 steps gradually increasing detail
 Keep repeating until desired system
 Becoming extremely popular (hardware
& software development) Physical
Waterfall method
 If the designer has 6 month to build a system then he proceed with:
1. The designer start with describing behavior of the system completely, may take two months.
2. Once fully satisfied the correct of behavioral ,moving to the structural design, also take two months.
3. Once fully satisfying the correct of structural, then physical implementation is done.
 Drawbacks
 When we moved to the next step we cant come back to the previous level
 Not very realistic
 Bugs often found in later steps that must be fixed in earlier step
 E.g., when testing the structure we notice that we forgot to handle certain input condition at the behavior
 Prototype often needed to know complete desired behavior Waterfall design model
 E.g., customer adds features after product demo
 System specifications commonly change Behavioral
 E.g., to remain competitive by reducing power, size, certain features be dropped

 Unexpected iterations back through 3 steps cause missed deadlines Structural

 Lost revenues
 May never make it to market
Spiral method
 If the designer has 6 month to build a system then he proceed with:
1. The designer start with describing the basic behavior of the system and it is not complete, may take few weeks.
2. Proceeding to the structural design, also may take few weeks.
3. then creating a physical prototype for the system,and this prototype is used to test out the basic functions.
4. Go back to the first step and continue
 First iteration of 3 steps incomplete Spiral design model
 Much faster, though Structural Behavioral
 End up with prototype
 Use to test basic functions
 Get idea of functions to add/remove
 Original iteration experience helps in following iterations of 3 steps Physical
 Drawbacks:
 The designer must come up with ways to obtain structure and physical implementations quickly
 E.g., the designer uses FPGAs for prototype ,then generating a new silicon for final product takes a long time
 May have to use more tools
 The designer Could require Extra effort/cost when using extra tools .
 Could require more time than waterfall method due to the overhead of creating physical
 If correct implementation first time with waterfall
General-purpose processor design models
 Previous slides focused on SPPs

 Can apply equally to GPPs

 Waterfall model

 Structure developed by particular company

 Acquired by embedded system designer
 Designer develops software (behavior)
 Designer maps application to architecture

 Compilation
 Manual design

 Spiral-like model

 Beginning to be applied by embedded system designers

Spiral-like model
 Designer develops or acquires architecture
 Develops application(s) Architecture Application(s)

 Maps application to architecture Mapping

 Analyzes design metrics


 Now makes choice

 Modify mapping
 Modify application(s) to better suit architecture
 Modify architecture to better suit application(s)
 Not as difficult now

 Maturation of synthesis/compilers

 IPs can be tuned

 Continue refining to lower abstraction level until particular implementation chosen


Design technology seeks to reduce gap between IC

capacity growth and designer productivity growth
Synthesis has changed digital design
Increased IC capacity means sw/hw components
coexist on one chip
Design paradigm shift to core-based design
Simulation essential but hard
Spiral design process is popular
 Embedded System Design: A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction
Frank Vahid and Tony Givargis

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