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Di Susun Oleh :

1. Azizah Nuzulah
2. Diana Hasna Amatullah
3. Fadly Suryo Prayogo
Present Continous
•Function : To declare activities that are taking place
in the present day
•Pola :
Verbal Sentence
(+) S + is/am/are + V-ing + o.
(- ) S + is/am/are + not + V-ing + o.
(?) is/am/are + S + V-ing + o ?
(-?) is/am/are + S + not + V-ing + o ?
isn’t/aren’t + S + V-ing + o ?
*Note :
- Is : He, She, It
- Are : I, We, You, They
• Example
(+) Diana is speaking English.
(- ) Diana is not speaking English.
(?) Is Diana speaking English ?
(-?) Isn’t Diana speaking English ?

*Note :
 Tenses Continous always V-ing.
 Tenses Continous do not have a nominal, if there is a nominal, return
to tenses before.
- I am sleepy = Saya sedang tidur nominal = V, adj, adv, noun

S.Pr.C adj
- I am bored = Saya sedang bosan nominal = V, adj, adv, noun
S.Pr.C adj
Non-Progressive Verb
Verb-verb can’t pattern be+V-ing, if pattern
continous (be+V-ing) has a different meaning.

Exemple :
• Have = memiliki Having = menikmati
• Smell = bau Smelling = mencium
• Taste = rasa Tasting = mencicipi
• Dll
• Time Signal ( Ket.waktu) :
- Now
- Today
- Tonight
- Dll
• Question Word :
 We are climbing the mountain today.
a b c d

a. Who is climbing the mountain today ?

Q.W+is+ V-ing + o + adv ?
b. What are we doing today ?
Q.W +is/are/am+S+V-ing+adv?
c. What are we climbing today ?
Q.W +is/are/am+S+V-ing+adv?
d. When are we climbing the mountain ?
Q.W +is/are/am+S+V-ing+adv?

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