Adaptive Online Learning

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Adaptive online learning

A cloud based system adapted and integrated from open source s/w – Moodle,
BigBlueButton and others
What is Guru?
● Online learning platform
− Educators and Learners coming together to produce and consume curated knowledge.
● Online course content
− Course design is an art and a good communicator knows how to break the content down to bite size
pieces to effectively transcend the concepts across.
− Guru has all the tools integrated in it to enable the magic.
− Make use of text, audio, video and even interactive content for ease of learning and assimilation.
− Online quiz and test to evaluate the grasp of a student.
● Adaptive Learning
− Adaptive learning to change the pace and complexity of the content based on individual learner’s
− Self paced learning
What is Guru?
● Real time content delivery
− Real time teaching on a virtual classroom setup
− Real time interaction between teacher & students
− If you have a reliable internet access and a web browser you are all set.
● Any time, Anywhere
− Since the content is sitting on the cloud storage one can access the content from anywhere.
Physical location is no longer a constraint.
− A student in a remote village now has the same exposure as his big city counterpart. A stable
internet access enables a level playing field
Who needs Guru?
● Academic Institutions
− Implement a hybrid mode of teaching with a mix of in-person classroom teaching and online
virtual classroom teaching. Either way one needs to organize the courses in a most suitable for
effectively communicating the concepts.
− If students miss a class they can always catch up.
− Commuting is optional and less of a stress.
● Business Enterprises
− On site training is expensive and the business organizations are always looking for ways to cut
− Get the best trainer to train a large number of employees on multiple locations at a time.
− Very cost effective and time saving option to keep their employees updated with new
technologies, concepts and processes.
Who needs Guru?
● Private tutors
− Individual educators not affiliated to any organizations. Reach out to any learner in any corner
of the world, willing to receive your service.
− Your target audience is no longer limited to your locality.
− A student from California can take a Math class from a great teacher from Cochin and is willing
to pay for the service.
● Anybody who has some specific skills – Art, Music, Anything
− Who wants to transfer his knowledge to next set of learner - students
Why Guru?
● You do what you do the best – curate content & teach your target audience
− Leave the technical aspects and the complexity of maintaining the s/w platform to us – the Tech
● Academic Institutes
− Maintaining onsite learning management system for Institutes are not cost effective
− Lack of technical knowledge and expertise makes it a unviable option. Guru comes in with a
reliable and cost effective enebler to Online Learning management system.
Why Guru?
● Business Enterprises
− Maintaining onsite system is not cost effective.
− If any business wants to maintain it’s onsite system nonetheless, we can provide the customised
service as a business solution.
● Private Indivisuals
− Earn revenue by offering your courses.
− Earn fame and recognition for your great skills you want to share with others
− Reach out to a large pool of target audience who may just be looking for the courses you offer.
How to access Guru?
● Goto
− A demo site for now.
● Getting started – design a demo course
− Login as a teacher
● Login: teacher
● Passwd: Teacher#1234
● Tutorial
− Basic elements of designing a course can be found in this video tutorial
How to access Guru?
● Goto
− A demo site for now.
● Access a demo course – a Course creator
− “IIMK Demo Course”
− Reference course: “Applied English for Science and Technology”
− It will give you some idea as to how to organize a course.

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