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Point of view
Passage I
We drove up driveway and the car ground to a halt. Dad said, “so here
it is. Our new house”.
I didn’t say anything, I just stared and hoped that he could read my
face. It was a flat, squat house with dingy walls. Everything about it was
ugly. Its windows were gray, with slatted shades, and its door had a cheap
plastic welcome mat. It didn’t even have a proper lawn, just some patchy
grass and a few scraggly dendelions. I couldn’t imagine ever calling this
place home.
“so, what do you think?” said Dad. “not bad, huh? There’s lots of
space, that’s for sure. You’ll have your own bedroom this time.”
I just shrugged. I refussed to give him the pleasure of eye contact. This
time, I resolved, I wouldn’t get my hopes up.
Passage II
When the saclaloses arrived the new house, it was late afternoon.
They’d been driving for five hours, and they were all hot and sticky. When
the car crunched to a stop, they just sat there, drowsy and disoriented.
“so here it is,” said peter saclalos, slapping his hands to his legs. “Our
new house.”
silence. Amy wearly peeled the stereo headset off her ears and looked
around. “no point in getting excited, “she wispered to herself. They’d moved
five time in the past two years. She hated moving, but complaining got her
nowhere. She sighed, her face a mask of boredom.
John got out of the car first. His face was blank. He felt sick to his
“so, what do you think?” asked Mr.saclalos. “not bad, huh? There’s
lots of space, that’s for sure. You’ll have your own bedroom this time.”
Jhon just shrugged and looked away.
Passage I Passage II
-stared = startled -crunched = chew
-shades = house -pelled = shells
-patchy = not yet -sighed = complaint
-dandelion = grass which the -boredom = bored
color’s yellow
2. -Passage I = the new hous that didn’t like expectation
-passage II = displacement of houses that had occurred
in the past two years
3. –passage I
the important sentence is found in the last paragraph that. “I
just shrugged. I refused to give him the pleasure of eye contact.
This time I resolved I wouldn’t are my hopes”
-passage II
the important sentence is found in the middle paragraph that.
“they’d moved five times in the past two years. She hated
moving but complaining got here nowhere”
4. first person point of view, because the story used pronoun I
5. third-person point of view, because the narrator refers to the
character by name like Mr.sacloles, Amy and Jhon also used
pronoun she and his

Passage I Passage II
-the ideas emphasized of passage one -the ideas emphasized of passage two
placed in the last that “I just placed in the middle that “They’d moved
shrugged. I refussed to give him the five time in the past two years. She
pleasure of eye contact. This time, I hated moving, but complaining got her
resolved, I wouldn’t get my hopes up.” nowhere.”
-“not bad, huh? There’s lots of space, -“not bad, huh? There’s lots of space,
that’s for sure. You’ll have your own that’s for sure. You’ll have your own
bedroom this time.” bedroom this time.”
-I just shrugged. I refussed to give him the -Jhon just shrugged and looked away.
pleasure of eye contact. This time, I
resolved, I wouldn’t get my hopes up.

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