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To most, teaching involves keeping order in the classroom,
pouring forth facts usually through lectures or textbooks, giving

examinations and making grades .

However, there is more to it what appears,

and this is where the art of teaching comes in.
While peace is something school are aiming for,
peace is not something that could be taught like other
subject .

Education for peace, is equally about the

development of a range of attitudes and skills such as
critical thinking, cooperation, empathy, assertiveness,
open mindedness, respect and ecological concern
among others.
The attitudes are a reminder that we must each
begin with ourselves..

The strong sense of fairness that many students

have can, given appropriate learning experiences,
become part of a commitment to justice, to caring for
the environment, to becoming involved in political as
well as personal change.
If one is concerned about developing self respect,
appreciation of others, concepts of justice and
nonviolence, they must also be part of the process of
learning itself .

This puts the teacher in the role of a facilitator

rather than in authority, creating a person-centred
learning climate which involves much more than just
the intellect.
•Ways on how
to teach Peace
in classroom
a. The Helping Tree
Is a concrete example of instilling kindness,
caring, and gratefulness.
b. Learning Constitution
-the students tried to follow what they
have written since they were the authors of
their constitution. If some changes were
deemed necessary, the class met to amend the
-since of responsibility flows from the
freedom of choice. In this case the Learning
Constitution worked because the students
participated in its creation. And because it is
theirs, they own it, they follow it.
c. Students as Peace
-Learning how to defuse conflict and potentially
violent situations without placing their own safety in
jeopardy; learning anger management and most
importantly believing in the non-violent conflict
resolution had been learned and applied in this
d. Teacher Substitute
as Manager
e. Buddies
-a buddies in this class meant the partner assigned
by the teacher who will be responsible for the academic
performance and behaviour of the partner in class. The
pair consists of a boy and a girl.
-The Learning environment focuses on
importance of providing for a social,
psychological and physical environment within
which all students, regardless of their individual
differences in learning, can engage the different
learning activities and work towards attaining
high standards of learning.
Strands of Desired Teaching Performance Indicators

2.1 Create an Maintains a learning

environment of courtesy
environment that
and respect for different
promotes fairness learners.
Provides gender-fair
opportunities for learning
Recognizes that every
learner has strengths.
Strands of Desired Teaching Performance Indicators

2.2 Makes the Maintains a safe, clean and

orderly classroom free from
classroom environment distractions
safe and conducive to Arranges challenging
learning activities given the physical
Uses individuals and
cooperative learning activities to
improve capacities of learners
for higher learning
Strands of Desired Teaching Performance Indicators

2.3 Communicates Encourages learners to ask

higher learning Provides learners with a
expectations to each variety of learning experiences
Provides varies enrichment
learner activities to nature the desire for
further learning
Communicates and maintains
high standards of learning
Strands of Desired Teaching Performance Indicators

Handles behaviour problems quickly

2.4 Establishes and and with due respect to children’s rights
maintain consistent Gives timely feedback to reinforce
appropriate to learners behaviour
standards of learners’ Guides individual learners requiring
behaviour development of appropriate social and
learning behaviour
Communicates and enforces school
policies and procedures for appropriate
learner behaviour
Strands of Desired Teaching Performance Indicators

Encourages free
2.5 Creates a healthy expressions of ideas from
psychological climate students
for learning Creates stress-free
Takes measures to
minimize anxiety and fear of
the teacher and / or subject
Therefore, no matter what level students are in,
the motivation set by the teacher through a warm
learning environment will always work, no matter
the time and the era. The essence of letting learn is
allowing to them to be, to fly if they can, to nudge
them slightly so they can fly and never be a
hindrance when they begin to soar.

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