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Name: MD. Wahid Hassan Fuad
ID: 1730149
#1 Artificial
What is AI • Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer
program or a machine to think and learn.

and Machine • Machine learning is an application of artificial

intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to
Learning? automatically learn and improve from experience
without being explicitly programmed.
• Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have both
become synonymous with innovation.
Functions of • Artificial intelligence (AI) specialists program computers
to "think.“

an AI • For example, an AI specialist might develop a computer

program to simulate the way the human brain might
Specialist recognize a face. The computer's ability to recognize a
face would then be compared to a human's ability.
• The most similar they are, the better the software
performance is.
• Hiring for this role has grown 85% annually over the
past 5 years
#2 Site • Site Reliability Engineers are responsible for ensuring
that development and operational processes are

Reliability running smoothly in the software applications that we


Engineer • Their main goal is to create scalable and highly reliable

software systems for task automation.
• Task automation through software eliminates the need
for manual human labor.
#3 Data • Data has quickly become every company’s most
valuable resource.

Engineer • Data engineers’ job is to build the infrastructure to keep

various data organized and make sense of the
• Data engineers are responsible for finding trends in
data sets and developing algorithms to help make raw
data more useful to the enterprise.
• This role has seen more than 50% growth in hiring
annually since 2015.
#4 Data • Data scientists help companies interpret and manage
data and solve complex problems using expertise in a

Scientist variety of data niches.

• Data scientists generally have a foundation in computer
science, modeling, statistics, analytics, and math -
coupled with a strong business sense.

Skills unique to the job:

Machine Learning, Data Science, Python, R, Apache Spark
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