Timeline of The Mexican Revolution

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Álvaro Obregón (1920-24) Education and Cultural reforms:

Emilio Portes Gil (1928-30)

- He put in charge to Puig Casauranc and
Moisés Sáenz (1924–28)
- Expansion of rural areas education, as
Land and Workers reforms: well as the introduction of adult
- There was no Agrarian reform as education.
such, but he set up the National - Introduction of agricultural colleges.
Plan of Agua Prieta(1920): Agrarian Commission in 1922 to - Provoked some rivalry with the Church
A manifesto that would eventually survey Mexico’s agricultural education since he closed schools
lead to the rejection of Carranza to areas. related to it, and also forced to teach a
wield power in Mexico. - No distribution of land, nationalist sense among students to
Being created by Alvaro Obregon, but “redistribution”. support the revolution. Continued Calle´s legacy
this would also led him to win the - He was a landowner - Institution: Casa del estudiante in a major extent.
elections of 1920. Indígena, didn´t end up well.
Becomes president on December

1920 1924 1928 1930

Until November December 1st Plutarco Calles (1924-1928) Land and Workers reforms:
- He was able to redistribute as
Education and Cultural reforms: Land and Workers reforms:
- There was an improvement on the land much land as Calles, but in
- He put in charge to José Vasconcellos on the less time (2 years).
reforms, since he tripled the amount of
Ministry of education. redistributed lands in comparison to
- 2000 Libraries and 1000 schools were created Obregon´s work. Foreign Policy
in 4 years: - The introduction of more legal Would lead to les tensions
- There were guides for teachers, school protections to the industrial workers with the US when breaking
textbooks, classic texts, etc. diplomatic relations with the
- However there was also a massive Foreign Policy
Economic and Social improvements: Soviet Union.
presence of incapacitated teachers - National Bank of Mexico Provoked
- Development of muralism, looking forward for - National Agricultural Credit Bank tensions with the
national identity within rural areas. - The PRI party US due to the
- SEP plan´s were in a major extent, ineffective, - National Road Commision presence of
since quality of education was uneven. communism.
Ortíz Rubio

Foreign Policy:

- Joined the League of Nations

- Had to face the impact of the
Great Deppresion

1930 1932 1934 1940

Education and Cultural reforms:
Education and Cultural reforms:
- Had Narciso Bassols (1931–34) in charge.
- Promoted a socialist Mexicoand
Education withCultural
great reforms:
- Had Narciso Bassols (1931–34) in charge.
- Promoted a socialist Mexico with great influence of agricultural-based economies.
- The incentivation- ofHad
education, but with
Bassols a
(1931–34) in charge.
influence of agricultural-based economies.
- The incentivation of sex education, but with a sort of conservative view.
- Promoted a socialist Mexico with great
- Focus on scientific/technological
influence of agricultural-based economies.
sort of conservative view.
- Focus on scientific/technological improvements for - Mexico´s interior policies,
The incentivation of sex education, but with a
specifically in the rural areas.
sort of conservative view.
improvements for Mexico´s interior policies,
- Focus on scientific/technological
specifically in the rural areas.
improvements for Mexico´s interior policies,
specifically in the rural areas.

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