Management by Objectives

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Human resources slide 1

TOPICS resources slide 2

What is Management By Objectives?

The formal MBO System

Evaluation of MBO

Strengths of MBO

Weaknesses of MBO

Making MBO Effective

What is Management By
Human resources Objectives?
slide 6
 Management by Objectives (MBO) is a strategic approach to enhance
the performance of an organization. It is a process where the goals of
the organization are defined and conveyed by the management to the
members of the organization with the intention to achieve each

 The term management by Objectives was popularized as and approach

to planning by PETER DRUCKER in 1954 in his book The Practice
of Management.

 According to Drucker it is the relationship of each individual’s

objectives to the common goal. It is also the efficient operation of the
total organization through the efficient operation and integration of its

 It was based on THEORY Y : People want and are eager to work,

derive a great deal of satisfaction from work under the right
circumstances and can do a good job of it, too.
resources slide 3
Top- Level goal Setting Autonomy in Implementation of Plans
Within the normal constraints of
Effective Planning usually starts with top organizations policies, mangers should be
Common Elements in effective managers, who set preliminary goals after free to develop and implement programs to
MBO Systems: consulting with other organization members. achieve their goals without being second-
Goals should be stated in specific, guessed by their immediate superiors. This
Commitment to the Program measurable terms. aspect of MBO programs is particularly
At every organizational level, managers’ appreciated by managers.
commitment to achieving personal and Individual goals
organizational objectives. Setting objectives in a specific terms at every Review of Performance
Managers must meet with subordinates level to help employees understand clearly Managers and subordinates periodically
first to set objectives and then to review what they are expected to accomplish. This meet to review progress toward the
progress toward these objectives. helps each individual plan effectively to objectives. During the review, the decide
achieve his or her targeted goals what problems, if any, exist and what they
If objectives are set but not reviewed can each do to resolve them.
Periodically, they are not likely to be Participation To be fair & meaningful, review should be
achieved. If subordinates’ progress is The greater the participation of both based on measurable performance results
reviewed in an overly judgmental way, mangers and subordinates in the setting of rather than on subjective criterial, such as
resentment and impaired functioning goals, the more likely it is that the goals will attitude or ability.
will result. be achieved.
Human resources slide 4 Providing feedback on performance
of employees generally led to better
The more specific and timely the
feedback, the more positive the
GOAL SETTING effects. The manner in which the PARTICIPATION
When it comes to goal setting, feedback is provided also affects
Research suggest that there are at
nothing succeeded like success. performance. The feedback should be
least two ways in which participating
Individuals who determine their own given in a tactful manner,
in setting goals can lead to higher
goals tend to aim for an improvement particularly if it conveys failure to
on past performance. If they achieve meet objectives.
1. Participation can lead to a great
this improvement, they again set them likelihood that goals will be
selves a higher goal. If they fail to accepted and accepted goals are
reach their target, however, they ten more likely to be achieved.
to set more conservative levels of
aspirations for the next period. 2. Participation can lead to the
setting of higher goals, and
higher goals lead to higher

Human resources
Strengths of MBO
slide 8
MBO has major advantages to offer individual as well as to the

Major Advantages of MBO Programs

1. It lets individuals know what is expected of them.

2. It aids in planning by making managers establish goals &
target days.
3. It improves communication between mangers &
4. It makes individuals more aware of the organization’s goals.
5. It makes the evaluation process more equitable by focusing
on specific accomplishments. It also lets subordinates know
how well they are doing in relation top the organization’s
WEAKNESSES OF MBO 5. Setting and coordinating objectives
Human resources slide 5
Several key problems that must be controlled if the program is to be
Setting challenging, yet realistic objectives is
frequently a source of confusion for managers.
There may be problems in making the
objectives measurable, in finding a happy
1. Management style and support. 3.Interpersonal Skills. medium between targets that are too easy and
If top managers prefer a strong The manager-subordinate goal- those that are impossible, and in describing
authoritarian approach and setting and review process requires the objectives clearly and precisely.
centralized decision making, they a high level of skill in
will require considerable interpersonal relations. Many 6. Control of goal achievement methods.
reeducation before they can managers have neither previous Considerable frustrations can result if one
implement an MBO program. experience nor natural ability in manager’s efforts to achieve goals are
these areas. Training in counseling dependent on the achievement of others within
2. Adaption and change. and interviewing may be required. the organization.
MBO may require many changes in
4. Job Descriptions. 7. Conflict between creativity and MBO.
an organizational structure,
Framing a specific list of Trying performance evaluation promotion,
authority patterns and control
individual objectives and and compensation to the achievement of
procedures. Managers must
responsibilities is difficult and objectives mat be counter productive if it tends
support these changes. Those who
time-consuming. In addition, job to discourage innovation. Commitment to
participate only because they’re
descriptions must be reviewed and innovation and change should be part of the
forced to go along with the
revised as conditions within the process establishing goals to avoid this
organization may easily doom the
organization change. danger.
program to failure
Making MBO
Human resources slide 9
Key steps required of the highest
involved in the program:

1. Demonstrate continuing top-level 3. Formulate objectives clearly. Mangers and subordinates must be
commitment. Initial acceptance and satisfied that objectives are realistic and clearly understood, and that
enthusiasm among employees for an they will be use to evaluate performance.
MBO program may quickly disappear 4. Make feedback effective. An MBO system depends on participants
unless top management makes concerted who know where they stand in relation to their objectives. Setting
efforts to keep the system alive and fully goals Is not sufficient incentive; regular performance review and
functioning. feedback results are necessary.
2. Educate & train managers. For MBO to 5. Encourage participation. Managers must realize that participation by
succeed, managers must understand it and subordinates in goal setting may imply some reallocation of power.
have the appropriate skill. They must be Managers must be willing to relinquish some direct control over their
educated concerning the procedures and subordinates to take more active roles in defining and achieving their
advantages of the system, the skill own objectives.
required, and the benefits MBO provides
to the organization and their own careers.
Human resources slide 10

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