Mastitis Presentation

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Welcome to my

A Presentation On

Prevalence of Mastitis at UVH & Their

Therapeutic Management Practiced at Field

Submitted By
Submitted To
Md. Mehedi Hasan
Dr .K.B.M. Saiful Islam
Intern group: C
Chairman & Associate Professor
Reg No: 14-05915
Dept. of Medicine & Public Health
What is Mastitis?
Mastitis mainly defined as the inflammation of the mammary gland &
udder tissue. Its mostly found in Dairy animal specially in cow & goat.
Mastitis mostly common in the rural area as the rural people are mostly
illiterate so that they don’t have any idea about the risk of this condition.
1. To know the epidemiological study of Mastitis

2. To create awareness about the risk of mastitis among people

3. To know the present condition of mastitis either in rural or urban areas

4. To know prevalence and its therapeutic management

• I have learned a lot about mastitis from internship programme at my
upazilla veterinary Hospital, Hizla, Barisal

• I have gathered so many experiences about various diseases and disease

conditions of animals and birds.

• Among them I have handled some mastitis cases directly.

1) Most often Mastitis is caused by the bacterial infection specially
streptococcus & Staphylococcus Spp.
2) Any kind of previous infection present in the udder
3) Mechanical , thermal & chemical injury in udder
4) Unhygienic condition of mammary gland specially after parturition
Clinical sign & symptom
 Udder becomes large in shape & size

 Each mammary gland become too hard if both

are infected

 Rejected to handling & milking

 Milk cant come out easily from teat canal

 Pus also come out through milk

 Anorexia
Fig: Mastitis in goat found at UVH
Materials & Method
• At the UVH ( Upazila Veterinary Hospital ) I found a case of mastitis in Goat . I confirmed it as

mastitis by showing its clinical sign symptom which was told in previous slide.

• Moreover Mastitis can be detected by using Electric mastitis Machine which I performed at

Military farm in savar.

• About 1ml milk is given from each quarter and taken in the machine . If the Each quarter count is

below 300 then its sure it contain mastitis otherwise vice- versa.
Fig: Mastitis test by electric mastitis machine
CMT Test For Detection Of Mastitis
1. CMT test represents the somatic cell count.

2. For this test a CMT paddle is used .

3. Then about 2 to 3ml of milk is taken from each quarter.

4. Equal amount of CMT reagent is added.

5. Then the paddle is agitated for 2to 3 minutes.

6. The more gel is formed the score becomes higher.

Fig: CMT paddle for mastitis testing
Result interpretation of mastitis.
CMT Score Somatic Cell Interpretation
Negative 0-200000 Healthy Quarter
Trace 200000-400000 Subclinical Mastitis
1 400000-1200000 Subclinical Mastitis
2 1200000-5000000 Serious Mastitis
3 0ver 5000000 Serious Mastitis
Management of Mastitis
At the UVH I performed the mastitis Goat by pressing my hand to the udder in
order to expose milk from udder. Then I also used Teat siphon for dilating teat
canal in order to exposed milk. There pus also came out.
For therapeutic management I used Gentamycin injection as an antibiotic, and
antihistaminic drug at UVH.

Fig: Management of mastitis at UVH

Result & Discussion
At UVH some cases of mastitis are found during one month . Dairy cow & goat are mostly found

Sl. No Species Total Mastitis Case Prevalency rate

Cases Found ( %)
01 Cow 100 10 10

02 Goat 80 03 3.75
03 Sheep 10 01 10

Table: Mastitis cases found during one month UVH internship programme
1. If not treated then gangrene may occur
2. Necrosis in udder
3. Milk production decreased
4. Toxemia
5. Finally death may occur
Thanks for

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