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Strategies for

Academic Success

D K Rana
Applied Sciences Department
Krishna Engineering College
Strategies for Academic Success

 Motivation
 Self Belief
 Goal Setting
 Time Management
 Setting the Priorities Right
 Regular Studies
Strategies for Academic Success
 Procrastination (Delaying the things)
 Memory EnhancingTechniques
 Improve Reading Capabilities
 Concentration
 Studying for Exams
 I-3 (Important Three)
 What is motivating
you to try your best?
 What can possibly
motivate you more?
 What is keeping you
from being on top?
 Don’t underestimate
 Feel confident! Believe in
your abilities!
 Forget about past mistakes –
focus on your current task.
 Read words of Inspiration!
 Mild Aggression!
Always say
to Yourself,
“I can do it!

What are your goals?

Yale Study: Students who
list goals are much more likely
to achieve success.
“You become! What you think!.”
 Set a big and realistic Goal &
write it in Mission Statement.
 “Bada Socho – Think Big.”
- Dhiru Bhai Ambani
 “It’s a crime to set a small aim.”
-Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
 Make optimum use of MANAGEMENT
time. Students’ can’t
  – Key to Success
afford to waste even a
single minute.
Time & Tide wait for
 Prepare two schedules none!
for studies – One for
working day and one
for holiday, and follow
them strictly.
Key to Success
 Maintain a time management sheet
and make chronological record of
activities for each day. By doing so
one can stop wasting his/her time.
 Avoid unnecessary visits to relatives
with parents.
Key to Success

 Make Books your friends.

 Increase your study hours at home.
 In this period of your life – only
studies are important and nothing

What is the best way to set

the priorities right?
What would you do if you had a choice of the following four things to
eat over the next four days and you had no refrigeration?
A Pizza
A Hot Dog
A Hamburger
A Submarine Sandwich
What would you eat first, second, etc?

What would you save for last? Why?

• Have you scheduled study times by using day planner?
• How long do you study at one time?
• Do you give your self rewards after you study?
 “Do not feel the pressure of Studies! Study to acquire
knowledge without really worrying much for Exams.”
List priorities in order A,B,C, D, etc. in your daily planner.
Cross out or check when you completed an assignment.
You can also use colors – red for high priorities, then
purple, blue, green, and so forth…

D a te : W e d s , S e p t 2 9 th

A ) A lg e b r a
T e s t, M o n 2 O c t

B ) W o r ld H is t o ry C ) C h e m is t r y D ) E n g lis h
T e s t T h u rs 5 O c t P a p e r d u e F ri 6 O c t P a p e r d u e T h u rs 1 2 O c t
Regular Studies are important
because by doing Regular
Studies you can score good
grades , even if you do not slog
during Exam time. It can be
better understood in the
following example:
* Imagine a Sandwich that is 30 ft. long.
*Would you be able to eat it all in one
 How many ft. could you eat?
 If you tried to eat all 30 ft all in one day, how
would you feel?
 Would you try to eat it two days or in two
Cut the sandwich into several pieces and store in the fridge
or the freezer so you can eat smaller, easier to consume
amounts another day. You would not want to jam two or
more weeks worth of food down your stomach in one day!
* Why would you try to stuff two weeks worth of
information into your brain in one cram session?  

  “Inch by inch, life is a cinch, yard by yard life is hard.”

- Do Your best on regular basis.
- Ask a question to yourself before going to sleep
that Have I done my best today? If you get the
answer No, then read for some more time, till the
answer becomes Yes.
- Like this You can do your best on Weekly,
Monthly & Yearly Basis.
- And finally You will be able to do your best in
your life as a whole.
  “Inch by inch, life is a cinch, yard by yard life is hard.”

Hot, Fresh, and Tasty!

What happens to the same
donuts if they are left out after two weeks? .
 In two weeks the donuts will become STALE and Hard to eat!
Old Stale Information
Two weeks old (or more)
 What happens to
information we learn today?

 On the same day it’s fresh!

But if we don’t take a bite of
the same information in a
few weeks it becomes fuzzy,
stale, and hard to recall.

 “Review information
the same day while it’s
still fresh and easy to
 Organize – List facts in
chronological order use
colors and numbers.
 Learn Actively – Don’t
sit - move around and
form a mental picture.
 Draw diagrams, charts,
cartoons, all pictures are
a memory enhancer.
 Stay Healthy – studies
show proper diet &
exercise can increase
memory by 20%.
 Recite – reciting is
THREE times more
effective than reading.
 Reviewing – notes the
same day increases your
chances of recalling by
over 70%.
Improve Reading Capabilities

 Successful Readers – READ! READ! READ!

 Read with Purpose – What do you need to know?
*Survey the information.
*Question – what you have read.
*Read - re-tell the information in your own words.
*Recite – important information and highlights.
*Review - readings and revise important questions.
 Do you daydream
while you study?
 Does your mind tend
to wander off?
 Do you think of
things totally
unrelated to the
 Do you worry often?
What can you do?
 Prepare and Organize
 Use syllabi & study guide
 Study difficult subjects first
 Have a dedicated study space

 Phone – turn it off

 Use SQ3R method
 Have a worry pad handy and
write down stray thoughts.
Studying For Exams
 Use the F-O-C-U-S method, make it a habit!
 Focus focus on the syllabus and study guide.
 Open open your text and your notes daily and
become familiar with the content.
 Condense condense notes to make study sheets.
 Understand the hard questions.
 Study – study in a quiet place, with a partner, in
a group, and quiz one another.
Studying For Exams
 Recite your notes daily – take frequent breaks!
 Recite out loud - walk around the room.
 Keep away from the smart phones.
 Limit TV and Internet games to 30 min.
I -3 (Important Three)

Be punctual!
Be regular!
Work Hard!
!Success will be Yours!
“The most important
thing is to not stop

Albert Einstein
A Golden Question?
Worth asking to yourself!

 “The key question to keep asking

is, Are you spending Your time on
the right things? Because time is
all you have.”
– Randy Pausch
!Thank You!

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