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Black Friday Sales

analysis & prediction

K.Pruthvi Raj
Black Friday Sales
-> Black Friday is an informal name for the Friday
following Thanksgiving Day in the United states, which is celebrated on
the fourth Thursday of November.
->Analysis of normal sales is boring so lets analyse sales on the day
where people literally fight for buying products on sale unlike other
->It can be refered to as big billion day sale on Amazon,Flipkart.
We are analysing
->sales of different products based on different independent variables.
->relationship between different variables , so that we can create a
model that can predict sales accurately.
Software used:
.Jupyter notebook
.IBM Watson
Modules used:
.numpy ,matplotlib , pandas ,sickit learn
Data set used:

Stay_In_ e
Product Product Product
Product Occupa City_Cat Current_ Marital_
Gender Age _Catego _Catego _Catego
_ID tion egory City_Yea Status ry_1 ry_2 ry_3

0 69042 0 1 10 1 2.0 0 3 9.84214 12.6698 8370

4 4

6.00000 14.0000
1 248942 0 1 10 1 2.0 0 1 0 0 15200

The dependent variable is purchase.The independent variables are everything expect purchase.

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