Conjunction: Both, Neither, Either

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Both, Neither, Either

Sasha Nabila Fortuna
Syifa Kamilah Sophian
01 Both
Both = the two; that one AND
the other one; this one AND
that one

Both can be used as a pronoun

to refer to two things that we
have already mentioned
Both X and Y Both or Both of?
Both + Adjective + and +
Adjective Both (of) + determiner + plural
● He’s both tall and handsome. noun
● I’m both happy and confused ● Both of the parents were
at the same time! nervous.
● Both parents were nervous.
Both + Noun + and + Noun
Both can be used with a singular Both of + Object Pronoun
noun + and + singular noun
● She speaks both English and ● He has invited both us.
Arabic. (incorrect)
● They have both a cat and a ● He has invited both of us.
dog. (correct)
Verb + Object Pronoun + both To be + both
We can use both after a plural Both comes after To Be
object pronoun. (or an auxiliary such as
● I hope they invite us both have or modal verbs).
(= I hope they invite both
of us) ● My sister and I are both
● Do you need them both? ready for the trip.
(= Do you need both of ● We were both happy with
them) our exam results.
Modal verb + both + verb Both + other verbs

● My parents can both

● We both wanted to stay
speak French.
in bed and not go to work.
● They should both try
● They both liked the
● My brothers would both
● My parents both work in
be shocked if they knew
the same building.
the truth.
02 Neither
Neither = not one and not the

Neither is a negative word and

is accompanied by an
affirmative singular verb.
Neither X and Y Neither + singular
Neither … nor … is used as a  Neither is noun
used as a
conjunction. It is the opposite of determiner before a single
“Both … and …” If a verb comes
after this phrase, that verb is in
the singular form ● Neither team wanted to lose.
● That tennis game was very
● Neither John nor Fred
close. Neither player had a
likes doing the dishes. clear advantage.
● I want neither the red shirt ● Neither parent knew about
nor the blue shirt. the accident.
● I neither smoke nor drink.
Neither of + determiner + Neither of + Pronoun
plural noun
You can use Neither of
before a determiner (my, ● The present is for neither of
his, these, the etc.) and a us.
● Neither of them is married.
plural noun. ● Neither of us expected to be
● Neither of my friends came
to class today.
● Neither of the parents
Neither in short
understood what the baby ● A:responses
I have never been to
was trying to say. Switzerland
● B: Neither have I.
03 Either
Either = any one of the two =
this one or the other one

Either is accompanied by an
affirmative singular verb and is
mostly used in questions or
negative sentences
Either X and Y
Either … or … is used as a
Either + singular
conjunction. It is used to express noun
 Either is used as a
alternatives and or a choice determiner before a single
between two (and sometimes noun.
more) things. It is used a verb in
singular form ● There are only two options
● Either you or John has to and I’m not interested in
finish the report before 5pm. either film.
● You can have either the red ● A: Do you want it ready for
shirt or the blue shirt Thursday or Friday?
● Either you leave the building ● B: Either day is fine for me.
now or I call the security
Either of + determiner + Either of + Pronoun
plural noun
You can use Either of before ● A: Which photo do you
a determiner (my, his, these, prefer?
● B: I don’t like either of them
the etc.) and a plural noun.
● I think I left my keys and
● We’ve been dating for 6 wallet at the office. I don’t
want to lose either of them.
months and I haven’t met
either of her parents.
● I haven’t read either of
Either in short responses
these books. ● A: I didn’t go to class
yesterday. B: I didn’t either
Summary Chart

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