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Ex. 20:13; Deut. 5:17
“We are made in the image and likeness of God and loved by God. Our bodies participate in
our intrinsic dignity as persons. Our bodies must not be defiled or mutilated. Must not be
subjected to moral evil… Everyone has a right to life and to bodily integrity, but society also has
a right to protect itself and the general good of its citizens.

Moreover, the commandment stresses the sacredness of human life. “Each person lives in a
special relationship with God. The intentional killing of an innocent person is forbidden. Both the
Old and New Testament are filled with references to the dignity of the human person and the
inviolability of human life.

The fifth commandment “forbids wilful murder and placing any action which intends
indirectly the death of another person. It also forbids risking one’s own life without
serious, justifying reason.”
refers to the voluntary and unjust killing of a Direct and intentional killing is a
being. It is a grievous evil. A murderer violates gravely sinful.
the rights of God over human life, and besides “The murderer and those who cooperate voluntarily
taking a life, robs a victim of the opportunity to in murder commit a sin that cries out to heaven for
gain merits for heaven, and prepare himself for vengeance.”
Ex. Infanticide,Fratricide, Parricide, the murder of
death.” the spouse, etc.

Indirect of Unintentional killing is not morally imputable.

“The fifth commandment forbids doing anything with the intention of indirectly bringing about a
person’s death. The moral law prohibits exposing someone to mortal danger.”
Ex. The acceptance by human society of murderous famines, without efforts to remedy them, is a
scandalous injustice and a grave offense.

Refers to actions taken by a person to
prevent another person from cause
harm to one’s self, one’s property or
one’s home.

Direct or


Eugenic Therapeutic
involves a request by the dying
patient or that of a person’s
legal representative.
is a practice of ending a life so involves not doing something to
as to release an individual from prevent death to prevent death or
allowing someone to die.
an incurable disease or
intolerable suffering, also
called “mercy killing”
involves taking deliberate
action to cause a death.
is the act of deliberately killing of yourself

is the punishment of death for

committing a heinous crime.

Retribution Reform Deterrence

is the vindication of the rights of implies the rehabilitation of the is discouraging others from
the victim. criminal. committing the same crime.
is the voluntary prevention of life by the use of artificial means in which the generative cells are
ARTIFICIAL prevented from uniting during the sexual act.
ON Examples: Condoms, Diaphragm, Sponge, Contraceptive Pills, Injection and Implants, Vaginal Jellies, Creams and
Foams, and IUD.

This commandment forbids the international destruction of human life because of the evils and injustices
WAR that accompany all war.

ARTIFICIAL is the process in which male spermatozoa are collected and introduced artificially into the female genital
INSEMINATION tract for the purpose of fertilization.
BABIES or is an assisted reproductive technology (ART) in which one or
IN VITRO more eggs is fertilized outside a females body.

is a form of non-sexual or asexual reproduction in which all

the offspring are genetically identical to each other and to the
parent that gave rise to them.

is “an attitude or behaviour that leads others to devil.”

Moreover, “scandal takes on a particular gravity by reason of
the authority of those who cause it or the weakness of those
who are scandalized.”
Vices of
alcohol and
PARTICULA drug abuse,
R and to the
OFFENSES less intensive
AGAINST degree,
LIFE smoking.
Kidnapping bring on a reign of terror by means of threats they
and subject their victims to intolerable pressures.
Terrorism threatens wounds and kills indiscriminately, it
is gravely against justice and charity.

AGAINST which uses physical or moral violence to extract confessions
HUMAN Torture punish the guilty, frighten opponents, or satisfy hatred is contrary
INTEGRITY to respect for bodily integrity.
DIGNITY Amputation,
Mutilations, performed on innocent person are
and Sterilizations against the moral law.

Organ are in conformity with the moral law if the physical and psychological dangers
Transplant and risks to the donor are proportionate to the good that is sought for the
is a habitual anger, a strong
ANGER HATRED dislike of or ill-will anyone. It is a
is a desire for revenge. inner source of violence against

is the desire to inflict unjust

REVENGE punishment on someone who
has injured, from a motive of
1. Respect for life – The Church teaches God is the author, the sustainer, and the goal
of every human life.

2. Respect for health – very often the condition of the body affects that of the soul. If
the body is unhealthy, the soul suffers.

3. Respect for the souls of others – by committing scandalous acts a person

influences others to do the same.
4. Respect for the persons and scientific research - As a stewards of the precious gift
of our own very life, the fifth commandment “motivates us not to endanger our life
unnecessarily by any activity.

5. Respect for the dead– Even after death, the body must be treated with respect.

6. Safeguard peace – Anger and hatred destroy peace among individuals and nations and
often are the precursors of the unjust taking of life.

7. Avoid War – While forbidding the wilful destruction of human life, the Church
recognizes the rights of governments to legitimate self-defense.
Thank you.
Write TRUE if the statement is false and FALSE if otherwise.

1. A murderer violates the rights of God over human life, and besides taking a life, robs
a victim of the opportunity to gain merits for heaven, and prepare himself for death.
2. Voluntary Euthanasia only involves the request of the dying patient.
3. Retribution is discouraging others from committing the same crime.
4. Vices of alcohol and drug abuse, and to the less intensive degree, smoking are
particular offenses against life.
5. Hatred is the desire to inflict unjust punishment on someone who has injured, from a
motive of anger.
6. The Church teaches God is the author, the sustainer, and the goal of every human life.
a. Respect for health c. Respect for life
b Respect for the souls of others d. Respect for the dead
7. Anger and hatred destroy peace among individuals and nations and often are the precursors of
the unjust taking of life.
a. Respect for health c. Respect for the souls of others
b. Safeguard peace d. Respect for life
8. As a stewards of the precious gift of our own very life, the fifth commandment “motivates us
not to endanger our life unnecessarily by any activity.
a. Respect for the persons and scientific research
b. Safeguard peace
c. Respect for life
d. Respect for health
9. What is the fifth commandment given by God to Moses?
10. In what passage in the bible can the fifth commandment be found?
Answer keys
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. “Thou/You shall not kill.”
10. Exodus 20:13 or Deuteronomy 5:17

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