Short Quiz 1

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Short quiz

1. Anemias associated with normocytic and

normochromic red cells and reticulocytopenia
are under:
A. hypoproliferative anemia
B. hyperproliferative anemia
C. megaloblastic anemia
D. hemolytic anemia
• Ideally, oral iron preparations should be given
in a full stomach
• A. True
• B. False
• How much elemental iron content in a 325mg
A. 65mg
B. 39mg
C. 107mg
D. 150mg
How many days the Reticulocyte count should
be begin to increase after the initiation of iron
A. 2weeks
B. 4-7days
C. 1-3days
D. 3weeks
2. The anemia in CKD is normally:
A. hypochromic microcytic
B. normochromic normocytic
C. hypochromic macrocytic
D. normochromic microcytic
3. And this is due to primarily due:
A. blood loss brought about by dialysis
B. bloss loss secondary to platelet dysfunction
C. failure of EPO production
D. ineffective erythropoiesis
4. The most common clinical manifestation of Sickle
Cell anemia is intermittent episodes of vasoocclusion
in connective and musculoskeletal structures
produce ischemia manifested by acute pain and
tenderness, fever, tachycardia, and anxiety is called:
A. Vasoocclusive crises
B. Painful crises
C. B symptoms
D. Acute chest syndrome
5. Which Thalassemia syndromes is
asymptomatic and a silent carrier state ?
A. Thallasemia 1 trait
B. Thalassemia-2 trait
C. Hemoglobin H disease (HBH disease)
D. Hydrops fetalis

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