People Centered Vs Team Centered Leadership

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Centered vs
Team Centered
People centered

People-Centered Leadership means knowing

how to lead people vs. manage people. Skilled
leaders of people leave the managing of
process to the smart people they have hired.
They know that diving into managing process
sends a mixed message of trust. Person-
centered leaders are those who understand
the psychological aspects of human values,
aspirations and needs. These leaders promote
empowerment, individuality, creativity and
The advantages of this approach are:

• Committed and Engaged Employees: Employees will be more committed to their

organization if they are the central focus of the organization and feel they are more
important to their leaders than profit margins. When your employees are engaged
and productive and your customers are highly satisfied, your organization will earn
higher profits and be able to grow
• Positive and Effective Communications: When managers and leaders of a people-
centric organization come to work, they put the needs of their employees first and,
in doing so, are effectively practicing servant leadership and displaying high levels of
emotional intelligence, which leads to more positive communications and
relationships both inside and outside the organization.
• Highly Satisfied Customers: When employees are treated as valuable and are
committed to and engaged with an organization, they will practice positive and
effective communications and have more positive interactions with customers, as
they will feel empowered to handle customer concerns and will put their customers
Team centered Leadership means the
leaders are developed together, with
Team learning applications and concepts
relevant to the organization. By using
centered Team-Based Leadership Development, all
leaders of a particular level or function
Leadership learn these things at the same time, in
the same room, using each other as
learning tools.
The advantages of this approach are:

• Improving communication flow within the team and out to the organisation. This can occur naturally, and in a less stressful,
facilitated environment. Conversations like this:
• Benefit the organisation, by providing calm discussions among leaders of similar hierarchical or functional levels, about just
about anything important occurring in the organisation today.
• Benefit the specific leaders involved, as they are not only discussing new learnings and applications, but they now have the
opportunity to discuss things not normally discussed.
• Fostering mutual accountability for behaviours and results. One of the biggest advantages in having all these leaders in one
location, discussing the same things is that accountabilities can become institutionalized. It is one thing to make a casual mention in
the hallway; another thing altogether to commit to a group today, then speak with them a month or so later about your progress.
Also, this close-in work environment creates team ground rules that foster cohesion; if we agree in a group that behind-the-back
caucusing is not something we’ll do, then having those back-stabbing conversations later just doesn’t feel right. Further, open
communications in a facilitated classroom inevitably translate to more open conversations in the workplace.

• Faster assimilation, shared accountabilities, and increased understanding. This is the financial “why?” answered. Homogeneous
participants learn faster, and the learning is more relevant. Therefore, an organization’s return on those development dollars is
quicker, and the skills more appropriate for the organization’s needs. Understanding is accelerated; participants can discuss / explain
with each other on various points and concepts, making sure that the meaning is the same for all, and that more realize how they
can actually be used for leadership success.
•Participants in Team-Based Leadership Development can identify their primary strengths
quicker, and better understand how building on those contributes to higher levels of personal
satisfaction and team success
Used Case:
•The organizations HR department has taken a major step towards capability and
competency building with a focus on Leadership Development through Capability &
Leadership Development (CALD) programs and have trained people in various functions like
marketing, proposal engineering, engineering, project management, construction and
quality. We are also enhancing technical & engineering skills through E&C Project
Management Academy

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