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 Was Born Surakarta, 5 January 1928

 The daughter of the regent of Brebes

 A princess of royal house of
 Get knowledge from her
grandmother about Javanese history,
formulation of jamus and cosmetics


• Menjadikan warisan tradisi keluarga leluhur sebagai
DR. BRA. basis industri perawatan kesehatan/kebugaran dan
Mooryati kecantikan melalui proses modernisasi teknologi
Soedibyo, grand
daughter of Sri berkelanjutan, dan mengandalkan tumbuh-tumbuhan
Susuhunan Paku dari alam sebagai sumber bahan baku utama.
Buwono X, the
Hadiningrat. • Falsafah kesehatan / kebugaran dan kecantikan /
penampilan yang telah lama di tinggalkan masyarakat
luas digali kembali oleh putri keraton sebagai royal
hartege untuk dibagikan kepada dunia sebagai karunia
tuhan dalam bentuk ilmu pengetahuan yang harus
dipertahankan dan dilestarikan.
Brands Of Mustika Ratu

Discover effective rituals for you from a variety of body and beauty
treatment options that we have gathered to exude your charm.
DOMESTIC OVERSEAS Mustika ratu concentrated on
Vast Archipelago marketing middle – market
product not only for ethnic
Malay but also to ethnic Chinese
Fragmented nature
of retail industry,
Small Outlet, Mustika ratu putri body flash product was
one of the least crowded segment market and
Roadside Stall
they come up with product modification by
mustika ratu slimming tea. This product was
Mustika ratu product aimed lower and middle chosen to its popularity as well as its ability to
(product Kenanga) incoming segment and effectively transience nationalism, culture and
were sold at Indonesia ubiquitous stalls wet market
market and another conventional retail as
well as through the direct sales channel

Brand target to upper income consumers

where generally sold through department
store, for example Biocell product Focus on Muslim halal standard product made
with animal fat, and that had never been
Increase control of distribution channel tested on animal. This strategy to cover the
previously managed 3rd party in their most potential market more than 100 million
densely populated and lucrative market moslem customers
• Authentic Heritage of Indonesia • Old Fashioned for Millennial
• Made from local plants & herbs • Outdated Logo/Packaging
• Competitive Price • Unattractive at Social Media
• Strong Marketing Strategy • Specifically formulated for
• Strong Leadership OC Indonesian skin (Tropic)
• Myriad Media and beauty pageant
• Wide Variety of Products line

• Rebranding without leaving its • Laboratory tested Certified

authenticity • Fierce competition with new
• Eliminate unlucrative products local/international brands
• Expand distribution to outlying • Conservative cash
rural areas through effective management policies
Value Creation & Delivery of Mustika Ratu
Product Lines
Product Lines
Choosing the value. A Biocell
Segment the Market, Select B Royal Heritage UPPER CLASS
target market, develop “offering Moors Collection $240-$720/Mo
C Ratu Mass, Sari Aloe
Mustika Puteri, Ananda
D Mustika Ratu $35-$240/Mo

E Kenanga Cosmetics LOWER CLASS

Providing the value. Stalls
product features, prices, and Open Markets
distribution channels.
Full Service
Limited Service
Retail Shops

VALUE Wholesalers Supermarkets

Communicating the value.
sales force, internet, advertising, and
communication tools
Total Assets = Rp. 190M
105 104

NPM = 18%
4 of 10 Cosmetic product line
sold were Mustika Ratu brands
19 19.6

Net Income Net Sales

1996 1997
Total Assets = Rp. 511M
NPM = -0.4% 300

-1.2 -2.2
Net Income Net Sales

2017 2018
• Mustika Ratu could be called as one of value heritage of Indonesia, since their product
especially for cosmetic is the origin product from local traditional herbs
• Strong leadership influence and Marketing strategy acumen of Mustika Ratu brand
success story are can’t be denied.
• Mustika Ratu have wide variety of products to shoot various consumer such Mustika Ratu,
Mustika Putri, Bask, Biocell, Taman Sari Royal Heritage Spa, etc. but still Mustika Ratu and
Putri are cash cow for their income.
• A challenge to enter the international market, with their
products, namely biocell. This product will face international
beauty products that already have their own fanatical
consumers, so need the right marketing strategy and
(maybe) very expensive to penetrate the market
• Value creation of Mustika Ratu Brand is developed through:
 Market Segmentation
Co  Pricing Segmentation
n clu  Strong Distribution Channel
 Myriad use of advertising/promotion media
sio Should Mustika Ratu focus on the domestic
n market or speed up international expansion?
Focus on Domestic Market
Business realignment is required to maximize core competencies. It has
three steps:
1. (re) defining the business concept or “big idea”;
2. (re) shaping the business scope; and
3. (re) positioning the company’s brand identity.
Thank You…

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