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A present danger not visible
Dangers Social Media 
For most of us, social media have become a part of our regular
routine. But in a world of password theft, catfishing and others how
can people avoid the perils that come along with their lives online?
What steps can we take to be sure we’re staying safe on social
media? The answers from USC experts may surprise you.
The dangers

01 02 03

Cyber bullying Hackers or Privacy


Currently, social networks have

become a very important part of our
lives, it is estimated that the time of use
of social networks on average is 2
hours a day, and young people are
those who use social networks for the
longest time. This is why we have
decided to create a presentation that
will inform us about the risks that exist
in the use of social networks.
Cyber bullying

This is one of the many types of

bullying that can happen but is
the one that happens over the
internet. This usually consist of
offensive messages or images
that can not only damage the
person’s social life but also their
personal life.

This can happen at any time to

anyone but when it does happen to
you then any devices that are
connected to the same server can also
be hacked through the invaded
device. This usually happens when
someone wants information on you
and are not ashamed to share all of
your dirty secrets that they might find
to anyone. It can also be used to steal
important information from you such
as your bank details and such like.
Sharing private information

Doing this can have a serious

impact on your life and
your family’s life. It can be
done by accident or on
purpose with the intent of
harming someone. Usually
it happens by accident
when on Facebook or in a
group chat and you
accidentally give out
sensitive information that
other people shouldn’t
know without your
Social networks are a means of mass
information, and all users of
these networks have access to
it, many times the information is
not good and can affect us
directly or indirectly. Social
networks exist in digital media,
therefore it is necessary to use
electronic devices that if we do
not use them properly they can
cause us harm. Social networks
have the ability to get our
attention easily, so if we do not
use them properly they can take
something very valuable from us,
our time. For the
aforementioned we must be
aware of the problems that
social networks can cause us
and take certain measures to
avoid them.

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