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Essential Qualities of Liturgy

The Father’s Dream

God wants us to give to Him authentic worship.
He wants that when we participate in the Liturgy,
we place our mind and heart in it. He also wants
that our worship leads to genuine service to
others. God’s desire for authentic worship is
expressed in His words to His people, “When you
bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will
not accept them; I will not accept the animals you
have fattened to bring to me as offerings. Stop
your noisy songs. I do not want to listen to your
harps. Instead, let justice flow like stream and
righteousness like a river that never goes dry.”
“How freely did I weep in
Your hymns and canticles;
how deeply was I moved by
the voices of your sweet-
speaking Church! The
voices flowed into my ears;
and the truth was poured
forth into my heart, where
the tide of my devotion
overflowed, and my tears
ran down, and I was happy
in all these things.”
- St. Augustine, Confessions (Bk. 9, ch. 6).
The Church Teaches Jesus’ Message

Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 1162)

The Contemplation of sacred icons, united with

meditation on the Word of God and the singing
of liturgical hymns, enters into the harmony of
the signs of celebration so that the mystery
celebrated is imprinted in the heart’s memory
and is then expressed in the new life of the
“Modern man
listens more
to witnesses
than to
- Blessed Pope Paul VI
• This means that we
influence others to believe
like we do when our
actions, decisions, and
commitments show the
faith we have embraced.
The Etymology of the Liturgy
Liturgy – 2 Greek words

Leitos – people
Ergon – Work

In Christian usage

Liturgia- Public worship

The Theology of the Liturgy
Salvation History and the Liturgy

- The story of our salvation.

- God’s intervention in human history.

Stages of Salvation History
- God reveals himself to
man in the Old
2. Realization
- The Old Covenant is
fulfilled in the New
- The Paschal Mystery of
3. Liturgy
- Final stage of salvation history
- We experience Christ in our life.
- “Quod conspicuum erat in Christo
transivit in ecclesiae sacramenta.”
*What was visible in Christ passed over to
the sacraments of the Church – Pope Leo
the Great.
Elements of the Liturgy
1.As personal encounter
with God (the
Theological dimension
of the Liturgy)
2. As the exercise of the
priestly office of Jesus Christ
(the Christological
dimension of the liturgy)
- “In Persona Christi en
Capitis”- priest
3. As the inspiration of the Holy Spirit
(the Pneumatological dimension of the
- The role of the Holy Spirit in the
liturgy from the perspective of his
role in the life and mission of Jesus.
- The Holy Spirit in the Liturgy.
• Anamnesis(2 Greek
words) a ritual
• Epiclesis – Invocation
of the Holy Spirit.
4. As the life of the
dimension of the
5. As the unfolding signs and
symbols(the Symbolic
dimension of the liturgy)
-the liturgy is experienced
through signs and symbols.
Liturgical Reform of Vatican II
1. The Second Vatican Ecumenical
-the 21st Ecumenical Council of the
Roman Catholic Church.
Goal: to open the Church to the world.
- To respond to the needs of the
- Formally opened on Oct.
11, 1962, under Pope John
XXIII, lasted for three
years, concluded on Dec.
08, 1965, under Pope Paul
Sacrosanctum Concilium
-The constitution on the
Sacred liturgy was the first
document promulgated by
the Council on Dec. 04,
1963 by Pope Paul VI.
Objectives of the Document;
• It desires to impart an ever increasing vigor to the
Christian life of the faithful
• To adapt more suitably to the needs of our on
times those institutions which are subject to
• To foster whatever can promote union among all
ho believe in Christ.
• To strengthen whatever can help to call the whole
of mankind into the household of the Church.
The Eucharist

• The Last Supper was celebrated as Jewish
Passover meal, but instead of looking back
at Exodus, it anticipated Christ’s own
• The Eucharistic Celebration, however is in
the form of a meal (as in the Last Supper)
• The sacrifice on the cross is the theological
content of both the Last Supper (ritual
anticipation) and the Eucharistic
Celebration (ritual memorial), but the
liturgical form of both is a meal.
Whenever we celebrate
the Eucharist we should
always looked at it as a
sacrifice of Christ and
union of the whole
The Eucharist: Word and Sacrament

• The Mass is made up, as it were, of two parts:

- Liturgy of the Word

- Liturgy of the Eucharist

Essential Qualities of the Liturgy
CFC 1506 - 1511
Trinitarian and Paschal
• Our praise and thanksgiving in
the Liturgy is directed to the
Trinity. We thank the Father
through His Son Jesus Christ in
the Holy Spirit for the good
news of salvation.
• Liturgy is the prayer of the whole church
gathered together in assembly. It is
celebrated by then whole body of Christ
– head and members. In the celebration
of the Liturgy, the faithful have different
roles to play – some are consecrated as
presiders, others are readers, lectors,
ministers of music or special ministers of
Holy Communion.
• The symbols, gestures,
movements, and verbal formula
used in the Liturgy express the
faith of the community in God
and their desire to even deepen
this faith.
Ethically oriented
• Liturgy is not just a celebration done inside
Church which has nothing to do with the way
we deal with other people. Liturgy is
essentially linked to our relationship with our
neighbor. Liturgy helps us become better
members of our families, better citizens of our
country, and better children of God by
empowering us to be moral in all that we say
and do.
• Liturgy gives us a foretaste of God’s
Kingdom. It “at once commemorates
Christ’s past saving Ministry shows
the present grace effects brought
about by Christ and points to the
future glory yet to come” (CFC 1511).
• Understanding and appreciating
the essential qualities of liturgy
will help ensure that “the mystery
celebrated is imprinted in the
heart’s memory and is then
expressed in the new life of the

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