Case Report

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Case report



 Society is a portrait of life that is full of issues of dispute, quarrels, feuds, or

various conflicts between individuals, groups, families, ethnicities, even
between nations which result in various forms of criminal acts including
criminal acts of torture both light and heavy as intended Article 351 to Article
355 of the Criminal Code

 Injuries due to blunt force trauma are tissue damage caused by objects or tools
that are not sharp-eyed, hard or chewy consistency, and smooth or rough

Name : Tn. S
Age : 45 yo
Sex : male
Religion : moslem
Address : Terarak, Lombok Tengah
MR : 024548
Date of examination : March 5th 2019

 Patient was referred from Yatofa Hospital to RSUP NTB with complaints of headache
and decreased consciousness since morning due to beaten by a hoe. According to the
patient's family, when the patient was feeding his pigeons in the morning, suddenly
there were some his brother’s chickens came to take part in eating his pigeon’s food.
Then the patient threw sand to his brother’s chickens because patient didn’t like if the
chickens eating together with his pigeons. Because of that, his brother was angry and
cursing the patient. Then the patient and his brother was fighting and finally his brother
was beating patienst head with a hoe (iron tip). After the patient is attacked with the
hoe, the patient's family says that the patient is still half conscious with very much
bleeding reaching ± 1000 cc. Then the patient is taken to the nearest hospital and gets
treatment for ± 6 hours. Because the conditions have not improved, patients are then
referred to the NTB Provincial Hospital for further treatment.
Physical Examination

 GCS: 12(E4V3M5)
 Consciousness : weakness
 BP : 112/64 mmhg
 HR : 72 bpm
 RR : 37 tpm
 Temperature : 36,8 oC
 SpO2 : 98 %
Wound description

 Regio: face
 Koordinat: left eyes, 8 centimeters from the
left ear and 1 centimeter from the midline of
 Wound type : contusion
 Wounds Characteristics : regular wound
shape, bounded firmly, skin intact, color
bluish red, no connection tissue, no bone
 Wound size: the length of the wound is 3
centimeters and the width of the wound is 2
Wound description

 Regio: head
 Koordinat: The end of the tip is 6 centimeters
from the left ear and four centimeters from
the midline of body.
 Wound type : open wound which has been
sewn with six stitches
 Wounds Characteristics : the shape of the
wound is regular, well-defined, the edge of
the wound is flat, the angle of the wound is
sharp, the skin around the intact wound is not
reddish, no connection tissue, no bone
 Wound size: the length of the wound is 7
centimeters and width of wound is 1
supporting examination

 Laboratorium result ( march 05th 2019 )

Hematologi Hasil Nilai rujukan

Hemoglobin 4,3 g/dl 14,0 – 18,0

Leukosit 12.410 /ul 4000– 10000

Eritrosit 1,88 juta/ul 3,50 – 5,00

HCT 15% 25 - 42

PLT 252000 /ul 150000-4000000

MCV 80,3 fl 80,0 – 100,0

MCH 22,9 pg 26,0 – 34,0

MCHC 28,5 g/dl 32,0 – 36,0

supporting examination

 Laboratorium result ( march 05th 2019 )

Hasil Nilai rujukan

Fungsi ginjal

Ureum 50 mg/dl 10-50

Kreatinin 1.1 mg/dl 0.9-1.3

Fungsi hati

SGOT 61 U/l 0-40

SGPT 12 U/l 0-41


Guloa darah sewaktu 131 mg/dL <160.00

supporting examination

 Laboratorium result ( march 05th 2019 )

Hasil Nilai rujukan


Natrium 138 mmol/L 135 - 146

Kalium 4.7 mmol/L 3.4 - 5.4

Klorida 111 mmol/L 95 - 108

CT Scan result

Soft tissue hematom in parietal

sinistra. Frakture os parietal

 Treatment of patients was: IVFD RL 30 tpm, oxygen 3 lpm, injection of ceftriaxone 1

gr, injection of ranitidine 50 mg, bolus mannitol 500 cc, injection of ketorolac 30 mg,
injection of ATS 1 ampule, injection of diazepam ½ ampule, and wound care.
Literature Review

 Understanding Crime of Persecution In general, a criminal offense against the body of

the Criminal Code is called "persecution". The establishment of a regulation on crime
against the human body is intended to protect the legal interests of the body from
actions in the form of attacks on the body or parts of the body which cause pain or
injury, even because of such injuries to the body can cause death.

 Regarding the persecution in Article 351 of the Indonesian Criminal Code, R. Soesilo
in his book entitled Criminal Code (KUHP) and his Comments Complete Article for
Article, said that the law does not provide what provisions are interpreted as
"persecution". According to jurisprudence, what is interpreted as "persecution" is to
intentionally cause unpleasant feelings (suffering), pain, or injury. According to
paragraph 4 of this article, it is also included in the definition of persecution that is
"intentionally damaging the health of people"
Definition of injury / wound

 Wound is the loss or destruction of the continuity or loss of the relationship between

the network (discontinuous tissue) such as skin tissue, soft tissue, muscle , blood
vessel, nerve and bone.
In the Criminal Code the criminal acts of persecution can be divided into several
parts, namely as follows:
a) Ordinary persecution as stipulated in article 351 of the Criminal Code

b) Mild persecution as stipulated in article 352 of the Criminal Code

c) Planning persecution as stipulated in article 353 of the Criminal Code
d) Severe persecution as stipulated in article 354 of the Criminal Code
e) Planned severe persecution as stipulated in article 355 of the Criminal Code

f) Persecution of certain quality people as stipulated in article 356 of the

Criminal Code
Degree of injury

According to KUHP
Mild injuries
Is a wound that doesn’t cause disease or obstacles in carrying out the job or livelihood.
Moderate wound
Is a wound that causes illness or obstacles in carrying out his job or livelihood for a
Severe injuries (Pasal 90 KUHP)
• Falling sick or
getting injured does not give hope to be healed at all, or that poses a
danger of death.
• Unable to continue to carry out job duties or search jobs
• Losing one of the senses
• Get a heavy disability
• Suffered paralyzed
• Strikes her thoughts for four more weeks
• Fall or death of a woman's content

 Based on the case above, including the case of persecution of the applicable law stated
in the law, this case is regulated in the criminal act of torture itself stipulated in Article
351 ("Criminal Code") and included in the type of torture which resulted in serious
injury and was punished with imprisonment for a maximum of 5 years (paragraph 2).
 The rights of victims of persecution, 1.) The right to exercise control over
investigators and public prosecutors (Article 77 no. 80 KUHAP). 2.) The right
of the victim to be related to his position as a witness, (Article 168 KUHAP).
3.) The right to claim compensation due to a criminal act that befalls the
victim through a method of combining civil cases with criminal cases (Article
98 to Article 101). 4.) The right for the victim's family to allow or not allow
the police to carry out an autopsy (Article 134-136 KUHAP), and the right for
the victim's family to allow the police to carry out an autopsy (Article 134-136

From the facts found from the examination of the patient at the RSUP NTB
that a male patient has been examined, forty-five years old, weighed sixty
kilograms, height of one hundred and sixty centimeters with good nutritional
status, From patient examination, then I conclude that:
1. In these patients found:
a) contusion wound on the face (left eye)
b) open wounds that have occurred with six stitches
This can be caused by contact with blunt objects due to persecution
1. Medical treatment has been carried out according to hospital standards
2. Wounds can cause obstacles to carry out activities or work for a long time
and can cause severe disability.

 Puji, P. 2012. Penyelesaian Kasus Tindak Pidana Penganiayaan Sebagaimana

Dimaksud Pasal 351 Ayat (1) Dan Ayat (2) Kuhp Jo Pasal 352 Melalui Restorative
Justice Di Wilayah Polresta Pontianak.
 Hamid, H. 2016. Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Korban Penganiayaan Dalam
Penanganan Tindak Pidana Di Indonesia. Journal ecosystem vol 2 nomor 2
 Satyo, A. C. Aspek Medikolegal Luka pada Forensik Klinik. Majalah Nusantara
vol 39, no 4. 2007.
 Apuranto, H., Hoediyanto, 2006, Ilmu Kedokteran Forensik dan Medikolegal,
Edisi 2, Bagian Ilmu kedokteran Forensik dan Medikolegal Fakultas Kedokteran
Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

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