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Factual and Opinionated

You are investigating the disappearance of
a woman
in Constant Spring two weeks ago.

1. Using background knowledge from investigative shows

such as ‘Law and Order’ CSI: Miami and novels such as
‘Sherlock Holmes’, and/or ‘Hardy Boys’; discuss the
following questions:
a) What are some important evidence the investigators might collect?
b) What are some thoughts the investigators might run in to?
c) What kinds of evidence are used to prove the case?
d) What kinds of evidence are the most trustworthy?
e) How are trustworthy sources determined?

 Define and differentiate between factual

statements and opinions.
 Practise identifying factual and opinionated
sentences in a variety of texts.
 Work as a whole class to clarify and accurately
use concepts taught to complete practice
 Complete exercises on factual statements and
Factual Statements
  They are statements that can be proven or
disproven. You can check it by doing research.
 Statements of factual however, are statements
that can only be true after research is done.

Mercury is the planet closest to the sun.

 A statement of opinion cannot be proven
true or false. It is a belief or judgment. It
often contains a word of judgment, such
as best, should, or beautiful. It may begin
with the words In my opinion or I believe.

She is the
best fruit
girl in
a summer
factual and
 Some sentences contain both factual
and opinionated.

It is the author’s The size of a

opinion that the blue whale can
whale is beautiful.
be proven.

The beautiful whale can grow as big as

100 feet long!
factual and
 Anopinionated sentence that
contains facts is valid but cannot
be considered factual.
A photo essay like Adelina’s Whales is
the best genre for fourth graders to read.

Is this statement a factual or an opinion?

While it can be proven that Adelina’s Whales is
a photo essay, this statement opinionated.
Notice “best” is a judgment word.
La Laguna is the most amazing place for
Adelina to grow up.

Is this statement a factual or an opinion?

It cannot be proven true or false. It
involves a belief or judgment, feelings, but
it is not factual.
Adelina has lived in La Laguna her whole

This canstatement
Is this be proven. A or
a factual person could
an opinion?
research this statement.
Adelina and her family believe their
hometown is a special place.

Is this statement a factual or an opinion?

It involves a belief or judgment. Notice
that “believe” is one such word that signals
an opinion. However, there are factuals in
the story that make this opinion, valid.
Mother whales are proud parents. They
lift their babies up to show them off.

Is this statement
It involves a belief aorfactual or an opinion?
judgment. It cannot
be proven whether whales are proud
parents or not.
Whales brains are as large as a car’s

This canstatement
Is this be proven. A or
a factual person could
an opinion?
research this statement.
 As you read, try to
distinguish factuals from
 Remember how to figure
out if a statement is a
factualual or opinionated.
 Remember that opinions
can be valid, but that
doesn’t make them

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