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IMG 2011


Main objective

To build up and retain productive relationship among the marketing under graduation
interuniversity wise to compete with other rivals and bring marketing profession to no one
among other discipline.

Central objectives

Build relationships. Rotary and the media need to work together to share
stories of hope. Having a journalism award creates ties between Rotary and the
general public.
Make a budget which should include the following:

Teacher Fee
Teacher airfare (economy or bus (however she gets to you)
Taxi fares
Teacher meals
Cost of location selected – room, lunch coffee breaks
Cost of audio visual equipment
Advertising if required ie: posters, write up of workshop
Photocopy costs, telephone long distance calls, postage
Receipt books to record money incoming.

This will give you an idea of how much the workshop will cost each person. Remember to round
figures off a little to cover any incidentals that might come up after the workshop is advertised

Advertising can be done very inexpensively through your Guild newsletter or by announcing it at
a meeting. Local Quilt stores will usually allow you to put up a poster or something similar to
publicize this, local newspapers will run “free” community announcements, and probably the
quickest is to tell two quilting friends and encourage them to tell two more
A dinner or lecture by the teacher in the evening would accommodate a large number of
quilters and sometimes this will help defray the cost of bringing in a teacher

Organizing a workshop is an easy task as long as you think through all possibilities and keep
yourself organized. Included is a sample teacher contract if they do not supply their own. Having
a Contract is most advisable. This is a wonderful experience and should be fun for all!
List of Materials Needed

Facility Needs:
___ Workshop location with three areas for breakout sessions:
• General session room with chairs
• Table and chairs for aquatic plant identifi cation session (running water is optional)
• Outside area or room close to outside for boat and trailer demonstrations
___ Registration tables and chairs
___ Tables and chairs for 25 participants
___ 1 to 2 tables in front of the room for presenters
___ 1 table for free resource materials
___ Bathroom facilities available on-site or nearby?
___ Laptop computer, projector, and screen for speaker presentations
(Check to see if room is dark enough for proper viewing of PowerPoint presentation)
___ Cell phone and emergency numbers list
___ Camera and person to use it to document the event
Registration Table:
___ List of those who are pre-registered for the training
___ Sign-in sheet
___ Name tags
___ Markers, pens, pencils, etc.
___ Agenda for the training day
___ Workshop evaluation form
___ Refreshments (coffee, soda, juice, cookies, fruit, etc.)
___ Boat and trailer to demonstrate watercraft procedure

Some of the above items can be provided by the Aquatic Invasive Species Volunteer

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