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The Advertising Triad

The business of advertising is structured into

3 separate units:

Advertising Agency

Advertising Medium
Advertising Triangle
They Perform all activities/processes in the
 He is the one who pays the bill.
 When he hires professional service of an advertising agency, he
becomes that agency’s client.
 This is any company, institution or individual who decides and does
advertise , paying for the cost of the advertisement.
 Is business entity it itself, much like client firm/advertiser
 An independent organization which is established and operated for the
purpose of counseling, creating, producing, and implementing
advertising programs for & in behalf of its clients(advertisers) in all
forms of media to inform & educate consumers on the availability &
attributes of products or services.

 Is any means or vehicle of communication used to convey an
advertising message to the desired target public.
Principal Advertising Media
1.Print- newspaper, magazines and etc.
2.Broadcast- radio, television
Other Media Mass Communication
A. Outdoor
B. Cinema
C. Transit
D. Field
-they are service groups whose role is supplemented & supportive of the ad
-Entirely heterogeneous & generally independent special services groups have
bonded together into an organization.
-They are for legitimacy to separate themselves from fly by right operations.
-It is separate for most industries & professions to seek ways of self-
protection & improvement
-with 8 national associations renders its roof. It was created in May 1974.
Umbrella of ABP
1. PANA- Philippine Association of National Advertisers
2. AAAAP-Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies of
the Philippines
3. KBP-Kapisanan ng mga Broadcasters sa Pilipinas
4. PRIMO-Print Media Organization
5. ASAP-Advertsing Supplier Association of the Philippines
6. MORES-Marketing and Opinion Research of the
7. OAAP-Outdoor Advertising Association of the Philippines
8. CAAP-Cinema Advertising Association of the Philippines
Organizational Structure
It the set of fomal, planned relationship between
groupings of similar functions.
The expansion of services made it necessary for
advertising agencies to develop an internal org’n upon
functions performed. The scope & character of org’n
vary to the size of the agency.
3 Kinds of Organizational Structure
The line organization
authority is delegated from top to bottom in an
unbroken line.
The line and staff organization
which aims at achieving the advantages of both the
other types.
The functional organization
is one which there are number of functional specialist
supervising the activities of a single subordinate
Functional Organization Structure
1. Account Management Division
1.1 Account manager/executive
1.2 Account Supervisor
2. Research Division
2.1 Planning Officer
2.2 Creating and implementing officer
3. Copy Division
3.1 Copy chief
3.2 Copy Writers
4. Art divisions
4.1 Art Director
4.2 Advertising artist
5. Media Division
5.1 Space Buying section (for print)
5.2 Time Buying Section (for broadcast)
6. Radio-Television Division
6.1 Radio-Television Manager
6.2 Scriptwriters
6.3 Artist
6.4 Time Buyers
6.5 Talent contracts
6.6 Technical crew
7. Production Division
7.1 Production manager
8. Traffic Division
8.1 Messengers
Role and Assignments:
1. Account Management Divisions-It is main contract between the
client and the agency
2. Research Divisions-it is necessary in planning, creating, and
implementing advertising campaign
3. Copy Divisions- its main function is to write for its clients
4. Art Divisions- it is responsible for putting the advertisement in visual
5. Media Divisions- it is responsible for selecting and recommending
media to be used in the advertising campaign
6. Radio-Televisions
7. Production Division-it is responsible for handling the mechanical
reproduction of advertisements
8. Traffic Division-it is responsible for delivering finished products
The Advertising Agency’s Role
They provide the client with the services highly skilled
individuals who are specialist in their chosen field such
as the artist, writers media analyst, researchers, &
others with specific skills, knowledge & experience
who can market the client’s product / services.
Quill Communications Inc.- It is an agency that
specialized in developing advertising communication for
high-tech & health care industries
Types of Ad Agencies
1. Full Service Agencies
2. Account Services
3. Account Executive

Other Types of Agencies and Services

4. Creative Boutiques
5. Media Buying Service

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