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  Presented by
 identify the current pr blems and difficulties
in aut m tive pr ect management and expl re
s luti ns t impr ve its efficiency and
 meet the industry demands f r new pr ect
management meth ds
 m nit r and c ntr l c llab rative pr ects, t
measure their perf rmance, and t manage
 m mm

 key perf rmance indicat rs (KPIs)

 Balanced sc re card(BSC)
 c llab rative pr ect sc recard(CPS)
 An impact matrix t devel p strategy maps
 the p ssibilities f impr ving pr ect
management efficiency and effectiveness
 increasing pr ect transparency with a CPS.

R Cr ss-c mpany pr duct devel pment pr ects

are ften managed with ut clearly defined
pr ect g als and business alignment.
R With a shift t wards m re decentralized and
distributed devel pment teams, and an
increasing level f c llab rati n
R Pr ect transparency is reduced and status
measurement is m re difficult.
An interview with 20 pr ect managers fr m ten
different aut m tive c mpanies .
£ Pr ects with ut clearly defined g als
£ with l w-pr ect transparency
£ lack f c ntr l meth ds
£ predefined measures,
£ c mmunicati n deficiencies
£ insufficient risk management
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R he sc recard must be built n c mmunicati n,

c mpliance, c ntinu us impr vement, and
c perati n

R A pr ect can be c nsidered as an rganizati n

with a visi n, and strategies t meet pr ect

hree elements
 Cause and Effect relati nships
 Indicat rs
£ Pr ect g als and strategies can be derived
fr m the business BSC
£ Built ar und standard business bectives f r

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R A meth d t map netw rked and c mplex

c herences, interdependencies, and dynamics
in pr ect management
R It was devel ped t identify active and passive
R As well as their c ntr llability t identify and
evaluate cause-and-effect relati nships
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0 ->n impact
3 ->great impact
P -> pr duct
Q -> qu tient
D Active(AS) and Passive (PS)
D P = AS * PS

D Q =(AS/PS) * 100
 he interdependencies f the KPIs are identified
and evaluated, and can be represented in a
strategy map
 he devel pment f a pr ect strategy map (PSM)
is an essential part f the pr ect planning pr cess
 It sh uld be discussed with all pr ect members in
a PSC Kick-Off meeting t gether with the relevant
KPIs and drivers.
 After a carefully designed PSM, measures can be
defined based n cause-and-effect relati nships
f r efficient pr ect c ntr l.

R he idea f the new c ncept is t build a PSC

applied t c llab rative pr duct devel pment
pr ects
R he c ncept is currently in devel pment within
the sc pe f a c llab rative research pr ect f
the University f echn l gy in Sydney and the
BMW Gr up in Munich.
R he CPS has the same functi n as a PSC but
aims t increase pr ect transparency within
the pr ect members in netw rked structures
R he KPIs can be exchanged and synchr nized
t build a CPS
D with ut threatening each c mpany·s
D Predefined indicat rs
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Combined CPS
partnership structure
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R his pr ect analyses the current pr ect

management difficulties and pr blems in the
aut m tive industry and suggests p ssible
s luti ns t impr ve efficiency and
R he pr p sed c ncept is applied t an
aut m tive pr ect and devel ped within the
sc pe f tw pr ect management w rksh ps.
hank y u

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