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COMP 3711 Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Lecture 0: Course Mechanics

Review of Asymptotic Notations

COMP3711 –Basics
• Lectures
• L1
• Tuesday & Thursday, 15:00 – 16:20
Instructor: Professor Siu-Wing Cheng
• L2
• Monday & Wednesday, 12:00-13:20
• Instructor: Professor Dimitris Papadias

• Tutorials
• T1: Thursday, 18:00 – 18:50 
• T2: Friday, 12:00 – 12:50
• T3: Friday, 10:30 – 11:20


First Tutorial Meeting on Thu., Sep 17, 2020

Topics Covered (tentative)
• Sorting
• Techniques (with multiple examples)
• Divide & Conquer
• Greedy Algorithm Design
• Dynamic Programming
• Basic Randomized Algorithms
• Graph Algorithms
• Breadth & Depth First Search
• Shortest Paths
• Spanning Trees
• Maximum Flow and Bipartite Matchings
• Extra topics (if time available)
• AVL Trees
• Basic String Matching
• Hashing

About the Class
• What this class is
• Learning algorithmic techniques to solve problems.
• Learning how to prove correctness of algorithms.
• Learning how to model problems.

• What this class isn’t

• Coding.
• Language specific programming hacks.

 • COMP2711 – Discrete Math
• In particular
• O( ) notation
• Basic Formulas, e.g., formulas for , , geometric series
• Basic Combinatorics, e.g, =

• COMP 2011 – Basic Data Structures

• In particular
• Linked Lists (singly and doubly)
• Stacks and Queues
• Binary (Search) Trees

Accessing Course Material

• The CANVAS  system is used for COMP3711.

• Assignments will be given out via canvas. All assignments must be submitted
online via canvas. Hard copies will not be accepted. Email submissions will not
be accepted. Late submissions will not accepted without prior approval.

• Until further notice, all teaching will be online using Zoom

• The zoom meeting information for COMP 3711 is given on the canvas course
• Links to lecture recordings will also be posted on the canvas course page.

Tentative Grading Scheme
• 50% Written Assignments
• 4-5 written assignments
• Assignments are a combination of problems that require you to work
through taught algorithms on given input and problems that require
you to design new algorithms
• Submission will be online via Canvas. You can typeset your solution, or
scan your handwritten solutions, take pictures of your handwritten

• 50% Final Exam

• Will cover the entire semester’s material. Format not finalized yet.

Office Hours
Office Hours will also be online

• Office hours will be Zoom meetings by appointment

• Please feel free to email the instructor or your TAs to set up an

• If we receive multiple requests for appointments, especially
about similar topics, we might hold group meetings

Course Policies
• Making up Missed Finals
• Only for medical reasons (with Doctor’s note)
• OR prior approval of instructor, e.g., need to be away for academic competition

• Assignments
• Plagiarism: While collaboration is allowed,
• Assignment solutions must be written in your own words
(not copied or modified from someone else's write-up).
• You must understand your solution and its derivation.
(We may ask you to explain it.)
• You must explicitly acknowledge in writing in the assignment your
collaborators (whether or not they are classmates) or any other outside
sources on each assignment.
• Failing to do any of these will be considered plagiarism, and may result in a
failing grade in the course and notification for appropriate disciplinary

Review Material - Input Size of Problems
The input size indicates how large the input is. Since we assume that
any number can be stored in a computer word and each arithmetic
operation takes constant time, we take the number of items in the
input as the input size (instead of bits).

By an item, we mean something that can be represented by a number

and so it can be stored using one computer word.


Sorting Size of the list or array

Graph problems Numbers of vertices and edges

Searching Number of input keys

Measuring Running Time using Asymptotic Notation
 Throughout the class we will measure the running time/cost of algorithms

as a function of input size:

using the number of instructions/steps/operations (e.g., comparisons
between two numbers)

using asymptotic notation, which ignores constants and non-dominant
growth terms.

Which algorithm is better for large ?

For Algorithm 1,

For Algorithm 2,

Clearly, Algorithm 2 is better for large inputs 11
Behavior of some Commonly Encountered Functions

2 11
32 160
32 5
5 1,024 10,240
1,024 10
32,768 491,520
1,048,576 20
1,073,741,824 30 1,048,576 20,971,520
1,073,741,824 30

10 100
100 10,000
1,000 1,000,000
1,000,000 1,000,000,000,000

Asymptotic Notation: Quick Revision
 Upper bounds.
if exist constants and such that for all , .

 Lower bounds.
if exist constants and such that for all , .

 Tight bounds.
if and .

Note: Here “” means “is”, not equal.

T(n) = O(g(n))
Big-O Notation iff
∃c, n0 > 0 s.t. ∀n ≥ n0,
Big-O notation is a mathematical notation for upper-bounding
a function’s rate of growth. 0 ≤ T(n) ≤ c⋅g(n)


T(n) describes the running

T(n) time of an algorithm.
T(n) = O(g(n)) means that
there exists some c and n0
such that the pink line
given by c⋅g(n) is above the
yellow line for all values to
the right of n0.

T(n) = O(g(n))

Big-O Notation iff

∃c, n0 > 0 s.t. ∀n ≥ n0,
0 ≤ T(n) ≤ c⋅g(n)


T(n) doesn’t always have to
be linear.


T(n) = O(g(n))

Big-O Notation iff

∃c, n0 > 0 s.t. ∀n ≥ n0,
0 ≤ T(n) ≤ c⋅g(n)

T(n) and g(n) do not always
T(n) have to be increasing.

n0 Here, any choice for n0 is OK.

T(n) = O(g(n))

Big-O Notation Proofs iff

∃c, n0 > 0 s.t. ∀n ≥ n0,
0 ≤ T(n) ≤ c⋅g(n)

● Big-O is the most common notation because it is used to provide

an upper bound for the cost of algorithms in the worst case
● To prove T(n) = O(g(n)), show that there exists c and n0
that satisfies the definition.
○ For example,
Suppose T(n) = n and g(n) = n log(n). We prove that T(n) =
Select the values c = 1 and n0 = 2. We have n ≤ c⋅n log(n) for
n ≥ n0 since n is positive and 1 ≤ logn for n ≥ 2.

T(n) = O(g(n))

Big-O Notation Proofs iff

∃c, n0 > 0 s.t. ∀n ≥ n0,
0 ≤ T(n) ≤ c⋅g(n)
● To prove T(n) ≠ O(g(n)), proceed by contradiction.
○ For example,
Suppose T(n) = n2 and g(n) = n. We prove that T(n) ≠ O(g(n)).
Suppose there exists some c and n0 such that for all n ≥ n0,
n2 ≤ c⋅n. Then, n ≤ c, ∀n ≥ n0, which is not possible because c
is a constant and n can be arbitrarily large.

Big-Ω Notation

● Big-Ω notation is a mathematical notation for lower-bounding a

function’s rate of growth.

● Let T(n), g(n) be functions of positive integers.

○ You can think of T(n) as being a runtime: positive and
increasing as a function of n.
● We say “T(n) is Ω(g(n))” if g(n) grows at most as fast as T(n) as
n gets large. Formally,

T(n) = Ω(g(n))
∃c, n0 > 0 s.t. ∀n ≥ n0,
0 ≤ c⋅g(n) ≤ T(n)
T(n) = Ω(g(n))
Big-Ω Notation ∃c, n0 > 0 s.t. ∀n ≥
n 0,
0 ≤ c⋅g(n) ≤ T(n)

Big-Ω defines “T(n) =

T(n) Ω(g(n))” to mean there
exists some c and n0 such
that the pink line given by
c⋅g(n) is below the yellow
line for all values to the
right of n0.


Big-Θ Notation
We say “T(n) is Θ(g(n))” iff T(n) = O(g(n)) AND T(n) is Ω(g(n))




n’0 n0
Discussion about constants and non-dominant
growth terms
 Asymptotic notations ignore constants and non-dominant growth terms.

If the number of steps taken by an algorithm A is and another

algorithm B is , then both have Θ(n) running time, but algorithm A is
superior in practice.

If two algorithms have the same asymptotic running time,

implementation and experimentation is necessary to determine the best.

Nevertheless if algorithm A is asymptotically slower than B, then A is

very likely to be (much) slower than B in practice.

Sorting Example (2Gz CPU)

Population Insertion Merge Sort

Macau (0.5M) ~2 min 0.0048s
Macau (0.5M) ~2 min 0.0048s

Sorting Example

Population Insertion Merge Sort

Macau (0.5M) ~2 min 0.0048s
Macau (0.5M) ~2 min 0.0048s
HK (8M) ~9 hr 0.1s
HK (8M) ~9 hr 0.1s

Sorting Example

Population Insertion Merge Sort

Macau (0.5M) ~2 min 0.0048s
Macau (0.5M) ~2 min 0.0048s
HK (8M) ~9 hr 0.1s
HK (8M) ~9 hr 0.1s
China (1357M)
(1357M) ~29
~29 yr
yr ~21s

Important note on growth of functions
 constant < logarithmic < polylogarithmic < polynomial < exponential
< log n < < < <

----------> set m=logn, then logm= O(m)

Basic Facts on Exponents and Logarithms
 c-n=1/cn ----------> c-1=1/c
c1/n=nc ----------> c1/2=c
(cm)n=(cn)m=cnm ----------> 22n = (2n)2  (2n); set x=2n, then x2  (x)
cmcn=cn+m ----------> 2n+2 = 222n =(2n); (2n+c)=(2n)

logc(ab) = logca + logcb

logc(ba) =alogcb ----------> log(n3)=3logn=(logn)
In general, log(nc)=(logn)

logba = logca/logcb --------> log10n=log2n/log210 =(logn) (log210 is constant)

In general, the base of the logarithm is not important and logcn=(logn)

logc(1/a) = logc(a−1) = −logca

logba = logaa/logab = 1/logab
alogbn= nlogba --------> = =

Exercise 1
Note: constant < logarithmic < polynomial < exponential
Only the largest term is important
For each of the following statements, answer whether the statement is
true or false.
(a) 1000n + nlogn = O(nlogn)
True. Also Ω and Θ
(b) n2 + nlog(n3) = O(n log(n3 ))
False. n2 + nlog(n3) = n2 + 3nlog(n) = Θ(n2)
(c) n3 = Ω(n)
(d) n2 + n = Ω(n3)
False. n2 + n = Ω(n2) (also Ω of any function smaller than n2)
(e) n3 = O(n10)
(f) n3 + 1000n2.9 = Θ(n3)
(g) n3 − n2 = Θ(n)
False. n3 − n2 = Θ(n3)

Exercise 2

Let f(n) and g(n) be non-negative functions. Using the basic definition of
Θ-notation, prove that max(f(n),g(n)) = Θ(f(n)+g(n))

• We will prove that max(f(n), g(n)) = O(f(n)+g(n)) and max(f(n),

g(n))=Ω(f(n)+g(n)). Therefore, max(f(n),g(n)) = Θ(f(n)+g(n))

• For any value of n, max(f(n), g(n)) is either equal to f(n) or equal to g(n).
Therefore, for all n, max(f(n), g(n)) ≤ f (n) + g(n) and max(f(n), g(n)) =
• For all n, max(f(n),g(n)) ≥ f(n) and max(f(n), g(n)) ≥ g(n).
Then 2·max(f(n), g(n)) ≥ f (n)+g(n) ⇒ max(f(n), g(n)) ≥ 1/2 (f(n)+g(n)) ⇒
max(f(n), g(n))=Ω(f(n)+g(n))

Exercise 3
For each pair of expressions (A, B) below, indicate whether A
is O, Ω, or Θ of B. List all correct relations that hold for
each pair
(a) A = n3 + nlogn; B = n3 + n2logn
Ω, Θ, O.
(b) A = log(√n); B =
Ω. Set m=√n. Then A=log(√n)=logm=Θ(logm) and
B= = ==Θ(logm)1/2
(c) A = nlog3n; B = nlog4n
Ω, Θ, O.
(d) A = 2n ; B = 2n/2
Ω. Set m= 2n/2. B = 2n/2= m. A = 2n = 2n/2 2n/2 =m2
(e) A = log(2n); B =log(3n).
Ω, Θ, O. log(2n)=nlog2=n=Θ(n). log(3n)=nlog3= Θ(n)

Exercise 4a Bounds of series, Arithmetic Series
Prove that

First, I will prove that

(replace each i with n)


(remove all terms < n/2, replace the remaining ones with n/2)


Closed formula for arithmetic series

We will solve it in the next class.

Exercise 4b Polynomial Series
Prove that , where c is a constant

First, I will prove that



No closed formula for polynomial series

Exercise 4c Harmonic Series Hn
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
∑ =1+ + + + + + + + …+ + .
𝑖=1 𝑖 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 𝑛− 1 𝑛
 Prove that . Let k=logn, i.e., n=2k

lower bound Hn= upper bound

1/2 1 1
2X1/4=1/2 1/2+1/3 2X1/2=1
4X1/8=1/2 1/4+1/5+1/6+1/7 4X1/4=1

2k-1x1/2k=1/2 (1/2k-1)+(1/2k-1+1)+..(1/2k-1) 2k-1x1/2k-1=1

1/2 1/2k=1/n 1
Each of the right-hand sums (upper bounds) is 1. The number of sums is
logn+1. Thus, Hn ≤ logn+1, and Hn = O(logn).
Each of the left-hand sums is 1/2. Thus, ½(logn +1) ≤ Hn, and Hn =
Combining: Hn= Θ(logn)


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