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Scientific Approach & Quantum Teaching

What is a scientific approach?

An approach used in learning with a focus on the use of
scientific methods in teaching and learning activities
Based on :

that reality is ‘out there’ to be discovered

that direct observation is the way to discover it

that material explanations for observable phenomena are always

sufficient, and that metaphysical explanations are never needed
How to apply the scientific

Observation / structured observation.
On structured observations within the framework of the learning
process, subject phenomena, objects, what challenges students want
to observe have been agreed by the administrator under the
guidance of the teacher

Unstructured observations.
In unstructured observations within the framework of the learning
process, it is not determined by the standard or validity of what
should be observed by students. In this discussion students make
statements, notes, recordings, or remember things that have been

When the teacher asks, at the same time a teacher guides
or guides the student. By asking questions, students are
expected to:

 Generating curiosity, interest, and attention of students

about a theme / learning material.

 Encourage and inspire students to actively learn, and

develop questions from and for themselves.

 Generating students' skills in speaking, asking questions, and

giving answers logically, systematically, and using good and
correct language.

 Encourage students' participation in discussing, arguing,

developing thinking skills, and drawing conclusions.

 Build an attitude of openness to give and receive opinions or

ideas, enrich vocabulary, and develop social tolerance in
group life.

the thing emphasized in this reasoning activity
is students must be more active than the
In the Activity of reasoning students:

 Analyze, compare and determine data


 Make a guess.

 Summing up from the results of the analysis


To obtain real and authentic learning outcomes, students must try or experiment, especially for the appropriate
material or substance.

Based on Teacher Training Material Implementation of Curriculum (2013: 215), so

that the implementation of the "try" activities can run well then what must be
done, among others:

 The teacher should formulate the purpose of the experiment the student will
carry out.

Try  The teacher and students prepare the equipment used.

 Consider place and time.

 The teacher provides work steps as a guide in carrying out activities.

 The teacher discusses the problem that will be used as an experiment.

 The teacher distributes work papers to students.

 Students carry out experiments or experiments with the guidance of the


 The teacher collects student work and evaluates it, and is discussed classically.

What is a Quantum Teaching?
A lively composition of learning, with all its nuances. and quantum
teaching also includes all the connections, interactions, and
differences that maximize learning moments.
Main Principle :

Bring their world to our world and deliver our world to

How to apply the Quantum

Everything Talking
everything from the classroom environment to your body language,
from the paper you share to your study plan, all send messages
about learning

Everything Has a Purpose

Every step, the activities you give students must have interconnected
goals ... everything

Experience Before Naming

Our brains develop rapidly with complex stimuli, which will move
curiosity. therefore, the learning process best occurs when students
have obtained information in the form of a story / case before they
know the terms of the case

Appreciate Every Effort

Learning involves risk. learning means stepping out of your comfort
zone. When students take this step, they deserve recognition of their
skills and confidence

If it’s Worth Learning, It’s Worth Celebrating

Celebrations are breakfast champion students. celebrations
provide feedback on progress and increase the association of
positive emotions with learning.
Advantages and Disadvantages
The Advantages of Scientific Approach
 Helping students to improve and enhance their skills and
cognitive processes.
 The knowledge gained through this model is very personal
and powerful because it strengthens understanding,
memory, and transfer.
 Giving pleasure to students, because of the growing sense of
inquiry and success.
 Causing students to direct their own learning activities by  Student-centered and teacher roles are equally active in
involving their own intellect and motivation. issuing ideas.
 Helping students strengthen their self-concept, because  Encourage students to think and work on their own
they gain the trust of working with others. initiative.
 Encourage students to think intuition and formulate their
own hypotheses.
 Providing decisions that are intrinsic.
 The situation of the learning process becomes more
 The learning process includes fellow aspects of students
towards the formation of a whole person.
 Increase the level of appreciation for students.
 The possibility of students learning by utilizing various types
of learning resources.
 Can develop individual talents and skills.
The Disdvantages of Scientific Approach

 Lead to the assumption that there is a readiness of the mind to

learn. For students who are less clever, will have difficulty
abstracting or thinking or expressing the relationship between
written or oral concepts, so that in turn will cause frustration.
 Inefficient to teach a large number of students, because it
takes a long time to help them find a theory or other problem
 The expectations contained in this approach model can be
dispersed against students and teachers who are used to the
old ways of learning.
 Discovery teaching is more suitable for developing
understanding, while aspects of concepts, skills and emotions
as a whole do not get much attention.
 Does not provide an opportunity to think that will be found.
The Advantages of Quantum Teaching

 Can guide students towards the same thinking in one

channel the same mind.
 Because Quantum Teaching involves more students, so
when the learning process the attention of students can be
focused on things that are considered important by the
teacher, so that important things can be observed carefully.
 Because the movements and processes are performed, they
don't need much information.
 The learning process becomes more comfortable and
 Students are stimulated to actively observe, adjust between
theory and reality, and can try to do it themselves
 Because the Quantum Teaching learning model requires
creativity from a teacher to stimulate students' innate
desire to learn, indirectly the teacher is accustomed to
creative thinking every day.
 The lessons given by the teacher are easily accepted or
understood by students.
The Disdvantages of Quantum Teaching

 This model requires readiness and careful planning in

addition to requiring considerable time, which may be
forced to take time or other study hours.
 Facilities such as adequate equipment, space and costs are
not always well available.
 Because in this method there is a celebration to honor the
efforts of a student in the form of applause, flick of a
finger, singing etc. Then it can interfere with other classes.
 Much time consuming in terms of preparation.
 This model requires special teacher skills, because without
it supported, the learning process will not be effective.
 In order to learn with this learning model getting good
things requires accuracy and patience. But sometimes
carefulness and patience are ignored. So that what is
expected is not achieved as it should.

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