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Recap EM waves(Last lesson)

1. Which of the EM waves has the longest wavelength?

2. Which of the EM waves has the highest frequency?
3. Name a real world application for each EM wave.
4. What is ionising radiation?
5. Which type of electromagnetic radiation travels faster?
6. How much of the electromagnetic spectrum is visible?
7. What is visible light composed of?
P2. 1 MOT IO N
• Displacement-Time Graphs
• Velocity and Acceleration
• Velocity-Time Graphs
• Using Graphs
Displacement-Time Graphs
• Graphs can be used to describe the motion of objects
???÷ Time
Average Velocity= Displacement

• A displacement-time graph shows the displacement an object travelled

over a period of time.
• The gradient of a Displacement-time graph represents Velocity.

Steeper Gradient = Greater Velocity

• If the object is stationary, the line of graph will be horizontal.
• If the object moves at a constant velocity, the line on the displacement
time graph will be a straight slope.
Displacement (m)

Velocity and Acceleration
• Velocity- an object's speed in a given direction
• Velocity changes if either speed or direction changes.
• Acceleration- Change in velocity

a= Acceleration(m/s²)
v= Final velocity(m/s)
u= Initial velocity(m/s)
t= Time taken(s)
Velocity Questions
1. A car cruises at an average velocity of 50 miles per hour. 
How much time will it take to go 600 miles?
 Answer= 12
???hours or 720 mins or 43200 seconds

2. A man walks down a hill at 2 m/s. How far will he have walked in

a minute?
 Answer= 120
??? m

3. Usain Bolt set the 100m world record to 9.58s. What was his
average velocity during the 100 metres?
1. Answer= 10.4384134
??? m/s
Acceleration Questions
1. If a car increase in velocity from 5 m/s to 15 m/s in three seconds, what is its
 Answer = 3.3 m/s

2. If a car accelerates from 3 m/s to 12 m/s in 3 seconds, what is the car's average
 Answer = 3 m/s 2

3. How long does it take to accelerate an object from rest to 15 m/s if the acceleration was
3 m/s2?
 Answer = 5s ???

4. You started to run at 10 km/h when you left your house and you arrived at school 30
minutes later. Assuming that your average acceleration was 30 km/h2, how fast were
you running when you arrived?
 Answer= 25 km/h
Velocity-Time Graphs
• Velocity-time graphs show the velocity of an abject against the time taken.
• The gradient on a velocity-time graph represents acceleration.
Steeper Gradient = Greater Acceleration
• When there is no acceleration, the velocity is constant therefore, there will
be a horizontal line.
• If the graph slopes downwards(negative gradient), then the object
• Area under a velocity-time graph represents the displacement in the given
Using Graphs
Gradient Area under graph Straight slope Curved line Horizontal Line
Displacement- speed Nothing Constant velocity Acceleration Stationary (zero
Time ??? velocity)
Velocity-Time Acceleration displacement Constant Changing Constant velocity
acceleration acceleration (no acceleration)
Graph Questions
1. A roller coaster car rapidly picks up speed as it rolls down a slope. As it starts down the slope,
its speed is 4 m/s. But 3 seconds later, at the bottom of the slope, its speed is 22 m/s. What is
its average acceleration?
2. A cyclist accelerates from 0 m/s to 8 m/s in 3 seconds. What is his acceleration ? Is this
acceleration higher than that of a car which accelerates from 0 to 30 m/s in 8 seconds?
3. A car advertisement states that a certain car can accelerate from rest to 70 km/h in 7
seconds. Find the car’s average acceleration.
4. A lizard accelerates from 2 m/s to 10 m/s in 4 seconds. What is the lizard’s average
5. A runner covers the last straight stretch of a race in 4 s. During that time, he speeds up from
5 m/s to 9 m/s. What is the runner’s acceleration in this part of the race?
6. A ball is dropped from the top of a building. After 2 seconds, it’s velocity is measured to be
19.6 m/s. Calculate the acceleration for the dropped ball.

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