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Non Violence Revolution

Mohanda Gandhi in india

by: Rosalie I. Toquero

Non Violence
Non violence is the personal practice of being harmless to self
and others under every condition. It comes from the belief that
hurting people, animals or the environment is unnecessary to
achieved an outcome and refers to a general philosophy of
abstention from violence based on moral, religious or spiritual
Non Violence Revolution
• Gandhi took the religious principle of ahimsa (doing no harm)
common to Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism and turned it into a
non-violent tool for mass action. He used it to fight not only colonial
rule but social evils such as racial discrimination and untouchability
as well.
• Gandhi called it "satyagraha" which means 'truth force.' In this
doctrine the aim of any non-violent conflict was to convert the
opponent; to win over his mind and his heart and pursuade him to
your point of view.
Non Violence Revolution in India
The beginnings of the nonviolence movement lie in the 
satyagraha philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi, who guided the
people of India to independence from Britain. Despite the
violence of the Partition of India following independence, and
numerous revolutionary uprisings which were not under Gandhi's
control, India's independence was achieved through legal
processes after a period of national resistance rather than
through a military revolution.
Mohandas Gandhi

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was an

Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and
political ethicist, who employed nonviolent
resistance to lead the successful campaign
for India's independence from British rule,
and in turn inspired movements for civil
rights and freedom across the world.
Non violence revolution as science
Gandhi, for whom nonviolence was entirely a science, was
thoroughly convinced that there are laws of spiritual behavior
just as rigorous, reliable and predictable as the laws that
govern the material world. Since, it has political and religious
revolution the scientific approach is more on societal.
According to Gandhi “The science of non violence can alone
lead one to pure democracy”. This means that if we follow the
non violence as a scientific approach that comes from the laws
of nature, we can live freely or have our own freedom.
Non violence criticism &
Non violence of Gandhi had face criticism as well, because of so
much involvement of religion and politics. Some criticized the very
idea of civil disobedience and nonviolent struggle, especially in a
democracy. Gene Sharp, criticise Gandhi’s principled version as
being less than productive, other-worldly and confusing. Other
criticisms include those that claim Gandhi only employed
nonviolence because his forces were weak and he did not have
other more productive weapons. He did what he could with what was
Implication of non violence
• Non violence affects the culture of many countries because it is not using force, harassments and
other tools for violence.
• It affects political and philosophical views as well as civil rights movements.
• It protects and connects in religious organization, human rights also the animal and
environment protection
• It has reduce the society of being violent towards others, but there are other country that
practices violence in order to obey or served the country.
• If we didn’t practice non violence we can face a terror society, where everyone is fear of
going outside and the human rights will ignore.

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