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• Blockchain, invented by Satoshi Nakamoto, is a distributed database technology that BLOCK

holds records of digital information with transparency, security and works without a
controlled central organ. CHAIN
The distributed ledger of
• Originally developed as the accounting method for the virtual currency Bitcoin. Information. In easier
Words it’s a Record Book.

• Because transaction data on the blocks cannot be altered or forged,

the transaction information is very trustworthy.
• By adopting smart contracts which can automate transactions under
certain conditions, you can significantly improve the speed of work.
• In logistics, numerous parties are involved to perform the tasks,
There is also no way of knowing what tasks or processes the other
party is working on in real-time, unless you make a call or send an
email. However, blockchain technology creates a trusted
environment by making sure that transaction information on blocks is
resistant to forgery or modification.

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