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Improving Personal

Effectiveness through Business

contentiSCAPE is a brand of Strengthscape
Trainer Bio
contentiSCAPE is a brand of Strengthscape
Session Plan for Today

Ice Breaker
Pre-training Assessment

The context for Business Communication: Facing Today's

Communication Challenges. 

Writing for Business Audiences

3 10/07/2020
contentiSCAPE is a brand of Strengthscape

 Degrees of Separation
 First, find a partner.
 Introduce yourselves to another participant
and make a list of five to ten things that you
have in common with each other.
 Repeat with five other participants.
 Introduce 2 people they have the most in
common with. And what are the things you
have in common.

4 10/07/2020
contentiSCAPE is a brand of Strengthscape
What do you expect from the
5 10/07/2020
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Workshop Objectives

 Provide the basic skills to the participants to improve spoken and written
communication within the business environment.
 Understand the tips and rules for written and oral communication in the
business context.
 Understand how to improve reading comprehension.
 Understand how to communicate smoothly in the business environment.

6 10/07/2020
contentiSCAPE is a brand of Strengthscape
Pre-training Assessment

 Assessment sheets are shared with you .
 You need 20 minutes to complete the assessment

 After the assessment, individual feedback will be given.

 The session will reconvene at 11:30 am.

7 10/07/2020
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The context for Business Communication: Facing
Today's Communication Challenges. 

 Business Communication is central to organizational success.

 Let’s look at two scenarios and identify the issues that led to
the problem and how can it be resolved.

8 10/07/2020
contentiSCAPE is a brand of Strengthscape
Scenario 1:
Bruce, a research chemist for a major petro-chemical company, wrote a dense
report about some new compounds he had synthesized in the laboratory from
oil-refining by-products. The bulk of the report consisted of tables listing their
chemical and physical properties, diagrams of their molecular structure,
chemical formulas and computer printouts of toxicity tests. Buried at the end of
the report was a casual speculation that one of the compounds might be a
particularly effective insecticide.
Seven years later, the same oil company launched a major research program to
find more effective but environmentally safe insecticides. After six months of
research, someone uncovered Bruce’s report and his toxicity tests. A few hours
of further testing confirmed that one of Bruce’s compounds was the safe,
economical insecticide they had been looking for.
Bruce had since left the company, because he felt that the importance of his
research was not being appreciated.

9 10/07/2020
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Scenario 2:
Joanne supervised 36 professionals in 6 city libraries. To cut the costs of
unnecessary overtime, she issued this one-sentence memo to her staff:
When workloads increase to a level requiring hours in excess of an
employee’s regular duty assignment, and when such work is estimated to
require a full shift of eight (8) hours or more on two (2) or more consecutive
days, even though unscheduled days intervene, an employee’s tour of duty
shall be altered so as to include the hours when such work must be done,
unless an adverse impact would result from such employee’s absence from
his previously scheduled assignment.
After the 36 copies were sent out, Joanne’s office received 26 phone calls
asking what the memo meant. What the 10 people who didn’t call  about
the memo thought is uncertain. It took a week to clarify the new policy.

10 10/07/2020
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Good communication skills are
essential for
 Job placement
 Job performance
 Career advancement
 Success in the new world of work

11 10/07/2020
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Writing for Business Audiences

 The best business writing is

 Audience oriented
 Purposeful
 Economical –clear, concise, brief

To improve your writing skills, you need

 Good teaching materials with excellent model
 An effective writing process

12 10/07/2020
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The Writing Process
13 10/07/2020
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Characteristics of Business Writing

 The business communication must be realistic in nature

 It must avoid the imaginary or useless information for saving time
 Any business communication must have a clear purpose or target. There
should be no doubt in communication.
 The concerned audience must be targeted
 The language used for targeting audience must not be attacking
 It must be a real exchange of information
 One cannot use any metaphor, poetic phrases or creative figures of speech
 It must be clear and brief

14 10/07/2020
contentiSCAPE is a brand of Strengthscape
Characteristics of Business Writing

 Always use polite and well-mannered words while communicating

 It must be influential
 It must be based on facts and figures
 There must not be any personal opinion
 It must be based on mutual understanding
 One must use the exact format for business writing
 It is for providing information, advice, instruction, support or conveying a
 It can be used to give a warning or valuing good work

15 10/07/2020
contentiSCAPE is a brand of Strengthscape
Improving Business Writing
 Business writing must include certain style and grammatical
requirements and norms as follows:
 Know your audience.
 Use nonsexist language
 Don't overuse visuals.
 Use simple, active verbs.
 Avoid jargon and words that simply seek to impress.
 Avoid unsupported generalizations

16 10/07/2020
contentiSCAPE is a brand of Strengthscape
Tips for Effective Business Writing
Put your main points first.

Use everyday words.

Avoid unnecessary jargon and specialist terms.
Use "we’re" not "we are," and "we’ve" not "we have.

Use active verbs rather than passive ones.

Don’t be a slave to supposed grammar rules.

Avoid too many fonts.

17 10/07/2020
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Writing Business Messages 

 Choosing a channel for business communication:

 A communication channel is the medium, mean, manner
or method through which a message is sent to its intended
 Channels of communications:
 Oral Communication
 Written Communications

18 10/07/2020
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Which Channel Is Best?
Written Oral

Both- Written & Oral

19 10/07/2020
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Channel Selections

Urgency Safety

Factors affecting
Scale of
Organization Channel


Record Nature of Message


20 10/07/2020
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General Tips for Business Writing
 Know your audience.
 Know your message, be sure what you want to achieve.
 Make sure your document includes the answers to the Five W’s and an H: Who,
what, where, when, why and how. Show your document to someone outside your
department or company and ask whether anything is missing.
 Banish buzzwords and clichés.
 Avoid using jargon or at least explain it.
 Keep it tight.
 Edit wisely.
 Make it plain and simple:
 Leave the symbols and abbreviations on your phone.
 Write in active voice
 Proofread

21 10/07/2020
contentiSCAPE is a brand of Strengthscape

The context for Business Communication
Writing for Business Audiences

Writing Business

22 10/07/2020
contentiSCAPE is a brand of Strengthscape

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