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The Origin of the Filipino People

 Theory of evolution
Tabon Man

 Theory Migration
 1. Negritos- Atis or Acta- dark, short, curly hair , thick lips,
 2. Indonesian-
 -tall, white in skin, pointed nose, thin lips
 Short, black in skin, disappointed nose, thick lips
3. Malay- fair skin, black eyes, flat nose, straight hair
Origin of the Filipino- Bible
 GOD-
 Adan and Eve
 Seth
 Erosh
 Kenan
 Mahalalel
 Jared
 Enoch
 Methusalah
The story of Malakas and Maganda

The story of Lahing Kayumanggi

Why Philippines is a Unique nation

 The only Christian nation in Asia

 Different in shape
 Colonized and influence by different colonizer- Spain, America, and Japan
 The first republic in Asia
 The first Asian nation achieved its independence by revolution
 The Filipino use Spanish name, speak English, and eat Japanese foods.
 We have different culture
 Filipino are brave
 Different in color
Pre-Spanish period

 Village- balangay- means- Boat 30 – 100 person

 Leaders- Datu, Raha, Haji, sultan

 Community or social classes- maharlika, timawa and Alipin

 Government- balangay

 Laws- code of Kalantiao and Maragtas

The search for new land

 Conflict between Portugal and Spain

 Power and Influence
 Establish commerce
 Prove that they can navigate around the world
 Portuguese were few years ahead of Spaniards in discovery of new route
 Price Henry navigator- reach to east
 Bartolome Dias- rounded the Cape of Hope- India
 Christopher Columbus- great voyage discover the new world America
 Columbus- failed to convince the King that he could reach the east.
 Portugal and Spain became keen rivals in colonizing new land because of gold,
spices and other merchant found in the orient.
 Pope Alexander VI attempting to settle the rivalry issued Inter- Caetera
 Two Kingdom agreed in the Treaty of torsidillas
 Ferdinand Magellan first Portuguese viceroy to the east Indies (1505-1512)
 He promoted the rank of captain 1510.
 Magellan fought against the Moors in Morocco- wounded
 After he return to the Portugal he proposed his plan to travel – Moluccas
 The King refused and even cancelled his promotion
 And he charges of financial irregularities while he was in Morocco.
 Magellan renounced his Portuguese citizenship
 He went to Spain and found new home.
Magellan’s New Route to the East

 Magellan left the port of San Lucar Barrameda Spain September 20,
 With five ship- Trinidad, Concepcion, Santiago, San Antonio, Victoria
 With 250 men
 Accompanying him were
 Fr. Pedro de Valderama
 Antonio Pigafetta
 Duarte- Barbosa
 Enrique- Malay interpreter

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