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Clarke Estonilo
Mairen Faunillan
Aubrey Macaibay
Kathleen Claire Panganiban
Keeshia Parlucha
What is Post-Colonialism?
⬗ academic study of the
cultural legacy of
colonialism and imperialism,
focusing on the human
consequences of the control
and exploitation of colonized
people and their lands.
⬗ is the outlook and studies
as responses to colonial
of European or Western to
Third and Fourth-world that

emerged in 70’s.
⬗ Thus in literature, it is an
interaction and reaction in
societies and the effects of
Post Colonial
Main Concepts
1. Mimicry
From the theory of Homi K.

Bhabha, mimicry is a concept of
imitating coloniser’s behaviors
intended to mock which can
appear as a parody in
literature. It’s a sort of anti-
movement in literature that
producing social-political
⬗ The fusion of two traditions to
which create new trans-
culturalelements and produce a
double identity that contradicted,
as a colonizer and colonized at the
same time.
⬗ In literature, it causes ambivalency
and confusing whether it is
oppossing or supporting colonialism.
Because for whatever, post-
colonial texts suppose to
uncontaminated by the
⬗ In Edward Said’s book
“Orientalism” it is clear that
orientalism is the project of
European/Western for having
authority over the orient and
reconstruct in European
thinking. In another word, it’s
the concept for dominating,
manipulating, exploiting the
orient. An interestedness in
Orient world recorded in so
⬗ In literature, we are often
told that what makes
Shakespeare ‘great’ is his
ability to reveal something of
‘the universal human
condition’. Universalism gives
assumption that ‘European’
equals ‘universal’. It’s the way
of European to elevate their
status. That is why
universalism rejected by post-
Post-colonial literature is a kind of
literary work which describes
realistic experience of what really
happens around us and to remind
don’t just shut our eyes. It is believe
that one voice could lead into a
betterment for our future and society.
In post-colonial
perspective, literary works
emerged to unveil
subjugation, injustice,
violence, discrimination,
inequality, to sound the
marginal and subaltern
people, so that from post-
productions yielded social
A picture is worth a
thousand words

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