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Java Programming: From

Problem Analysis to Program

Design, 5e
Graphical User Interface
Event Handling
Graphical User Interface (GUI) Components
• View inputs and outputs simultaneously
• One graphical window
• Input values in any order
• Change input values in window
• Click on buttons to get output

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
Java GUI Components

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
Graphical User Interface (GUI) Components
• GUI components placed in content pane
• GUI components
• Windows
• Labels
• Text areas
• Buttons

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
GUI Components
• Added to content pane of window
• Not added to window itself
• Pixel: picture element

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
• Can be created using a JFrame object
• The class JFrame provides various methods to control attributes of a
• Measured in pixels of height and width
• Attributes associated with windows
• Title
• Width
• Height

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
class JFrame
• GUI window instance created as instance of JFrame
• Provides various methods to control window attributes

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
Methods Provided by the class JFrame

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
Methods Provided by the class Jframe (continued)

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
Two Ways to Create a Window
• First way
• Declare object of type JFrame
• Instantiate object
• Use various methods to manipulate window
• Second way
• Create class containing application program by extending definition of class
• Utilizes mechanism of inheritance

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
Content Pane
• Inner area of GUI window (below title bar, inside
• To access content pane:
• Declare reference variable of type Container
• Use method getContentPane of class JFrame

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
Methods Provided by the class Container

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
class JLabel
• Labels: objects of particular class type
• class JLabel: used to create labels
• Label attributes
• Title
• Width
• Height
• To create a label:
• Instantiate object of type JLabel
• Modify attributes to control display of labels

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
class Jlabel (continued)

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design, 5e
class JTextField
• Text fields: objects belonging to class JTextField
• To create text field:
• Declare reference variable of type JTextField
• Instantiate object

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
class JTextField (continued)

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
class JTextField (continued)

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
class JButton
• Provided to create buttons in Java
• To create button:
• Same technique as creating JLabel and JTextField

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
class Jbutton (continued)

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
Handling an Event
• Action event: event created when JButton is
• Event listener: object that receives message when
JButton is clicked
• In Java, you must register the listener

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
Handling an Event (continued)
• class ActionListener
• Handles action event
• Part of package java.awt.Event
• The class ActionListener is a special type of class (interface)
• Must contain actionPerformed method

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
Rectangle Program: Sample Run

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
Programming Example: Temperature
• Input: temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius
• Output: temperature in Celsius if input is Fahrenheit; temperature in
Fahrenheit if input is Celsius

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
Programming Example: Temperature
Conversion (continued)
• Solution
• Create the appropriate JLabels, JTextFields, JButtons
• Add them to the created content pane
• Calculate the appropriate conversions when the buttons are clicked and an
event is triggered

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
Sample Run for TempConversion

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
Quick Quiz
1. True or False: The method setTitle is part of the class
2. GUI components are placed in an area of the GUI window
called the __________.
3. True or False: The class Container is part of the package
4. A subclass inherits all the properties of the __________.
5. When a button in the GUI is clicked, a(n) __________ has
1. True 
2. content pane
3. False
4. superclass
5. event
Event Handling
• Action events
• Handled by implementing interface ActionListener
• Window events
• Handled by implementing interface WindowListener
• Mouse events
• Handled by implementing interface MouseListener
• Key events
• Handled by implementing interface KeyListener
Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to
Program Design, 5e
Event Handling (continued)
• class WindowAdapter
• Implements interface WindowListener with empty bodies to
• class MouseAdapter
• Implements interface MouseListener with empty bodies to methods

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
Registering Listeners
• Registering window listener object to GUI component
• Use method addWindowListener
• Window listener object being registered is passed as parameter
to method addWindowListener
• Registering mouse listener object to GUI component
• Use method addMouseListener
• Mouse listener object being registered is passed as parameter to
method addMouseListener

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
Event Handling (continued)

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
Event Handling (continued)

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
Event Handling (continued)

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e
Programming Example: Calculator

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to

Program Design, 5e

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