Literasi Manusia - Week 5

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Pertemuan 5
Creative thinking
Problem solving
Innovation management

Ketepatan membahas dan

CAPAIAN berargumentasi tentang cara berpikir
PEMBELAJARAN kreatif, berinovasi, berpikir out of the
Problem Solving Skill 3

• Becomes a good problem solver is a complex process

• Sebelum menjadi memiliki skill “problem solver”,
dalam tataran ilmiah, seperangkat skill yang harus
dimiliki diantaranya:
• Critical thinking
• Creative thinking
• Jadi, kompleksitas problem solving dikarenakan skill
ini tidak dapat berdiri sendiri dan harus didukung
oleh seperangkat skill lain.
• Problem solving merupakan output dari proses
berpikir kritis dan kreatif.

Problem Solving Process (Adler, 1996)


• Critical thinking is “the ability to think clearly and

rationally about what to do or what to believe
• includes the ability to engage in:
• reflective
• and independent thinking

• Critical thinking is important to students in providing them to

become an excellent employee or entrepreneur because with
the skills they are able to:
– identify issues / problems in a complex situation and
– able to assess and justify the situation,
– able to think beyond boundaries at most times and
– to provide challenging views and able to make decision based on
real solid evidence
– and to identify the source of evidence

(Edwards, 2015; Flood, 2015; Facione, & Gittens, 2015; Whiley, Witt,
Colvin, Sapiains Arrue & Kotir, 2017)

• Creative thinking can be defined

as the entire set of cognitive
Creative activities used by individuals
according to a specific object,

Thinking problem and condition, or a type

of effort toward a particular event
and the problem based on the
capacity of the individuals.
Creative Thinking

• They try to use their imagination, intelligence,

insight, and ideas when they face to such situations.
• In addition, they try to suggest an authentic and new
design, generate different hypotheses, solve the
problem with the help of discovering and finding
new applications

Dynamic of Culture and Society 10

• Premis dari kebudayaan adalah ia bersifat dinamis

(berubah-ubah) dan unik.
• Artinya, kebudayaan ini selalu terkait dengan aspek
ruang dan waktu. Ruang dan waktu ini seringkali
dikaitkan dengan istilah “konteks”.
• Begitu pula dengan society (kelompok masyarakat) yang
selalu hidup dalam cultural spheres
• Perubahan lingkungan, pertambahan penduduk, dan
ditemukannya teknologi baru, turut menuntun kita ke
dalam sebuah sistem kebudayaan yang semakin
Pertanyaannya, merespon perubahan tersebut, mungkinkah
solusi dapat dicapai tanpa inovasi?

• "Innovation" berasal dari bagasa Latin "innovare"

merujuk pada ‘kebaruan’. Dari sudut pandang ekonom,
inovasi adalah sesuatu yang baru yang membawa
manfaat bagi organisasi dan atau kelompok masyarakat.
• innovation as the act of introducing a new device,
method or material for application to commercial or
practical objectives.
First, it can be DEVICE

menyangkut produk nyata/tampak (tangible) yang

merupakan output dari perusahaan yang mengembangkan
dan memproduksinya.
• smartphone
• new electric motor bike
• Electric car
• Solar panel
• Etc
Second, a new Methods 13

• new way of assembling cars

• or a new way of growing crops
• and such innovation can concern a new business
New method, oftenly, is related to New Way to add more
Third, 14

a new Material

• New type of wood that grows faster?

• Environmental friendly “plastic”?
• Etc.
Finally, the three of them (new device, method or
material) should also be applicable to personal or
practical objectives
Innovation Management 15

Innovation management is about how organizations and

their employees manage innovation activities. So it's
about how organizations manage their acts of
introducing new devices, methods or materials.

• Merumuskan/memformulasikan strategi-strategi inovasi.

• memastikan bahwa karyawan/manusia di lingkungan sekitar
dapat kreatif dan menghasilkan ide-ide baru.
• bagaimana mengelola ide, bagaimana memilih ide dan
bagaimana meningkatkan ide.
• Pelaksanaan proyek-proyek inovasi. Proyek inovasi dapat
berupa, misalnya, pengembangan produk baru.
• membuat keputusan, misalnya, anggota mana yang harus
berada dalam tim proyek? Dan bagaimana menghadapi
peristiwa tak terduga dan tantangan lain yang ada di sekitar
Kesimpulan 17

Manajemen inovasi mencakup semua tindakan untuk

mempromosikan dan mengeksploitasi inovasi di
perusahaan. Tidak hanya fokus pada kebaruan, tetapi juga
manfaat dari inovasi. Tujuannya adalah terciptanya
produk/metode/material baru yang tercipta dari inovasi,
dan menciptakan ekosistem yang lebih efektif, efisien, dan
memberikan manfaat secara inklusif.

Ana Kustrak Korper, Lia Patrício, Stefan Holmlid, Lars Witell, Service design as an innovation approach in technology
startups: a longitudinal multiple case study, Creativity and Innovation Management, 10.1111/caim.12383, 29, 2, (303-
323), (2020)
Jan Auernhammer, Design Research in Innovation Management: a pragmatic and human‐centered approach, R&D
Management, 10.1111/radm.12409, 50, 3, (412-428), (2020).
Vanessa Ratten, Vanessa Ratten, Culture, social and sustainable innovation, Sports innovation management,
10.4324/9781315177977, (58-68), (2017).
Hidalgo, Antonio, and Jose Albors. "Innovation management techniques and tools: a review from theory and practice."
R&d Management 38.2 (2008): 113-127.
Nambisan, Satish, et al. "Digital Innovation Management: Reinventing innovation management research in a digital
world." Mis Quarterly 41.1 (2017).
Dodgson, Mark, David M. Gann, and Nelson Phillips, eds. The Oxford handbook of innovation management. OUP Oxford,
Dacey, John S. Fundamentals of creative thinking. Lexington, MA: lexington Books, 1989.
Newell, Allen, J. Clifford Shaw, and Herbert A. Simon. "The processes of creative thinking." Contemporary Approaches to
Creative Thinking, 1958, University of Colorado, CO, US; This paper was presented at the aforementioned symposium..
Atherton Press, 1962.
Webster, Peter R. "Creativity as creative thinking." Music Educators Journal 76.9 (1990): 22-28.

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